Friday, 12 October 2018

Counter - View

(2) Prepare a paragraph with an appropriate title to be used for the Counter-View Section on the following topic in about
 120 words ;

  "Can the use of lnternet enhance students' learning?"

 You can take help of the following points from the View   

 (2) View-CounterView

Though Internet helps in finding out the words easily but it makes the students a bit lazy to even find same by using Dictionary. Internet though makes learning interesting but there’re certain precautions that need to be taken before handing over the charges to students as some of the content won’t be acceptable as viewable. As much of the material is available on the Internet students don’t feel like reading the basic details by reading textbooks which make them jump to the marks without reading the exact content. Though internet helps in explanations but without the proper guidance of a teacher it’ll be really difficult for a student to figure out what is true and what isn’t. Yes the internet helps to update the latest knowledge but it isn’t true always so the person reviewing the same should take proper care.

Speech Writing. - Fathers Day

(B) Prepare a speech on 'Father's Day' with the help ofthe following    points :

(1) Man of practical attitude.
(2) Thinker of future.
(3) Pillar of family.

(4) Greatest family support. 

(B) Speech Writing: [3 Marks]


Good morning to all present here, I would like to take an oppurnity to share my views and feelings towards my beloved father who has always been a strong moral and physical support of my life. Because of his practicality, I have always been able to take wise decisions during confusing situations.

 Due to my father’s future thinking and focused attitude, I was able to select the correct path of life and develope my career. My father has always stood by me as a guide, philosopher and pillar during my tough times as he always believes that strong support leads to achievements and enhances positivityin life.Ialwaysbelievedthewordfamily,createsanatmosphereofunity,support andequalitybutmy father made me understand the most important part which is love which comes from within and he always kept my expectations ahead without thinking about himself which is a sacrifice not all can go ahead with and I consider him as the greatest family support, due to his never ending love and passion for making me who I am.

Thank you very much.

Jai Hind

Interview Questions

A) Imagine that you are ajournalist and you have been assigned the  task of interviewing a film actor I actress. Frame a set of 8 to 10  questions to interview him / her. (4)

Q. 7. Interview Questions: [4 Marks]

 Introduction: - 
Today I am going to meet one of the legends of Indian cinema who needs no introduction, his name is Mr. Amitabh Bachhan.

 (i) What was your motivation behind a successful actor?

 (ii) How do you manage your personal and professional life?

 (iii) When you decided to be an actor, did your family support you?

 (iv) A part from your acting career, what other profession would you have like to opt, if you would not be an actor?

 (v) How did you tackle the tough phase of your life?

 (vi) What phase of life do you enjoy the most, being a son, being a father or being a grand father?

 (vii) What is your reaction to the people, who mimic you?

 (viii) What advice you would like to give the youngsters who follow you?


Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara Std-XII. 2024-25 Preliminary Examination

  Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara Std-XII.                2024-25 Preliminary Examination Marks- 80 English (Activity Sheet) Section-A-Prose ...