Saturday, 19 January 2019

Activity on poem 'Nation's strength'

Q.Read the following extract and then do the activities that follow.

 And is it this pride?Ah that bright Crown has seemed to Nation sweet
but God has struck its luster down
 in Ashes at his feet
Not gold but only men can make
A people great and strong;
Men who for truth and honor's sake Stand fast and suffer long.
Brave men who work while others sleep, Who dare while others fly...
They built a nation's pillars deep And lift then to the sky.

 A1.Complete. 2

 The builders of the strong nation are :

i)Men who can stand firm for sake of truth and honour.

ii)  Who work for the good of the country.

iii)who dare to do things while others run away

iv)Brave men

 A2) Poetic Device. 2

 Identify the figure ofspeech used in the following line and find out one more example of the same fromt he given stanzas.

 'Has seemed to nation's sweet'
Exa.Not gold but only men can make.

A3) Personal Response. 2

Write the ways in which you would like to contribute in the development of your nation?

I can contribute in the development of my country by-
i) by teaching illiterate people.
ii) By not doing corruption.
iii) By working hard.

 A4. Poetic creativity. 2

 Compose four poetic lines of your own expressing your feelings for your nation and your role to make it high.

Activity on 'One full- One half'

 Read the first activity, Read the extract and then do all the activities. 12 

Al True or False. 2

 a) The mother's belief in her son was the source ofher strength.   True

b) Chaitanya's mother felt nervous to carry him with her at public places. False

c) Chaitanya could achieve the success due to the support ofthe family and the school.True

d) Chaitanya was bright. in study and in extra-curricular activities.False

 My own faith in Chaitanya started giving me abundant strength. I no longer wanted to hide myself from the glaring eyes of the world. I took him around with me. He went with us everywhere like any normal child. We were not sorry or uncomfortable carrying him around. If I required help for him in public places, I was not embarrassed to seek it from people around. I did not mind telling them that he was a special child. I was no more scared ofpeople's curious looks and awkward questions. I could talk about Chaitanya's problem calmly. As my mind opened up further, I could discern a new hope.springing in my heart. I felt happy I was a Special Mother. The Special school did Chaitanya a lot of good. He was now a much more confident person, adored by his teachers, his friends and his school staff. His speech improved and expressions became clearer. His social manners became laudable. Academically, he was still lagging behind the expected standard of learning but it was okay. He started developing an all-round interest in craft, art, music, dancing and sports. Early in 1997-98, when he returnedfrom the state level inter school sports, he had two prizes to his credit a silver medal. He had won his laurels in athletic events and the silver in a running race. When I saw the prizes and read the citation Chaitanya has received, I was stupefied in total disbelief, then - hugged him, kissed him and cried unabashedly to my heart's content.That day,I cried for the first time out of joy and a sense of being vindicated.

A2) Complete
Complete the following table by writing the changes in Chaitanya after entering into the school.

Changes in Chaitanya





 a)   Special school did Chaitnya a lot of good.                                                 

b) He is now much more confident person.                                 
c)  His speech improved and expressions became clearer.                                                  

d) His social manners became laudable.                    

A3 Guess. 2

 Guess and write the problems that the mother would have faced while carrying Chaitanya with her to the public places.

ii) .............................................................


i)People look curiously and ask awkward questions.

ii) she felt uncomfortable carrying him around.

 A4 Vocabulary.

 Choose the correct word for the following from the extract :

i) Without embarrassment or shame.=                      unabashedly

 ii) Worthy to be praised =  Laudable

 iii) Existing in large quantity .= abundant

iv) Prove to be right  =  vindicated

A5 Personal Response.

Write the ways you can help to the children like Chaitanya in the society.

A6 Grammar.

Rewrite the sentences in the ways instructed, :

i) We were not sorry or uncomfortable carrying him around.

Answer-   We were not sorry or uncomfortable to carry him around.

(Rewrite the sentence using infinitive form ofthe underlined word.)

ii) His speech improved.

 (Rewrite the sentence using noun form ofthe underlined word.)

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara Std-XII. 2024-25 Preliminary Examination

  Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara Std-XII.                2024-25 Preliminary Examination Marks- 80 English (Activity Sheet) Section-A-Prose ...