Wednesday, 22 January 2020


                Junior Colleges

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara

PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION                          -2019 - 20

Std. xn Subject : English Marks : 80

Date : 21/1/2020

                           Section I
(Reading skill, Grammar, Vocabulary, Note-making & Summary)

A) Read the first activity, read extract and then do all the activities. 12

Al) Match the events incolumn'A with the time of the year in column 'B'

Group 'A'                                        Group 'B'

i) Farmers of kerala begin their activities
Ans:- b) after the New year festival of vishu
ii) Vishupakshi begins singing its vitthumkaikkottum
Ans:-c) in the first week of March

It is April and another Vishu came and is gone. It is the new Year festival of Kerala, and closely related to the beginning of agricultural activities. In the  past, immediately after Vishu paddy would be sown and agricultural activities would start anew. Farmers believed in the rain god and the rains never failed them. But even it therains played truant, therewas one bird -vishupakshi  which never failed to wake up farmers with its vitthumkaikkottum (seedand spade) song. Every year starting in the first week of March, the bird was heard   singing its never - ending vitthumkaikkottum. It was a remainder to thefarmers and background music to the beginning of farming activities. I have never heard any other bird, except the cuckoo, that sing sobeautifully as vishupakshi. And thissond would be heard only in m@rch and April.
This summer, the bird might have watched that even if it urges the people   to take to the seed and shovel nobody has seeds to take and it might also have  observed that in the district which was once called the granary of Kerala, there  is no place for sowing the seeds and it might have decided not to sing or even
visit us (I think it is a migratory bird. It sings even at midnight. It perchaseonly on the top of very big trees and their felling may be the reasons why the bird did not turn up). Not only are the song and sound of vishupakshi missing
today; there are many other birds which won't be seen and heard again

We were an agrarian people. And my main hobby in my early teens was to wander through paddy field to see the different kinds of birds and how they nest. On the outskirts of the paddy fields, there had been any coconut trees and black palm trees. Beautifully crafted nests of the weaver - birds thookkanaam kuruvi&al would be seen dangling from the ends of palm leaves.  Hundreds of these little birds would land on the paddy to squeee the milk from the tender rice.

A2) Point out. 2

Point out two natural reminders to the farmer to begin his agricultural activities.
Ans:- two natural reminders to the farmer to begin his agricultural activities are,

1.Sound of vishuPakshi.
2.Rain God.
3.Vishu New year festival of Kerala.

 A3) Complete. 2

Complete the following sentence in about 50 words.

'There are many birds which won't be seen or heard again because,

'There are many birds which won't be seen or heard again because,
1.Some birds are migratory. 
2. Birds perch on trees but nowadays trees are being cut.
3.there is no enough food available to birds. 

A4) Vocabulary. 2   

Give meanings of the following words.
i) played truant = stayed away
ii) perches= to sit on a branch

A5) Personal Response.

Write down some initiatives that you will take to save birds.
Ans:- Following Initiatives will save the birds,
1.Plant more and more trees. 
2.make them available water and food they like.
3.Save natural habitat of birds. 
4. Develop bird parks around us. 
A6) Grammar. 2

Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed •
.i) It sings even at midnight. (Rewrite it using the past continuous tense.)
Ans:- It was singing even at midnight.
ii) These little birds would land on the paddy. (Rewrite it using 'used to'.)
Ans:- These little birds used to land on the paddy.
B) Grammar.

3 Do as directed :

i) He was .....clever boy but he could not even solve all ...... questions.) (Rewrite it using appropriate articles)
Ans:- a,the
ii) They stood .......silence as a mark ....honour to her.
(Use propositions)
Ans:- in,of
3) The polliceman said to him, "Where are you going ?"
(Change into Indirect speech)
Ans:- The policeman asked him where he was going. 
Q.2A) Read the first activity, read the extract and then do all the activities. 12

Al) Choose
Choose two sentences that appropriately explain the theme of the octract :

1) Population is a grave concern.
2) The problem of population growth is not so serious at it seems.
3) The rate of popoulation growth has fallen sharply.
4) We can not easily resolve the problem of population growth.

Ans:2) The problem of population growth is not so serious at it seems.

3) The rate of popoulation growth has fallen sharply.

Researchers recently announced the &arth could actually withstand up to  200,000 times the current population. They arrived at this figure by calculating the amount of heat a humatfbody emits, and only at 1.3 million billion would the earth be too hot to be habitable. And though it would feel like being In a can of sardines if that figure were ever reached, the earth is capable of comfortably sustaining a population several times the current 6.5 billion.
In fact, fertility is actually on the decline worldwide. Though population has grown, the rate of growth has fallen sharply. Twenty years ago, the UN   projected thal population would reach 11.16 billion in 2050, today they say it will reach only 9.37 billion. Moreover, human population will stabilize at about 11.5 billion. While this figure is almost twice the current one, it is hard!)' claustrophobic.
True, the demands on resources are heavy even now, but this is e due  to the manner in which these resources are being used. In fact, figure show that a bigger population does not amount to greater consumption. Over 20% of the world's people in the highest - income countries account for 86% of total  vate consumption expenditure - the poorest 20% a tiny 1.3% With just 5% of  ete world's population, the US consumers about 40% of the world'* reéources. Would you say the US is overpopulatied ?
Concems on scarcity of food are equally baseless. In fact. global food production has actually kept up with population growth. If people starve in many
countries it is not because food is becoming scarce; it is because those people cannot afford it. We imagine the prospect of a bigger population only in terns
of the lifestyle and technology of today. By2050 , or even 10 years from now, technology and even human bodies will have done much to adapt and innovate from the resources available, and rnade more inventions for sustenance and comfort.

A2) Find out.

2 Find out two points to support the following sentence.
'The earth can withstand 200,000 times the current population.

Ans:The earth can withstand 200,000 times the current population because 

1.only at 1.3 million billion would the earth be too hot to be habitable.

2.the earth is capable of comfortably sustaining a population several times the current 6.5 billion.

A3) Complete 2

Complete the following sentence.
Concerns on scarcity of food are baseless because


In fact global food production has actually kept up with population growth. If people starve in many

countries it is not because food is becoming scarce; it is because those people cannot afford it
 A4 Vocabulary.

2 Match the words in column 'A' with its antonyms in column 'B'.

1) habitable = inhabitable 
2) accept = decline
3) stabilise=destabilize
4)abundance = scarcity)

A5) Personal Response.

The problem of population growth is very serious. Explain.
Ans:-The problem of population growth is very serious because, 
1. It creates many social problems. 
2. It creates food problems 
3. It affects people's lifestyle.
4. It causes for many diseases. 
A6) Grammar.

2 Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed ;

1) The earih could withstand upto 200,000 time the current population.
(Rewrite it using the Modal Auxiliary showing 'Certainty'.)

Ans:- The earih will withstand upto 200,000 time the current population.

2) Though population has grown, the rate of growth has fallen sharply. (Rewrite as a compound sentence)

Ans:_ Population has grown but the rate of growth has fallen sharply.

  B) Note making.
Read the following extract carefully and complete the notes given below. 3

Handlooms are an important craft product and comprise the largest cottage industry of the country. Millions of looms across the country are engaged in weaving cotton, silk and other natural fibres. There is hardly a village where weavers to not exit, each weaving out the traditional beauty of India'sOW9 precious heritage.
  In the world of handlooms, there are Madras checks from Tamilnadu, I kats from Andra and Orissa, tie and dye from Gujrat and Rajasthan, brocades from Banaras, Jacalyards from Uttear pradesh, Daccai from west Bengal, and phulkari from panjab. Yet despite this regional distinction there has been a great deal of technical and stylistic exchange among the different region of the country.
Given the the wide and exciting range of handloom it is not surprising that the rich and beautiful products of the weavers of india have been called "exquisite poetryin colourful fabrics."


Handloom of India - align centre

a) Handloom weavers weaves on looms -

i) cotton
ii) silk
 iii) other natural fibers

b) Handloom styles are distinctive yet there is technical and stylistic exchange.

c) Handlooms are  cottage industry.

Q.3 A) Read the first activity, read the extract and then do all the activities. 12

Al) True / False. 2

State whether the following statements are true or false.

i) Many of our young people spend more time before their T.V. sets than they do on their cell phones. False 

ii) The television has become the single most powerful influnce in the lives of many of our youngster today. True 

iii) Radio also provides us with a fuller and more impressive coverage of current events than any other media. False 

iv) Television can also be used for education.

We often hear this statement that "many of our young people spend more time before their T.V. sets, than they do in their classrooms or with their textbooks. " A bit exaggerated though it may sound, it is nearly true and our teenagers are being considerably influenced by the electronic media, particularly the T.V. The television has become the single most powerful influerre in the lives of many of our youngsters today. Too often this happens to us, much before we realise it ourselves.
I am in no way trying to deny the many advantages of T. V., or minimise its manifold contributions to our world. On thc other hand, I consider T.V. as one of the greatest scientific achievements of our times, bringing people closer  than ever before.
Television's use of the modem satellite technology brings even the remotest regions of the world to us in seconds, reducing the world a small (global)  village. As we know, television also provides us with a fuller and more impressive coverage of current events than any other media.
The T.V. does serve, in adition, as a medium of education as well as entertainment. Besides helping us to learn subjects taught in schools, college in geater depth, it enables us to see and appreciate from close quarters the won- ders of God's creation in any part ofthe world.

 A2) web

 Cömplete the web-diagram by stating the advantages of television as given in the passage.

Advantages of Television 
1.bring people closer. 
2. Provide fuller current event.
3. Medium of instruction. and entertainment 

A3) Guess :

Guess the reason why the author says, "Television's use of the modern satellite technology brings today even the remotest regions of the world to us in seconds."

A4) Vocabulary

Find out the synonyms of the following words from the extract

A6) Grammar.

 Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed.
i)  T.V, does serve as a medium of education ag well as entertainmetf. (Rewrite it using 'not only - but also")
Ans:- T.V. does serve not only as a medium of instructions
But also entertainment. 2.T.V. as one of the greatest scientific achievmatb of our times. (Réwrite it using the noun form of  underlined word)

 B) Summary

Summarise the-above extract with the help of the points given suggest a suitable title for it.
T.V. - misunderstanding -  on youngsters- advantages -


‘The Greater Influence of Television on Youngsters’

 The passage explains us about the merits and demerits of Television. It also emphasise on the powerful influence of T.V. on youngsters. Television’s use of the modern satellite technology made this entire world into a global village. It also sharpens our mind with the day to day current updates. Apart from education and entertainment,  The T.V. serves as medium of education as well as entertainment. Besides, helping us to learn subjects taught in schools, college in greater depth, it enables us to see and appreciate from close quarters the wonders of God’s creation in any part of the world. We do agree with the statement that many of our young people spend more time before their T.V. sets because of the following reasons.
Almost every home has a T.V. set. Almost full control on T.V. as well as on Remote control is there in the hand of children & young people. It relaxes us from various tiny things & routine work.

Section 2 (Poetry)

 Read the following extract and then do ail the activities that follow. 8

The banyan free was three times as tall as our house
IS trunk had a circumference of fifty feet
Its scraggly aerial roots fell to the ground
From etirty feet or more so first they cut the branches
Sawing them off for seven days and the heap was huge
Insects and birds began to leave the tree
 And then they came to its massive trunk
Fifty men with axes chopped and chopped

'The great free revealed its rings of two hundred years
We watched in teror and fascination this slaughter
As a raw mythology revealed to us its age

Soon afterwards we left Baroda for Bombay
Whete there are no trees except the one
Which grows and seethes in one's dreams, its aerial roots
Looking for ground to strike

Al) Complete .

2 Complete the following sentence :

i) The hight of the tree was -
Three times as tall as our house 
  ii) The poet watched in terror and fascination the -
The  slaughter

A2) Poetic Device.

2 Name and explain the figure of speech in the following line.

'We watched in terror and facination this slaughter :
Ans:- Antithesis
" terror " and "fascination" are contradictory  words.

A3) Personal Response. 2

State what your reaction would be If you saw a huge tree being cut infront of your eyes.
1. I will try to stop them.
2. I will tell them importance of tree.

A4) Poetic creativity. 2

 Write a poem of two lines on a topic of your choice.

Section - Ill
 (Rapid Reading and Composition)

 Q5(A) Read the extract and do the activities that follow.

Next day the wrestling match was arranged to take place in front of the Duke's palace. Celia and Rosalind happened to be there when the Duke and his lords arrived, so they decided to stay and watch the fight. Frederick spoke to Orlando, and tried to persuade him not to fight the wrestler, but Orlando was detern•üned. At last Frederick turned to Rosalind and Celia and said : 'Speak to him, ladies; see if you can persuade him.'
Charles had just fought three other young men and had nearly killed them. It seemed certain that Orlando would be treated in the same way. And so the two girls spoke to the tall, good-looking young man, begging him not to fight. "You have seen cruel proof of this man's strength,' said Celia. 'We pray you for your own?ake to give up this fight. Do not run such a risk
. We will ask the Duke to stop the wrestling.'
But Orlando answered : ' Please do not be angry if I refuse to do what you ask It is not easy to say no to ladies who are so beautiful and gentle. But let

your fair eyes and gentle wishes go with me to my trial. No one will be sorry if I am killed, because I have no friends to love me. I fill up a place in the world which may be better filled by another man if I leave it empty.'

  'I wish I could give you the little strength I have,' said Rosalind, and Celia  added : And mine, too, to help out hers.'
The wrestler Charles arrived and Celia looked at him angrily. 'I wish I were invisible, to catch that strong fellow by the leg !' she whispered to her  cousin.

Al) Complete the following table. 2
'A' (statement) 'B' (who said to whom)
ii) "We will ask the Duke to stop the wrestling."
Ans:- Rosalind said to Orlando 
"I fillup a place in the world which may be better filled by another man if I leave it empty."
Ans:- Orlando said to Rosalind. 

A2) Write an imaginary paragraph of about 50 words procedingtheextract. 2

B) Read the extract and do the activities that follows.

It was the last I ever saw of her.
My brothers and I were transported in a cattle car to Germany.
We arrived at the Buchenwald concentralion camp one night weeks later and were led into a crowded barrack. The next day, we were issued informs and identification numbers.

"Don't call me Herman anymore." I said to my brother. "Call me 94983." I was put to work in the camp's crematorium, loading the dead into a handcranked elevator. I , too, felt dead. Hardened, I had become a number.
Soonmy brother and I were sent to Schlieben, one of Buchenwald's sub-camps
near Berlin.
One morning I thought I heard my motheds voice,

"Son," she said softly but clearly. "I am going to send you an angel." Then I woke up. Just a dream. A beautiful dream.
But in this place there could be no angles. There was only work. And hunger. And fear.
A couple of days later, was walking around the camp, around the barracks,  near the barbed-wire fence where the guards could not easily see. I was alone. On the other side of the fence, I spotted someone: a little girl with light, almost luminous curls. She was half hidden behind a birch tree.
I glanced around to make sure no one saw me. I called to her softly in German.
'Do you have somethingto eat ?" She didn't understand.
I inched closer to the fence and repeated the question in Polish. She stepped forward. I was thin and gaunt, with rags wrapped around my feet, but the girl  looked unafraid. In her eyes, I saw life. She pulled an apple from her woollen jacket and threw it over the fence.
I grabbed the fruit and, as I started to run away, I heard her say faintly, "I'll see you tomorrow."

Al) Complete the following statements based on the extract. 2

i) Herman's job at the crematorium at the Buchenwald concentration camp
Ans:- loading the dead in to a hand cracked elevator 
ii) One morning while walking around the camp, near the barbed wire fence,
Herman spotted.
Ans:- little girl with light, almost luminous curls 
A2) Write a gist : 2
Write a gist of the extract in about 50 words.

(Std.X11 English Section IV 
(Written Communication) 

Q.VI (A) Letter Writing.

Write any ONE of thefollowing letters.   (4) 1) Write a letter of appplication to the principal asking to grant sick leave.


2) Write a letter to the manager of your local ST depot pointing out that there are not enough buses on your college route in the morning and often they do not run as per their time table, there-by causing inconvenience to junior college students. Request him to take necessary action.

B) Write on any ONE of the following items. 4
1) Write a short tourist leaflet on any tourist attraction you knowwith the help of the following points.

i) How to reach there ?
 ii) Where to stay ?
iii) What to see ? 
iv) shopping attraction.
v) Add your own points.


2) Report writing.

Write a report on the 'Tree-plaintation programme. by the NSS unit of your college on 15th August.

Write on any ONE of the following items.

1) Counter view : Read the following view section and develope a counter-view section in about 120 words.

Whåtsapp is a harmful app
Wastage of time and energy.
Adverse effect on the routine life
Harmful to the studies of
Creates mental stress and strain It is addictive


2) Information Transfer :-

Look at the following pie-chrt  and write
Short paragraph based on it in about 120 words :
Causes of worldwide Land Degradation.

Q. 7 A) Interview Questions : 7 Your Junior college is well - known for it's innovative academic activities.

 Imagine that you are going to interview of the principal. Frame a set of  to 10 questions to him / her.

B) Speech Drafting.

Your college has organised the 'Children's Day' (on 14th November). Prepare a speech on it in about 100 words with the help of the following points.
i) Importance of the Day
 ii) Awareness of people towards education of children
  iii) Nehru's work for children and youth.
iv) Children as strength of nation.

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara Std-XII. 2024-25 Preliminary Examination

  Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara Std-XII.                2024-25 Preliminary Examination Marks- 80 English (Activity Sheet) Section-A-Prose ...