Monday, 28 October 2024

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara First Semester Exam 2024-25

 Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara First Semester Exam


Std: XI         Marks 50        Sub - English  

               Section I Prose

(Reading for comprehension, Language study, Summary)

A) Read the extract and complete the activities given below.

Meg went back to toast her feet and read "Ivanhoe", and Jo began to dig paths with great energy. The snow was Light, and with her broom she soon swept a path all round the garden, for Beth to walk in when the sun came out and invalid dolls needed air. Now, the garden separated the marches' house from that of Mr. Laurence. Both stood in a suburb of the city, which was still countrylike, with groves and lawns, large gardens, and quiet streets. A low hedge parted the two estates. On one side was an old, brown house, looking rather bare and shabby, robbed of the vines that in summer covered its walls and the flowers, which then surrounded it. On the other side was a stately stone mansion, plainly betokening every sort of comfort and luxury, from the big coach house and well-kept grounds to the conservatory and the glimpses of lovely things one caught between the rich curtains. Yet it seemed a lonely, lifeless sort of house for no children frolicked on the lawn, on motherly face ever smiled at the windows, and few people went in and out, except the old gentlement and his grandson.

To Jo's lively fancy, this fine house seemed a kind of enchanted palace, full of splendors and delights which no one enjoyed. She had long wanted to behold these hidden glories and to know the Laurence boy, who looked as if he would like to be known, if he only knew how to begin. Since the party, she had been more eager than ever, and had planned many ways of making friends with him, but he had not been seen lately, and Jo began to think he had gone away, when she one day spied a brown face at an upper window, looking wistfully down into their garden where Beth and Amy were snow ballinng one another.

"That boy is suffering for society and fun," she said to herself. "His grandpa dose not know what's good for him, and keeps him shut up all alone. He needs a party of jolly boys to play with, or somebody young and lively, I've a great mind to go over and tell the old gentleman sol"

A1) State whether the following sentences are true or false and rewrite.

1) The wall separated the Marches' House from that of Mr. Laurence

Answer :- false

2) Beth and Amy were playing the game of snow ball throwing.

Answer :- True 

3) Laurie was isolated and needed to be socialized.

Answer :- True 

4) His grandpa knows what's good for him.

Answer :- False 

A2)  Complete the following web diagram; describing the atmosphere at home in Marchs' family.

House Of March

  • Answer :-
  •  Old brown house 
  • Bare and shabby 
  • Children played all around 
  • Presence of mother 

A3)  "That boy is suffering for society and fun" (Guess the meaning of this statement)

Answer :- 

The line "that boy is suffering for society and fun " means

  • He was alone .
  • He did not have any company or friends 
  • His life was boring .
  • He did not have any fun.

A4) " Friends play an important role in our life" Do you agree? Justify your answer

Answer :- 

Yes, I agree that friends play an important role in our life  

  • He makes us Happy in our difficult times. 
  • Share joy with us.
  • Cheer you when you were sad.
  • Motivate you when you were fail.

A5 Do as directed

1) The boy is suffering for society and fun. (Choose the correct alternetive to identify the tense used in the given sentence)

a) Present perfect tence

c) Present Continuons Tense

b) Simple Present Tense

d) Past Continuous Tense

Answer :- c) Present Continuons Tense

2) Meg went back to toast her feet (Choose the correct from of rhetorical question from given options)

a) Is meg went back to toast her feet?

b) Don't Meg go back to toast her feet ?

c) Didn't Meg go back to toast her feet ?

d) Did Meg go back to toast her feet ?

Answer :- c) Didn't Meg go back to toast her feet ?

A6 Match the words given in 'A' with their meaning given in'B' 

'A'                                             'B'

1) Sacque          a) Dirty

ii) Doze              b) Short jacket and hood

iii) Wistfully     c) Sleep

iv) Shabby         d) Longingly

  • Answer :- 
  • Sacque = short jacket and hood 
  • Doze = Sleep 
  • Wistfully = Longingly 
  • Shabby = Dirty 

1. B) Non Textual Grammar

1) Madhuri is ....Model and ...artist.

(Fill in the blanks with suitable articles)

  • Answer :-  a,an

2) Students can meet me ........... 11:30 am............ Tuesday. (Fill in the blank with suitable Preposition)

  • Answer :-  at , on

3) If it increases the sale of goods, industry prospers.

(Choose the correct use of unless for the given sentences)

a) Unless it increases the sale of goods industriy prospers

b) Unless it increses the sale of good, industry does not prospers

c) Unless it does not increses the sale of goods, Industry propers

  • Answer :- b) Unless it increses the sale of good, industry does not prospers

2. A) Read the first activitiy. Read the extract and then do all the activities.

Most people over a certain age will have discovered relaxing qualities of music. But slower music has tangible medical benefits too, researchers have found. Beethoven's slower symphonies were found to reduce the blood circulation, including a state of physical calm which may have benefits for stroke and heart attack victims. The effect was so dramatic that scientists believe music could be used instead of drugs in some cases to reduce heart rate and blood pressure. It might come as little surprise that fast, loud music had the opposite effect. But that does not mean that all modern music should carry a health warning.

It was tempo rather than style which had the most marked effect on cardiovascular activity. Faster music and more complex

rhythms speeded up breathing and blood circulation. Irrespective of style, with fast classical and techno music having the same impact. Similarly, slower or more meditative music had the opposite effect with raga creating the largest fall in heart rate. The study also found that passive listening to music induces varying levels of arousal, depending on the tempo. While calm is induced by slower rhythms or pauses in the music.

A1 Complete

1) Give Effects of louder Music.

Answer :-

  1. It affects on cardiovascular activity. 
  2. It speeded up breathing. 
  3. It speeded up blood circulation.
  4. Creating the larger fall in heart rate. 

A2) Slower Music has tangible medical benefits explain. 

Answer :- Slower Music has tangible medical benefits researchers have found that slower symphonies were found to reduce the blood circulation which may be beneficial for stroke and heart attack victims. 

A3) Guess the intention of writing this extract.

Answer :-

I think following is the intention of writing this extract 

  • For telling the importance of music. 
  • Qualities of music. 
  • Medical benefits of music. 
  • Effects of music. 

 A4)  Hearing Music is good or bad. Give your opinion

Answer :- As per my opinion hearing music is good for our mind,body and soul. It creates good impact on our body and mind. 

A5 Do as Directed

1) Most people over a cartain age will have discovered relaxing quali ties of music (Rewrite using Modal auxiliary that denotes less certainty)

a) May b) Must c) Should d) Would

Answer :- may

2) Faster music and more complex ehythms speeded up breathing and circulation. (Choose the correct passive voice from the follow ing alternative)

a) Breathing and circulation speeded up Faster music and more complex rhythms.

b) Breathing and circulation were speeded up by faster music and more complex rhythms.

c) Breathing and circulation was speeded up by faster music and more complex rhythms.

d) Faster music and more complex rhythms had been speeded up by breathing and circulation.

Answer :-b) Breathing and circulation were speeded up by faster music and more complex rhythms.

A6 Write Four words from the extract that are related to medical field.

Answer :-




techno music 

B) Summary Writing

Write a brief summary of the above extract with the help of the points given below suggest a suitable title for it.

Benefits of music

effects of faster


effects of slower music etc.

Section II Poetry

3. Read the extract and complete the activities given below.

Sitting in a porch way cool, Sunlight, I see, Dying fast, Twilight hastens on to rule Working hours have well-nigh past. Shadows run across the lands: But a sower lingers still,

Old, in rags, he patient stands. Looking on, I feel a thrill Black and high, his silhouette Dominates the furrows deep!

Now to sow the tesk is set.

Soon shall come a time to reap. Marches he along the plain To and fro, and scatters wide From his hands the precous grain; Muse i, as I see him stride. Darkness deepens. Fades the light. Now his gestures to mine eyes Are august; and strange; his hight seems to touch the starry skies

A1)State whether the following statements are True or False.

i) The poet abserves the sower sittiing in the garden.

ii)The sower marches to and fro to scatters the precious grain far and wide.

iii) sower's actions seem august to the poet.

iv) The sower's hight is actually touching the starry skies.

Answer :-

i) false 

ii) True 

iii) True 

 iv) false 

A2)The word 'Marches' suggests.

Answer :- The word 'marches ' suggests  that farmers or sower is the incharge of the place and control the activities that take place there. He also knows what has to be done.

A3)Give any four problems of the farmers in your area.

Answer :- following are the problems faced by farmers of my area

  • Problem of proper electricity 
  • Problem of capital.
  • Climate change. 
  • Inadequate knowledge of advanced technology. 

A4)Pick out two examples of alliteration from the extract and write down.

Answer :-

1. Seems to touch the starry skies. 

2.soon shall come a time to reap. 

Section III Writing Skills

4. A) Complete the activities as per the instructions given below.

i) Letter Writing.

Write a letter of application to the principal requesting him to issue a duplicate copy of Leaving Certificate. Use the following informantion. Applicant: XYZ college, KBP Junior college Pune

Class XI, Division- A, Register No, 10011

Reason: Qulified for Bank clerical exam, have to submit the document

ii) E-mail Writing

Write an E-mail to the muncipal commissioner requesting take urgent action against bad condition of roads.

E-mail Address:


Give condition of roads. Expect quick action.

B) Complete the activities as per the instructions given below.

i) Expansion of Idea

Expand the idea innerent in the following proverbs "As you Sow shall you reap".

Use the following points:

Explain the proverb, Give examples, Give message given in the proverb, Your opinion about the proverb.


ii) Blog Writing

Write a blog in a proper format on 'Cycling A better way to commute in about 100 to 150, with the help of following points.

i) Cheap way of transportation

1) Beneficial to health

Energy saver

iv) Pollution free

Section IV Drama

5. Complete the activities given below as per the instruction.

A) Rewrite the sentences choosing the correct alternative

1)..................... is a composition in verse or prose to be acted on the stage.

a) Novel

b) Poetry

c) Prose

d) Drama

Answer :- Drama

2) Monologue is

a) Speaking to oneself

b) Speaking to audiance

c) Speaking to the fellow character

d) A Speech

Answer :- Speaking to oneself

B) Match The information

'A'                                      'B'

i) Comedy   a) Remains the same                                         throughout the story

ii) Tragedy   b) Develops Through the                               experiences and evolves as                           a    dramatic persons

iii) Round character c) Is a story with                                                   happy ending

iv) Flat Character    d) Is a story with the                                        happy ending

Answer :-A'                                      'B'

i) Comedy         =          happy ending

ii) Tragedy= d) Is a story with the                                        sad ending


iii) Round character = b) Develops Through the                               experiences and evolves as                           a    dramatic persons

iv) Flat Character    a) Remains the same                                         throughout the story


Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara Std-XII. 2024-25 Preliminary Examination

  Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara Std-XII.                2024-25 Preliminary Examination Marks- 80 English (Activity Sheet) Section-A-Prose ...