Saturday, 27 February 2021

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara Std. Xll Special Rehearsal Examination -2020-21

 Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,                Satara

                        Std. Xll

Special Rehearsal Examination -


                 Marks: 80

 Date : 27/02/2021

Subject : English       Time: 3 Hrs.

Section I -

Answers are given in blue colour

Reading for comprehension, Language Study, Summary and Mind Mapping)

Q.l A) Read the extract and complete the activites given below. 12

There is revolution in the life style of people which has been affected by Big Data. Our food habits, our health care, our travelling, our scientific pursui ts, you name it and everything has changed 360 degrees. The massive data available with us can really work wonders. Friends, do you know what happens when we like a post on Facebook or share a post on WhatsApp, visit any website, make online purchases, or watch videos ? Yes, whatever activity we do online is recorded, monitored and So a huge amount of data is collected. Let me  give you an idea of how huge the data might be. Big Data can be petabytes or exabytes of data consistingof billions to trillions of records of millions of peopleall from different sources, for example web, sales, customer contact centre, social   media, mobile data and so on. The data available to industries and companies is enormously increasing in volume, variation, velocity, veracity and value. Such a Big Data is easy to obtain but so massive that it challenges the current computing technologies and hence Big Data anaytics is used to give insights that were previously incomprehensible. Big Data. analytics is the complex process of examining large and varied data sets or Big Data to uncover information - such as hidden patterns, unknown correlations, market trends and customer preferences. With such a huge data available with the industries they can have  innumerable advantages hence all the industries are trying to reap the maximum  benefit from it. Many industries have advanced by miles from their competitors. It's not the amount of data that is important but what the organizations do with  the data is what matters. 

Al. Rewrite and state whether the following statements are true or false. 2

i) Big Data is so big that it has challenged the computing technology.  

 ii) Amount of Big Data is important than its use by the organizations. 

iii)  Your online activities are the sources of data collection. 

iv) Big Data has made it difficult to understand what was previously easy.

Ans:- i) True 

ii) False 

iii) True 

iv) False 

A2) Write the sources of collecting the data, What information does it reveal ?

Ans:-  Sources of collecting data 

       a. Facebook 

       b. WhatsApp 

       c. Website visits 

       d. Online purchases 

       e. Video watching 

The information reveals hidden patterns, unknown correlations, market trends and customer preferences. 

A3) The big data analytics is a complex process because :


a. The data available to industries and  companies is enormously increasing. 

b. It challenges the current computing technologies 

 A4)  Inernet has brought many positive changes in our life. 

Write any two posi tive changes in your life.

Ans:-  Positive changes that internet brought in my life are,

a. Made my life faster. 

b. Made services easy.

c. I found Guruji.

A5) Language study.


i) Choose the correct Present Perfect Tense for the following sentence from the given options.

All the industries are trying to reap the maximum benefit from it.

a) All the industries has tried to reap the maximum benefit from it.

  b), All the industries has been tried to reap the maximum benefit from it.

c) All the industries have tried to reap the maximum benefit from it.

d) All the industries havebeentried to reap the maximum benefit from it.

Ans:- c) All the industries have tried to reap the maximum benefit from it.

 ii) The life style of people has been affected by Big Data. 

(Begin your sentence with 'Big Data'. 

Ans:-   Big data has affected the life style of  people 

A6) Vocabulary : 2

 Find synonyms of following words from the extract.

  i) Visions = insight

ii) enormous= massive, huge 

 iii) expose =  uncover 

 iv) associations  = organizations 

b) Language Study. 4

 Bl. Do as directed : 3  

i).......last story is about.......king who was brave and loyal.

(Rewrite the sentence using appropriate articles)

Ans:- The, a

 ii) The wild life need to be protected.

(Use another modal auxiliary showing obligation. 

Ans:- The wild life must be protected 

iii) I hate waiting at the crowded railway station.

(Rewrite using the infinitive form of the underlined word)

Ans:- I hate to wait at the crowded railway station. 

  B2) Spot the error in the sentence and write the correct sentence. 1

 i) The king divided his kingdom between his three daughters.

Ans:- The king divided his kingdom among his three daughters.


Q.2A) Read the extract and complete the activities given below. 12

According to a Sanskrit saying, the word Emusic' includes all three forms Of musical expression - vocal, instrumental and dancing. The origin of Indian music is to be found in myths and legends. All these arts are believed to be the creation of the Great God, Shiva, the Rudra. The Vedic index proves that a great variety of instruments- string, wind and percussion were in use in the days Of yore: one cannot imagine Lord Krishna without his Bansuri (flute), or Lord Shiva without the damru (drum) or Goddess Saraswati without a Veena in her hands.

  Indian musical instruments are classified into four categories. Tata and Vitata (stringed) Ghan (solid) , Sushir (wind) and Awanadhar (percussion).

The stringed instruments are of two varieties - the plucked and the bowed. Apart from a main set of strings, they. usually have a number of sympathetic resonating strings. They are either fretted or non-fretted and have either one or two gourds (at the ends) to act as a sound box.

The Sarangi is one of the most popular instruments mainly used as accompaniment for a vocalist's performance. In the beginning, this instrument  was used by wandering minstrels.

The Sarangi attained importance as the most suitable accompaniment to the voice because of its perfect tone resemblance to it. It is two feet long and is   played by using a bow. The three main strings on the front surface are made of gut and there are 35 to 40 sympathetic strings are also bowed. The sympathetic  strings produce sonorously rich vibrant tones. Of late this instrument has    attained the status of a concert instrument in classical music. 

 By far the sweetest tone stringed instrument is the Veena , with gourds at  either end for achieving resonance. It is played by plucking the strings along the   frets. may be the oldest known instrument. Indeed the Veena held a supreme position until the Sitar entered thefield towards the 15th century. 

A1) Complete the web. 2

Indian Musical Instruments

Ans:-  Tata and Vitata(stringed)


                   Sushir (wind)

                    Awanadhar (Percussion)


A2)  Explain the association of God and Goddesses with different  musical instruments.

Ans:- Association of God and  Goddess with different musical instruments are 

Lord Krishna = Bansuri(Flute)

Lord Shiva = Damru ( Drum)

Goddess  Saraswati  = Veena 

A3) Distinguish between the Sarangi and the Veena. 2



A4. 'Music gives us great joy' Do you agree with the statement ? Justify your answer. 2

Ans:- Yes,I agree with the statement that 'Music gives us great joy '

Music enriches our mind. 

Creates good mood. 

Relaxes our mind. 

 A5) Language study : Do as di rected. 2

i)Sarangi is one of the most popular instruments. (Begin your sentence with 'Very few..... ') 

Ans:- Very few instruments are as popular as Sarangi.

ii) Sitar entered the field towards the 15th century.

Ans:- When did Sitar enter the field. 


(Frame a 'WII' - question to get the underlined part as answer)  Vocabulary.

Match the words in column 'A' with their meanings in Column 'B'.

Column A Column B

i)myth =           d)ancient stories based on                                     popular beliefs

ii) minstrels =  c)travelling entertainers

iii) concert = a)musical performance

 iv) gourd =    b)the shell of a round fruit

B) Summary Writing :

Write the Summary of the above passage with help of the points given below and suggest a suitable title. 

: The word 'music'- origin - classificaion-examples.



Music is the creation of God Shiva. Indian musical instruments are classified in to four parts. Stringed instruments are two types,plucked and bowed. Sarangi played by bowing and three strings. Veena made with gourds is played by plucking. 

C) Mind Mapping.

Develop a Mind Mapping' frame / design to show the 'Benefits of games and sports! to the stuents.

 You can take the help of the following points.

 * Fitness and stamina 

* Team spirit and sportsmanship

* Group behaviour

 * Killer's instinct * Will to win 

Section Il (Poetry and Appreciation 

Q.3 A) Read the extract and complete the activities given below. 10

 Now I can see him getting off the train

 Like a word dropped from a long sentence.  

He hurries across the length of the grey platform,

Crosses the railway line, enters the lane,

His chappals are sticky with mud, but he hurries onward.  

 Home again, I see him drinking weak tea, 

Eating a stale chapati, reading a book.

He goes into the toiNt to contemplate

Man's estrangement from a man-made world.

 Coming out he trembles at the sink,

The cold water running over his brown hands, 

A few droplets cling to the greying hairs on his wrists.

His sullen children have often refused to share


Jokes and secrets with him.He will now go to sleep 

Listening to the static on the radio dreaming 

Of his ancestors and grandchildren thinking of

 nomads entering subcontinent through a narrow pass

A1) Choose and write the two statements from the following which state the theme of the poem. 

i) The poem reveals the pathetic condition of the father.

ii) The poem depicts love and care of the children for their father .

iii) The poem depicts the father as a stranger in his own family

iv)  The poem present the father as a happy person in his own family

Ans:- i) The poem reveals the pathetic condition of the father.

iii) The poem depicts the father as a stranger in his own family

2)  Find the lines to prove the following facts from the extract.

i) Father is deprived of good food 

ii) Children do not have a healthy relationship with the father. 

Ans:- I see him drinking Weak tea and stale Chapati. 

His sullen children have often refused to share jokes and secrets to him. 

A3) When my  father returns from his work job in the evening I do this thing for him .

Ans:- a) welcome him with smile.

            b) Ask him water and tea.

           c) give him something to eat.

            d) Ask him about his day.

A4) Identify and explain the figures of speech in the following line.

 Now I can see him getting off the train like word drop from line long sentence. 

Ans:- Simile 

Father getting off the train is compared to a word dropped from a sentence.

 A5) Compose a short poem of four lines of your own title as a my father and me.

Ans:- I am so glad you are my dad.

           You are so proud I am your  clad.

           with you I feel presence of  God. 

         Thanks God for giving me God like dad

 B) Appreciation 

write the appreciation of the poem with the help of the following aspects 

*About the poem / poet and the title 

*The theme

* Poetic devices and the language

*Message , values, morals in the poem

 * Your opinion about the poem Section

Weavers, weaving at break of day,

Why do you weave a garment so gay?......

Blue as the wing of a halcyon wild,

We weave the robes of a new-born child.

Weavers, weaving at fall of night,

Why do you weave a garment so bright?........

Like the plumes of a peacock, purple and green,

We weave the marriage-veils of a queen.

Weavers, weaving solemn and still,

What do you weave in the moonlight chill……

White as a feather and white as a cloud,

We weave a dead man’s funeral shroud.

Ans:-1)Title of Poem - The title of the poem is self explanatory and appropriate. It has symbolic and spiritual 

meaning. It is expressed through the Indian weavers and act of weaving different clothes. 

2) About the Poet - Sarojini Naidu was a great patriot, politician, speaker, poet and one of the most famous 

idols of the 20th century. Her birthday is celebrated as "Women's Day". She is known as The Nightingale of 

India (Bharatiya Kokila). 

3) About the Poem - Indian weaver is a short poem but it has deep sense of human life. It conveys the journey 

from cradle to grave through the use of colours and the stages of a day. The poem is about three types of clothe 

that the weavers weave at three particular times of a day. Each stanza of the poem represents the three important 

events of human life: birth (childhood), adulthood (young) and death (old). The colours mentioned in the 

stanzas are very significant as they indicate the moods related to the events. 

4) Theme or Central Idea of the Poem - The theme of the poem is about spiritual implication. The theme of 

spiritual implication is portrays through metaphorical symbols which carries eternal truth of human existence. 

The central theme of the poem expresses through the weaving act of weavers. They weave, at three specific 

times of the day, which are symbolic, of the three stages of a person’s life. The central idea of the poem 

remarked that all human being who are born on this earth, rise up, feel their joys, sorrows and finally have to die 

one day. Everyone should be bearing in mind that death makes equal for the rich and the poor. No one spare a 

drop of pity because I am rich or poor. It is nature’s eternal law and the life of human-beings is fragile. It is the 

completely instable and vulnerable. The human life fills with happiness, enjoyment, excitement and sadness. 

5) Language and Style - The language texture of the poem is simple yet profound. The poem appears rather 

simple in a literal sense, but there are subtle expressions. This poem reflects Naidu’s deeply spiritual and 

philosophical mindset. Her simplicity and strength of spiritual thoughts could be seen between the lines of 

Indian Weavers. It might have a symbolic meaning. It is a metrical short poem. It has three stanzas, of four lines 

each. The stanza pattern of the poem is Quatrain. The first two line of each quatrain has a question which is 

asked by poet or speaker and the last two lines of each quatrain are answers to the questions. It creates a rhythm 

and musical effect on reader. 

6) Poetic devices - The poetic devices of simile, symbolism, metaphor and imagery, have been used here, by 

the poetess. Almost all the lines exhibit alliteration: weavers-weaving, garment-gay, wing-wild, plumes-

peacock-purple, solemn-still, white-white, etc. Its rhyming scheme is AABB. The poem has six rhyming 

couplets. The pairs of end rhymes in the poem are day-gay, wild-child, night-bright, green-queen, still-chill,

 Ill (Writing Skills)

Q.4 Complete the activities as per the instructions given below. 16 

A) Attempt any ONE of the following. 4 Drafting Virtual Message

Read the given conversation between Aashna and Mr. Singh.

Aashna : Hello, may I speak to Ranjit, Please ?

Mr. Singh : Ranjit is getting ready for school. May I know who is speaking ?

Ashna : My name is Ashna. I am Ranjit's classmate.

Mr. Singh : Hello, Aashna. I am Ranjit's father. Is there any message ?

Nandini : Yes, Please ask him to bring his biology notebook to school today. I was absent from school due to illness. I would like to see the notes which our biology techer gave to the class during my absence. Mr. Singh : I will definitely do that.

Since Mr. Singh had to go for his morning walk he left a message for Ranjit. Draft the message based on the above conversation in abou t 50 words.


Statement of Purpose  

You must have decided your aim in life. Which university would you like to join for your diploma / graduation ? Write a Statement of Purpose as a part of your application to the institut / university. Take the help of the following points.

* Self-introduction/ mental - makeup

 * Purpose to join the specific diploma/ graduation

 *Your qualities and their suitability to the course *Previous experience

 * Importance of admission for you career. 

Group Discussion

* Sudhir, Hemant, Heena and Gaurav are participating in a group discussion. The teacher has given them a topic 'Mobile phone is friend or enemy of students'. Write a short draft for the group discussion. You may take the help of the following points. 

* Useful for contacts. 

* Availability of educational Apps

* Students waste time 

*Causes different diseases

B) Attempt any ONE of the following. 4 Email : 

Write an email to your friends about your proposed trek. You can take the help of the


following points. You can keep your parents informed about it by adding them in BCC.

* Day and date

* The place of the trek

* Route of the trek

* Facilities provided

* Last date of registra tion


Report Writing

Imagine you have visited a historic fort in the Sahyadri ranges of Maharashtra.


You have visited the fort with an intention to know our heritage and history. You   were also eager to know the biodiversity in the area of the fort. The visit was exciting one. Write a report of the visit to be published in y our college rnagazine / in a local newspaper.



You are the class representative and you have been asked by the Principal to conduct an interview of a cop (policeman). Frame 8 - 10 questions with the help of the following points, give introduction and the conclusion.

* Reasons for joining the policedepartment

* Special trainings

* Developing the skills to identify and locate criminals 

* Dealing with criminals

* Achievement and awards

C) Attempt any ONE of the following. 4

Speech Writing

Prepare a speech on the occasion of 'World Environment Day' to create awareness among the students in your: college about the trees and their role in   environment. You may use the following points.

* Proper beginning / end

* Importance of the day 

* Importance ofthe trees for envfronment * Appeal

* Ways to protect trees and environment 


Compering :

Imagine that you are a compere of the 'Annual Cultural Program' of your junior college. Write a script of the same with the help of the following points : * Introduction * Lamp lightning / welcome of the chief guests


* Main events * Vote of thanks (Valedictory Function) 


Expansion of Ideas :

Expand the following idea with the help of the given points inabout 100-150 words. 'Manners maketh man'

* Manners reflect the personality Man with mannersisrespected

* Manners maintain the relations 

* Manners sweeten the atmosphere around 

* Examples 

D)  Attempt any one of the following. 4

Film Review

  Write a review of a film that you  seen. You may take of  following points.

*Characters (Main and supporting) story /   novelties/ nove ideas



* Write a blog in a proper format on lndia : Unity in  diversity with the help of following points. 

"India : Unity inDiversity "

*Diversity inculture / religion *Lifestyle / foodhabits *Brotherhood / eaquality *Unity shownby Indians


The whole world is suffering fromCovid 19. in search of a situation everyone needs to take care and prepare an appeal to make the people in your locality I wear pop self health and social behaviour during Corona pandemic you may take the help of following points.


 Uses slogans / logo

 * Symptoms *Precauüons

*Persuasive language

* Addyour own points.

 - IV (Genre Novel)  

 A5) Complete the activity is given below as per the instructions.

A1) Complete the following activity 

i)choose the correct pair of the novel and its novelist

 a)Tale of ginji- Samuel Richardson 

b) Frankenstein - Mary Shelley 

c) the Wuthering Heights - Charlotte Bronte

d) Evelina - Ann Radcliff


ii) Complete the statement by writing the correct option from the following. 2

The World's first novel 'Tale of Genji' is written by 

a) Miguel de Cervantes b) Daniel Defoe

* Samuel Richardson d) Murasaki Shikibu


2) Match the types of novel in column A ' with their nature in column 'B' 2

B) Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below. 4


I) Give a brief character - sketch of Mr. Florian. 2

2) Discuss in brief the relationship between the narrator and the students in the

extract of the novel 'To Sir, with Love' 2

C) Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below. 4

1) The setting of the extract from Around the World in Eighty Days is London. 2 Explain how the setting of the extract is suited to the theme of the extract.

2) Explain the 'Time' theme of the extract from the novel Around the World in

Eighty Days in about 50 words. 2

D) Answer in about 50 worqs to the questions given below. 4

1) Sherlock Holmes is the leading character in the exract of 'The Sign of Foure'




2) Write about the meeting of Miss Morstan with Holmes. 2


  1. Thank you so much ❤️🙏🏻

  2. Sir hich yenar ahe ka board exam la 🤔

  3. Thx.... For this english demo paper

  4. Me pass hoin ka sir.... 🤔


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