Sunday, 4 November 2018

Unseen Passage with Activity and summary

Q.2 A) Read the first activity/ read the extract and do the activities that follows

 Al) Choose two correct statements that explain the basic purpose of the extract.

 i) To make the reader's understand that problems need to be ignored to get a  peaceful life.

ii) To motivate readers to accept.the challenges of life and move a head.

iii) One needs to bury all the thoughts of quitting to embrace success one day or  the other.

iv) The winner of the battles of life is the physically strongest person.

We face a crisis almost every minute in one form or the other, just that we don't realize it. The.magnitude of a particular issue in our lives makes us  classify it as normal or critical.
Each one of us is fighting a battle, all the time: From the person com muting for hours in a jampacked bus just to reach his workplace, to newly married girl adjustihg in hÊr husband's family, we are all fighters.
 Each morning puts a man on trial and each evening passes judgement. The names of such men and women may not appear on the front pages of  newspapers or the President of the country may not honour them, yet lifeitself is the reward.
The strongest people are not always those who win, but the people who don't give up when they lose. Fear is good, if one can use it properly and not be paralysed by it.
Life is generous to those who pursue their destiny. It is the possibility of having a dream come true that actually makes life interesting.
The only limits on life are those that people set themselves. Men are not prisoners of fate, but prisoners of their own minds The tragedy of life is not death but what we let die inside us while we live.
Most people don't fail; they simply give up trying. We cannot change the course of events, but always change the response of the course of
Let's salute those who never give up and succeed.

A2) Explain

Admirable qualities that are discussed in the passage.
a) don't give up
b) strongest people
c) having dream
d) peruse their destiny

A 3) The ways a man in crisis can come out of his / her problems.
1) Don't give up when they lose.
2) they do not fear of failure.
3) they have a dream.

A 4)Find out. the synonyms words from the, extract.
1) Subject  = people
2) Danger  =  crisis
3) Powerful  = magnitude
4) Left  = give up /quit

Personal Response.

Mention how you  handle a crisis. Explain your answer .o
ANS- Whenever out I met crisis in my life I firstly think positively about that matter.I seek advice of my friend and parents. I do not give up.

Grammar (Do as directed)

I) Each morning puts a man on trial.
(Rewrite the sentence in present perfect continuous Tense)

ANS- Each morning have been putting a man on trial.

II) Women may not appear on the front pages of newspaper.
(Rewrite the sentence using modal auxiliary showing with obligation)
Women MUST not appear on the front pages of newspaper.

B Summary. 4
.Write a summary of the above extract with the help of the. points given below and suggest a suitable title.

Problems influencing life - the winners - what they do - their strength in handling the situation.

             Title - Don't give up

Crisis are the part of our life.Each person have a problems in their life.strongest people handle problem calmly.They never quit.They do things differently.They do not fear.So salute to those people who success.

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara Std-XII. 2024-25 Preliminary Examination

  Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara Std-XII.                2024-25 Preliminary Examination Marks- 80 English (Activity Sheet) Section-A-Prose ...