Wednesday, 25 December 2024

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara Special Rehearsal Examination 2024-25

 Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara

Special Rehearsal Examination 2024-25

Std-XII     Marks-80

Time-3.00 Hrs                   Sub - English


(Reading for comprehension, Language Study, Summary, Mind Mapping.)

1. A) Read the extract and complete the activities given below.

"I feel like some dowdy, decrepit, horribly dingy old fly," she said, making Robert Haydon stop just to hear her say that, just to reassure herself by furbishing up a poor weak-kneed phrase and so showing how detached she was, how witty, that she did not feel in the least out of anything. And, of course, Robert Haydon answered something, quite polite, quite insincere, which she saw through instantly, and said to herself, directly he went (again from some book), "Lies, lies, lies!" For a party makes things either much more real, or much less real, she thought; she saw in a flash to the bottom of Robert Haydon's heart; she saw through everything. She saw the truth. This was true, this drawing-room, this self, and the other false. Miss Milan's little workroom was really terribly hot, stuffy, sordid. It smelt of clothes and cabbage cooking; and yet, when Miss Milan put the glass in her hand, and she looked at herself with the dress on, finished, an extraordinary bliss shot through her heart. Suffused with light, she sprang into existence. Rid of cares and wrinkles, what she had dreamed of herself was there-a beautiful woman. Just for a second (she had not dared look longer, Miss Milan wanted to know about the length of the skirt), there looked at her, framed in the scrolloping mahogany, a grey-white, mysteriously smiling, charming girl, the core of herself, the soul of herself; and it was not vanity only, not only self-love that made her think it good, tender, and true. Miss Milan said that the skirt could not well be longer; if anything the skirt, said Miss Milan, puckering her forehead, considering with all her wits about her, must be shorter; and she felt, suddenly, honestly, full of love for Miss Milan, much, much fonder of Miss Milan than of any one in the whole world, and could have cried for pity that she should be crawling on the floor with her mouth full of pins, and her face red and her eyes bulging that one human being should be doing this for another, and she saw them all as human beings merely, and herself going off to her party, and Miss Milan pulling the cover over the canary's cage, or letting him pick a hemp-seed from between her lips, and the thought of it, of this side of human nature and its patience and its endurance and its being content with such miserable, scanty, sordid, little pleasures filled her eyes with tears.And now the whole thing had vanished. The dress, the room, the love, the pity, the scrolloping looking-glass, and the canary's cage-all had vanished, and here she was in a corner of Mrs. Dalloway's

drawing-room, suffering tortures, woken wide awake to reality. But, it was all so paltry, weak-blooded, and pettyminded to care so much at her age with two children, to be still so utterly dependent on people's opinions and not have principles or convictions, not to be able to say as other people did, "There's Shakespeare! There's death! We're all weevils in a captain's biscuit" - or whatever it was that people did say.

A1. Name the following.

1) The person who said something quite polite and insincere to Mabel.

Answer:- Robert Haydon 

2)The person for whom Mabel was full of love and fondness.

Answer:- Miss Milan 

3)The bird mentioned in the passage.

Answer:- Canary 

iv) Mabel was in a corner of this person's drawing room.

Answer:- Dalloway

A2. Write short information about Miss Milan.


Miss Milan was poor and hard working. 

Her face was red and her eyes bulged. Her pleasure in life were few and cheap. 

She was  patient and had to endure a lot of difficulties. 

A3. "I feel like some dowdy, decrepit, horribly dingy old fly. Explain this remark of Mabel.

Answer:- Mabel had a inferiority complex in her mind. She felt like flies trying to crawl over the edge of saucer.She felt like unfashionable and dull in appearance. 

A4. Name some simple things that make you feel happy. Explain why it is so.

Answer:- Happiness depends upon our mind.  I feel happy when 

  • I help others. 
  • I play cricket. 
  • I am in my friends and family members. 
  • I complete home work. 

  A5. Language study. 2

Do as directed.

1) Miss Milan's little workroom was really terribly hot, stuffy, sordid.

(Choose correct alternative to rewrite the given sentence as an exclamatory sentence.)

a) How terrible hot, stuffy, sordid Miss Milan's little workroom was!

b) What a terrible hot, stuffy, sordid Miss Milan's little workroom was!

c) How a terrible hot, stuffy, sordid Miss Milan's little workroon was!

d) How terrible hot, stuffy, sordid Miss Milan's little workroom was.

Answer:- a) How terrible hot, stuffy, sordid Miss Milan's little workroom was!

il) She saw the truth. (Choose the alternative to identify the correct tense.)

a) Past continuous tense.

b) Simple past tense.

c) Past perfect tense.

d) Past perfect continuous tense.

Answer:-b) Simple past tense.

A6. Vocabulary.

Match the words in column A correctly with their meanings in column B.

Words                       Meanings

1) dowdya         gloomy and drab

ii) dingy     b) unfashionable

suffused   c) folds or creases in the skin

iv) wrinkles           d) filled with


Daudy= unfashionable

Dingy =gloomy and drab 

Suffused = filled with 

wrinkles= folds orcreasesintheskin

B) Language study. (Non-textual Grammer.)

B1. Do as directed / Transformation of sentence.

1) A child spends a major portion of his life in taking formal education.

(Choose the correct alternative that indicates modal auxililary showing 'obligation')

a) A child should spend a major portion of his life in taking formal education.

b ) A child must spend a major portion of his life in taking formal education.

c) A child will spend a major portion of his life in taking formal education.

d) A child can spend a major portion of his life in taking formal education.

Answer:-b ) A child must spend a major portion of his life in taking formal education.

There is no allowance for manners and intellectual damage in these matters. (Choose the correct alternative that indicates 'as well' in the given sentences) 

a) There is none of allowance for manners as well as intellectual damages in these matters.

b) There is always a allowance for manners as well as intellectual damages in these matters.

c) There is no allowance for manners as well as intellectual these matters. damages in

d) There is a definite allowance for manners as well as intellectual damages in these matters.

Answer:-c) There is no allowance for manners as well as intellectual these matters.

Radha invites my family members on my birthday for celebration. (Choose correct alternative to frame a Wh question to get the underlined answer.)

a) When Radha invited my family members for celebration? 

b) When Radha invite my family members for celebration?

c) When do Radha invite my family members for celebration? 

d) When does Radha invite my family members for celebration ?

Answer:- b) When does Radha invite my family members for celebration ?

B2 Spot the error.

Success can be achieve with hard work only.

Answer:- Success can be achieved with hard work only. 

2. A) Read the extract and complete the activities given below.

Some people can just never wake up early. They munch their breakfast on the way to work. They have excuses ready when they reach office late. They miss trains on a regular basis. They have never seen a sunrise or met the milkman. Until a loved one turned over a new leaf recently, she was one such late riser. Try as she might, she couldn't help pressing the snooze button a hundred times before she finally got up. She felt terrible about this tendency but there was nothing she could do about it. Come morning, she would just not be able to shrug off the desire to sleep a while more. Only when divine intervention answered her prayers recently was, she able to join the early birds' club. Another relative has no plans of joining this league though. She is rather unabashed waking up past noon on a daily basis. To be fair, her husband is a media personality who typically arrives home from work past midnight. That does indeed give them sufficient justification to stay longer in slumberland each morning. This practice does lead to certain oddities though. He goes for his morning walk at 1p.m., heatwaves and appalled onlookers not with standing. They once returned from a night out only to meet the neighbour's son who was off on an early morning jog! Early risers clearly have the edge in life. By the time most of us wake up, they have been through their morning rituals, enjoyed their walk, had their tea and read the daily news. They're also likely to have made long distance calls before dawn to those similarly inclined. Thus, by the time sun warms up they're likely to have discussed all varieties of 'men, matters and affairs' with a dozen people.

A1. Complete the following sentence choosing the correct alternatives. 

 i) He goes for a morning walk at 1 p. m., because ....... 

a) He arrives from work past midnight.

b) He has to stay in bed for a longer time till late morning.

c) He has a special plan for early morning. 

d) He does not to like to join early bird's club.


a) He arrives from work past midnight.

b) He has to stay in bed for a longer time till late morning.

A2. Complete the following web.

Effects of rising late

Answer:- Following are the effects of rising late 

  • They munch their breakfast on their way. 
  • They have excuses ready when they reach office late. 
  • They miss trains on regular basis. 
  • They have never seen the sunrise or met a milkman. 

A3. Early risers have the edge in life. Explain.

Answer:-Early risers have the edge in life because 

  • By the time most of us wake up they have been through their morning rituals 
  • Enjoyed their work 
  • Had their tea and read the daily news. 

 A4. State two benefits about early rising people.

Answer: Benefits of early riser

  • Reach office in time. 
  • Do their daily chores properly 
  • Spend quality time with family and friends 
  • Enjoy their work. 

AS . Language study. (Do as directed.)

1) She felt terrible about this tendency but there was nothing she could do about it.

(Choose the correct option to rewrite the given sentence using 'Although)

a) Although she fill terrible about this tendency, there was nothing she could do about it.

b) Although she felt terrible about this tendency, there was nothingshe could do about it. 

c) Although she felt terrible about this tendency but there was nothingshe could do about it.

 d) Although she felt terrible about this tendency, there was nothing she can do about it.

Answer:-b) Although she felt terrible about this tendency, there was nothingshe could do about it. 

2) They have never seen a sunrise or met the milkman.

(Choose the correct option to rewrite the given sentence using'neither....nor')

a) They neither have seen a sunrise or met the milkman.

 b) They have seen neigher a sunrise nor a milkman.

c) They have neigher seen a sunrise nor met the milkman.

 d) Neigher have they seen a sunrise nor a milkman.

Answer:-c) They have neigher seen a sunrise nor met the milkman.

A6. Find out similar meaning words from the extract for the following words.

a) Clarification

b) Strange things

c) Sleep

d) Dimisss


a) Clarification= excuse 

b) Strange things = terrible 

c) Sleep= slumber /snooze 

d) Dimisss=

B) Summary writing.

Write the summary of the above extract with a suitable title with the help of given points/hints. (Late risers... problems... early risers... at an advantage) 3


C) Mind Mapping.

You and your family are thinking to visit a hill station during this summer. Prepare a Mind Mapping frame for it with the help of the following points. Place to visit, Mode of Transpot, Accommodations, stuff to carry with you and anything that comes in your mind related to it.


Section B


(Poetry and Appreciation)

3. A) Read the extract and complete the activities given below.

When I had money, money, O!

I knew no joy till I went poor,

For many a false man as a friend

Came knocking all day at my door.

Then felt I like a child that holds

A trumpet that he must not blow

Because a man is dead I dared

Not speak to let this false world know.

Much have I thought of life, and seen How poor men's hearts are ever light; And how their wives do hum like bees About their work from morn till night. So, when I hear these poor ones laugh, Poor men, think I, need not go up

And see the rich ones coldly frown

So much as rich men should come down.

When I had money, money, Ol My many friends proved all untrue, But now I have no money, Of My friends are real, though very few.

A1. State whether the following sentences are true or false and rewrite In the past 

i)poet had many friends but no real friend.

ii)Poet feels like a child who can blow the trumpet which he held as he pleases. iii)According to the poet poor people not need to be rich, but much rich people must be poor

Iv)When poet become poor, he had many real friends.






A2. Give reasons.

1) Friends came knocking all day at the poet's door.

Answer:- when the poet was rich he had many friends. They were being friendly because he had money. 

1) Poor man's wife hum like bees.

Answer:- poor men have no worries. So their wives are busy and don't have the time to wish for fancy things or gossip. So happy man have a happy busy wife. 

A3. Personal response.

"Money can not purchase happiness and contentment. Explain

Answer:- Yes money can not purchase happiness and contentment because happiness is in the mind.If the  person is satisfied with what he have ,it is real happiness. 

A4 Poetic device.

Find put and explain the figure of speech of the following line-

And how their wives do hum like bees."



The word 'hum' imatitate the humming of bees.

AS. Creativity:

Compose four to six lines on 'friendship".


B) Appreciation:

Write the poetic appreciation of the extract given below.

Weavers, weaving at break of day, Why do you weave a garment so gay?......

Blue as the wing of a halcyon wild,

We weave the robes of a new-born child.

Weavers, weaving at fall of night, Why do you weave a garment so bright?........

Like the plumes of a peacock, purple and green, We weave the marriage-veils of a queen.

Weavers, weaving solemn and still, What do you weave in the moonlight chill.......

White as a feather and white as a cloud, We weave a dead man's funeral shroud

About the poem/poet and the title.

The theme.

Poetic style.

The language/ poetic devices used in the poem.

Special features.

Message, Values, Morals in the poem.

Your opinion about the poem.



Sub. - English

Section-C-Writing skills

4. A) Complete the activities as per the instructions given below. Attempt any one of the following activities.

1) Drafting vitural message:

Rahul comes home from office and notice the door of his flat/ house is locked. As he had another key with him, he opens the door and enters the house. On table he finds a note left for him by his wife saying that she had to rush to the school of her son who has met with an accident. She also has written if any emergency is there. She will inform him immediately. She has also told him to take his evening snacks and he could heat it in microwave if he wants it hot, and has asked him to be very careful while handling microwave switch. Draft a message which Rahul's wife has left for him.

2) Statement of Purpose:

You love acting and want to hecome a T.V./Film actor/actress. You have taken Part in many drama competitions held in your college and have also acted in street plays. You are a good Bharat Natyam dancer too. You are fluent in English, Hindi, Marathi and Tamil. Prepare a statement of purpose for admission to the film and Television Institute of India, Pune.

3) Group Discussion:

You and your three friends (Kiran, Sharad and Savita) are selected as a team for group discussion for a reputed T.V. Channel. The topic of discussion is 'Importance of English Literature'. Write suitable dialogues for each participant giving his/her opinion on the topic.

B) Attempt any one of the following activities.

1) E-mail writing:

'Your friend who has moved from his/her village to the city and is finding it difficult to cope with his/her changed life. Suggest ways for him/her to open himself/herself and to adjust in a better way to the situation.

Write an E-mail in about 100-150 words to your friend.

2) Report writing:

"Your Junior College rcently organised a 'Book Reading Competition on the occasion of the birthday of former president of India Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam. You are the students representative.

Write a report of the competition in about 100-150 words.



Sub. - English

3) Drafting Interview Questions:

Imagine that you are going to interview a very well-known social worker. Prepare a set of 8 to 10 questions focussing on his/her social behaviour and the activities he/she carries out.

Name if the interviewee

(distinguished personality)

Area of success/Reputation


Duration of Interview


1) Reaction after award.

2) Family background.

3) Instance to join social work.

4) Opinion about social service.

5) Changes expected in people.

6) Work priority.

7) Policy against corruption.

8) Dream for state.

9) Message.

C) Attempt any one of the following activities.

1) Speech Writing:

Imagine that you have taken part in an Elacution competition. You have selected the topic. 'Nature our Best Friend'. Draft a speech in about 100 to 150 words.

2) Compering:

Imagine, you are given an opportunity to compere a programme organized at your college with reference to 'Yoga Day'. As a compere, draft the whole programme script deciding the flow of the overall programme. You may take help of the following points.

1) Prayer/welcome song introduction.

2) Felicitation, yoga demonstration.

3) Poresidential address.

4) Vote of thanks.

5) Any other important point.

3) Expansion of Idea:

Expand the following idea in about 100 to 150 words with the help of the points given below.

'Books are our best friends.'

* Importance of reading books.

* Impacts of books on our mind.

* Role played in our life.

* Outcomes of reading books.

* Add your own points.

D) Attempt any one of the following activities.

1) Film Review: 

Write a review of a film that you have recently seen. Write your review based on any four points given below. * Name of the characters. (Main and supporting roles.)

* About the story / theme of the film.  Why did you like or not like the film.

* Special features / novels ideas.


• Should others watch this film / would you recommed your to enjoy it / watch this film / why?

2) Blog Writing:

Write a blog in a proper format on 'Positivity in Life' with the help of

the points (100 to 150 words.)

• Problems in life. Accepting facts and flaws. * Reorganization / restart. Human instinct / fight back.

3) Appeal Writing:

Prepare an appeal on the topic 'Avoid Fast Food' with the help of following points. (100 to150 words.) Effects on body and mind.

* Attraction of fastfood items.

* Ways of avoiding fast food.

* Appeal to society.

Options for fast food.

SectionIV (Literary GENRE - NOVEL)

5 . A) Do the following as per the instructions.

A1. Match the following columns properly.

'A' column                        'B' column

1 ) The novel of         a) Mary Shelley


2) Gothic novels     b) George Eliot

3) Psycholigical novel   c) Ann Radcliff

4) Novel based on     d)Frances Burney



A' column                        'B' column

1 ) The novel of         d)Frances Burney


2) Gothic novels      c) Ann Radcliff

3) Psycholigical novel  = George Eliot 

4) Novel based on     = Mary Shelley 

A2) State whether the following sentences are true or false.

1) Theme is the central idea in novel. 

2) Antagonist is the main character in the novel.

3) Plot and character are affected due to setting.

4) Conflict in the story creates dull and boring atmosphere.


1) True 

2) False

3) True 

4) False 

B) Write the answers of the following questions in about 50 words. 4

 B1. Explain the role E. R. Braithwaite in chaning the mind of students in theextract 'To sir, With love.' 

2 B2. Explain how the setting of the extract contributes to the theme of the novel. 2

C) Write the answers of the following questions in about 50 words. 4

C1. Write the central idea of the given extract 'Around the World in Eighty Days.

C2. Describe the character sketch of Aouda from the view point of Fogg in the

extract 'Around the World in Eighty Days'. 2 

D) Write the answers of the following questions in about 50 words. 4

D1. You really are an automation, a calculating machine-elaborate the following lines in the light of the novel or extract 'The Sign of Four'.

D2. Describe the significance of Mary Morstans Visit to the Lyceum Theatre with Holmes and Dr. Watson in the extract 'The Sign of Four. 2

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara Std-XII. 2024-25 Preliminary Examination

  Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara Std-XII.                2024-25 Preliminary Examination Marks- 80 English (Activity Sheet) Section-A-Prose ...