Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Information Transfer- Non- Verbal to Verbal (From-July 2018 exam)

Information Transfer

        Seasons In Maharashtra Basically maharashtrians follow Marathi calender. But in given tree diagram seasons in Maharashtra divided into three types that is summer ,monsoon and winter. Tree diagram also explain their duration work and agriculture products available during the Seasons . summer occurs between February to May farmers grow their field with mangoes  Jack fruits are available in this season .Between the month of June to September there is monsoon season in the season sowing and nurturing crops are the basic works done by farmers during this season corn leafy vegetables and pineapples available in this season winter season occurs between month of October to January it is the harvesting season for farmers rice oranges and apples are available in this season.

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara First Semester Exam 2024-25

  Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara First Semester Exam  2024-25 Std: XI         Marks 50        Sub - English                  Section I Prose...