Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Information transfer Example (Non-verbal to Verbal) From The Indian Express

' In a report released Monday, the World Health Organization (WHO) said air pollution was responsible for the deaths of over one lakh children under age 5 in India in 2016, and over 7,000 children between ages 5 and 14. In both age groups, the death rate was much higher among girls than among  boys. Under age 5, air pollution accounted for the death ofnearly 55,000 girls (death rate 96.6 per lakh) and nearly 47,000 boys (74.3 per lakh). In the age group 5-14, the children who died comprised over 4,000 girls (death rate 3.4 per lakh) and over
; 3,000 boys (2.3 per lakh). Both genders taken together, the death rate in i India was 848 per lal<h among children under 5, and 2.9 per lakh in the age group 5-14.
These were out of about six lakh children below the age of 15 who died  due to air pollution! Across the world  åccounted for
more child deathsin India than in any of its neighboursv inauding China.  Howeveri Myanmar and Pakistan had  E; the highest death rate among these countries, in both age groups.
The report also looked at propor tions of children who are exposed to  d levels of PM25 higher than theWHO air quality guide line levels.

Monday, 29 October 2018

News Writing

Sub-Inspector  abducted and
 killed in Jammu Kashmir



A JAMMU and Kashmir Police  Sub-inspector was and shot dead by suspected militants when he was on his way home,  in Pulwama district of South Kashmir, on Sunday afternoon.

 The police officer, Imtiyaz Ahmad Mir, who was in his thir  ties, was posted with the  Police intelligence wing.
 "We have lost Sl Imtiyaz of
 JKP in a terror incident at  Pulwama," J&K Police tweeted. "We condemn this gruesome killing and pay our sincere tributeto the officer".
  According to sources, sus pected militants intercepted Mir's vehicle at Wahibugh vil  lage in Pulwama district, took him to a nearby stream and shot him dead. Mir, a 2010-batch offlcer who was posted at Shergarhi  police station in Srinagar,was on his way home to Sonthbugh village in Pulwama. Police officers   are yet to confirm whether Mir  was on leave.
 Earlier, theJ&K Police depart  ment issued an advisory to its personnel. especially those liv  ing in South Kashmir, to take extreme Precautions while going home on leave.

Sunday, 28 October 2018

Speech on "Organ Donation".

B) Prepare a short speech to be delivered infront of your class on the topic,

Organ Donation

Dear friends,

 Today is 13th August we Indian celebrate this day as a organ donation day .
Today the Government of India and many other organisations celebrating this day .According to the report every year almost 5 lakh people in India died because of failure of their organ in the body .So donating organ is important for organ transplant transplant is most important nowadays. The donor of organ plays the role of God in the life of organ transplant.

 one organ Donor can save more than eight lives in his life by donating his well functioning organs. The organ donation day campaign which is celebrated every year provides a great opportunity to the donor. The organs like kidney, liver, bone marrow, hearts ,lungs cornea transplant through medical treatment.
           we cannot produce organs in a factory. so it is necessary to donate organ after our death so I request you all of the students to tell the importance of the organ donation to the people you are nearby. motivate the people to donate organ because the motto of organ donation is "life can begin after death" 

Really if you want to live after your death donate organ.

 Thank you very much

Saturday, 27 October 2018

Interview Questions For Saurabh Chaudhary-First Gold Winner in Shooting

 You intend to interview Surabha Chaudhary won India's first gold in shooting at the Asian Games in Indonesia. You have assigned the task of interview him for your school magazine.Frame a set of 8 to 10 questions, regarding his

work and message.

1. How did you get started in shooting?
2. How do you feel As a first Indian Gold winner shooter ?
3. What’s the secret to the success you’ve found?
4. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received about shooting?
5. What do you like most about shooting?
6. Who has had the biggest impact of shaping who you are as a competitive
7. What is your message to teenagers?
8. What do you like to do when you’re not in shooting?
9. What are some ideas you have for making your sport better?
10.Tell me what being a member of the Indian Shooting Team means to you?

Friday, 26 October 2018

Counter-View on Should E- learning technology replace teachers

Should E- learning technology replace teachers

Though there are several advantages of E-learning it can not be replace teachers.Technology gives you knowledge.But teachers teaches you howthis knowledge is used in daily life with their life experiences .The teacher leads,guides ,facilitates and Mentors a student. A good teacher encourages ,have a positive influence and an inspiration to the students .The trust and bond between the teacher and student create perfect learning environment which can never be achieved by e-learning .Today's generation like e-Learning but we cannot use 100% e-Learning in the class. Even in a learning method teachers role is most important.Classroom without teacher is not possible .Technology plays a supporting role but it is the teacher who brings it all together so teacher or e-Learning is not issue both are essential for the students

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara 12 th First Term Examination-2018-19

      Junior Colleges,

                   Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara

                                         First Term Examination-2018-19

                                                  Std. Xll

                                        Subject : English      Marks {5O}

                             Date: 24/10/2018 Time: 7.30 to 9.30

                  (Reading Skills, Vocabulary, Grammar and Summary) Read the first activity, read the extract and then do all the activities. 12

 A1) State whether the following statements are true or false. 2

i) He has become the fifth-largest manufacturer of personal computers.     FALSE

ii) Michaels mother Lorraine was an orthodontist.     FALSE

iii) At 17, Dell bought an expensive B.M.W. Car.     TRUE

 iv) In high school Michael had a job of selling newspaper subscriptions. TRUE

Michael DelL has always been fond of saying, "If you think you have a good idea, try it !" And today, at-29, he has discovered the power- of another  good idea that has helped him rise in just a few years from teen to tycoon. He   has become the fourth-largest manufacturer of personal computers in America  and the youngest man ever to head Fortune 500 corporation.
Growing up in Houston, Texas, Michael and his two brothers were imbued by their parents, Alexander and Lorraine-he an orthodontist, she a stockbroker-with the desire to learn and the drive to work hard Even so, stories   about the midde boy began to be told early.
Like the time a saleswoman came Asking to speak to "Mr. Michael Dell" about his getting a high school equivalency diploma. moments later, eight year-old Michael was.explaining that he thought it might Ve a goöd idea to  get high school out of the way..
  A few years later. Michael had another good idea, to trade stamps by advertising in stamp magazines. With the $ 2000 he made, he bought his first personal computer. Then he took it apart to. figure 'out how it worked.
In high school Michael had a job selling newspvaper subscriptions. Newlyweds, he figured, were the best prospects, so he hired friends to copy the names and addresses of recent recipients of marriage licences. These he en tered into his computer, then sent a personalized letter offering each couple a free two-week subscription.
This time Dell made $ 18,000 and bought an expensive BMW car. The car salesman was flabbergasted when the 17-year-old paid cash.

  Complete the following sentences. 2

Michael's process of selling Newspaper subscriptions.

i)............................... ii)...............................

ANS-  1)  He found that newly weds were the best prospects.
            2) So he hired the friend to copy the names and addresses of  recent recipients of marriage licences,enter the data in to computer and then send them personalized letters offering each couple a free two weeks subscription

  A-3 Conclusion. 2

"Stories about the middle boy began to be told early" This sentence implied ................ (Complete it in a paragraph)

ANSWER- Stories about the middle boy began to be told- early- This sentence implied that writer told us that middle boy(Micheal) start his successive stories  at an early age.

A4 Vocabulary. 2

Give one word for the following from the passage.

i) Greatly surprised =   flabbergasted

  ii) filled with a quality = imbued

 iii) of high price   = hefty mark-up

iv) a wealthy and powerful person  = tycoon

A5 Personal Response. 2

Dells story teaches me
i)........................... . 
ANS-Dells story teaches us following lesson
i)  Always use good and new idea.
ii) do what you love.

A6 Grammar (Do as directed) 2

1) If you think you have a good idea, try it.

(Rewrite sentence using "Unless")

ANS-Unless you think you have a good idea ,do not try it.

2) He has discovered the power of another good idea
  (Rewrite sentence beginning with "The power of)

ANS- The power of another good idea has been discovered by him.

A.I B) Do as directed.

1) I have bought ........pen .........pen is nice.
ANS- a, the
(Rewrite the sentence using articles)

2) The Inter collegiate sports meet was held.... Nashik ......... Thursday.

 (Rewrite the sentence using appropriate prepositions)

ANS- in   ,   on

3) She said to me, "Please help me." (Change the narration)

ANS- She requested him/her to help him/her.

Q.2 A) Read the first activity/ read the extract and do the activities that follows

 Al) Choose two correct statements that explain the basic purpose of the extract.

 i) To make the reader's understand that problems need to be ignored to get a  peaceful life.

ii) To motivate readers to accept.the challenges of life and move a head.

iii) One needs to bury all the thoughts of quitting to embrace success one day or  the other.

iv) The winner of the battles of life is the physically strongest person.

We face a crisis almost every minute in one form or the other, just that we don't realize it. The.magnitude of a particular issue in our lives makes us  classify it as normal or critical.
Each one of us is fighting a battle, all the time: From the person com muting for hours in a jampacked bus just to reach his workplace, to newly married girl adjustihg in hér husband's family, we are all fighters.
 Each morning puts a man on trial and each evening passes judgement. The names of such men and women may not appear on the front pages of  newspapers or the President of the country may not honour them, yet lifeitself is the reward.
The strongest people are not always those who win, but the people who don't give up when they lose. Fear is good, if one can use it properly and not be paralysed by it.
Life is generous to those who pursue their destiny. It is the possibility of having a dream come true that actually makes life interesting.
The only limits on life are those that people set themselves. Men are not prisoners of fate, but prisoners of their own minds The tragedy of life is not death but what we let die inside us while we live.
Most people don't fail; they simply give up trying. We cannot change the course of events, but always change the response of the course of
Let's salute those who never give up and succeed.

A2) Explain

Admirable qualities that are discussed in the passage.
a) don't give up
b) strongest people
c) having dream
d) peruse their destiny

A 3) The ways a man in crisis can come out of his / her problems.
1) Don't give up when they lose.
2) they do not fear of failure.
3) they have a dream.

A 4)Find out. the synonyms words from the, extract.
1) Subject  = people
2) Danger  =  crisis
3) Powerful  = magnitude
4) Left  = give up /quit

Personal Response.

Mention how you  handle a crisis. Explain your answer .o
ANS- Whenever out I met crisis in my life I firstly think positively about that matter.I seek advice of my friend and parents. I do not give up.

Grammar (Do as directed)

I) Each morning puts a man on trial.
(Rewrite the sentence in present perfect continuous Tense)

ANS- Each morning have been putting a man on trial.

II) Women may not appear on the front pages of newspaper.
(Rewrite the sentence using modal auxiliary showing with obligation)
Women MUST not appear on the front pages of newspaper.

B Summary. 4
.Write a summary of the above extract with the help of the. points given below and suggest a suitable title.

Problems influencing life - the winners - what they do - their strength in handling the situation.

             Title - Don't give up

Crisis are the part of our life.Each person have a problems in their life.strongest people handle problem calmly.They never quit.They do things differently.They do not fear.So salute to those people who success.

Section Il

Read the given extract and do the activities that follow. 8

Look on the kitchen floor,
You'll find some flowers there by the door.
 These are the flowers she brought for you.
She picked them herself, pink, yellow and blue.
She stood quietly not to spoil the surprise,
And you never saw the tears in her eyes."

 By this time, I felt very small
And now my tears began to fall.
I quietly went and knelt by her bed;
"Wake up, little girl, wake up", I said.
"Are these the flowers you picked for me ?" She smiled,
 "I found'em, out by; the tree.
I picked? em because they' re pretty like you.
I knew you would like'em, especially the blue."
I said, "Daughter, I'm sorry for the way acted today;
I shouldn't have yelled at you that way."
She said, "Oh, Mom, that's okay. I love you anyway,"
I said, "Daughter, I love you too,
 and I do like the flowers, especially the blue."

A1) Complete the following sequence of events in the poem. 2

Daughter brings flowers for mother

Mother yelled at her

At night mother felt very small  her behavior towards her daughter

 She goes to her daughter and says sorry to her

 Poetic devices.

Write down the rhyme scheme of the 1st stanza and give two pairs of rhyming words from the extract.

Rhyming words = floor-door,you - blue ,surprise - eyes
Rhyme scheme  = aa ,bb ,cc

A3) Personal Response. 2

How Would you react if a similar incident happened with you in your family ?

ANS- If a similar incident happen with me at first I became sad but after that I will clear my side by telling truth.

A4) Poetic creation.

 The daughter is very happy that the bond with her mother is How strengthened even more.
 Add lines expressing the daughter's happiness at the end as a conclusion of the poem.


                           Section - Ill
 READ The extract and do the activities that follow. 4

 On the following morning. when the flower once more stretched forth  its tender petals, like little arms towards the air and light the daisy recognized the bird's voice, but what it sang sounded so sad. Indeed the poor bird had good reason to be sad, for it had been caught and put into a cage close by the open window. It sang of the happy days when it could merrily fly about, of   fresh green corn in the fields, and of the time when it could soar almost up to

 the clouds. The poor lark was most unhappy as a prisoner in a cage. The little   daisy would have liked so much to help it, but what could be done Indeed, that was very difficult for such a a small flower to find out. It entirely forgot  how beautiful everything around it was, how warmly the sun was shining, and how splendidly white its petals were. It could only think of the poor captive bird, for which it could do nothing. Then two little boys came out of the garden; one of them had a large sharp knife, like that with which the girl   had cut the tulips. They came straight towards the little daisy, which could
not understand what they wanted.
"Here is a fine piece of turf for the lark," said one of the boys, and began to cut out a square round the daisy, so that it remained in the centre of the  grass.
 "Pluck the flower off' said the other boy, and the daisy trembled for fear' for to be pulled off meant death to it; and it wished so much to live, as it was  to go with the square of turf into the poor captive lark's cage.
"No let it stay," said the other boy, "it looks so pretty."

And so it stayed and was brought into the lark's cage. The poor bird was lamenting its lost liberty, and beating its wings against the wires; and the little daisy could not speak or utter a consoling word, much asit would have liked to do so. So the forenoon passed.

Al) Complete the sentence by choosing the correct information from the extract.   2 

The poor bird was sad because
  i)He had been caught and put in to a cage.
  ii) He is now prisoner in a cage.
   iii) He remembered his old days.

A2) Convert the extract in to a dialogue between 2 Daisy and Lark.

Daisy: Why are you singing so sadly, little bird?
Lark:  Oh,Daisy, I have been caught in a cage.
Daisy:Who has done this cruel work?
Lark: Those two cruel boys. I want to escape from here.
Daisy: Can I help you.But how can I help you?
Lark: Oh Daisy do what you want but free me from here.
Daisy: Ok I will try.

Section IV
(Writing Communication) (8)
Q. 5 A) Letter Writing 8

1) Write any one of the following letters. 4

1) Write a letter to your principal requesting him / her for issuing a duplicate
Leaving certificate for you.

Applicant :- Hemant Desai
College & Commerce college Kolhapur
Class :- Xllth comerce Division - B
Reason :- lost leaving Certificate in Bus

                                                                                                                                  Hemant Desai,
Arts and commerce

Sub:- Application for duplicate leaving certificate.

Applicant:-  Hemant Desai

Respected sir,
                  I am Hemant Desai,with the above mentioned subject I apply for duplicate leaving certificate.
     I am student of 12th Commerce,division-B and my roll no is 46.I want leaving certificate for educational purpose.I want duplicate leaving certificate because my original certificate lost in bus while travelling.
    So I request you to give me my duplicate leaving certificate.I also declare hear that I will not misuse the certificate.

                                                                                                              Yours faithfully

                                                                                                            Hemant Desai


2) (Irregular water supply in Vishrambag area , Sangli 21, the Supply of Water through pipe lines in Vishrambåg area has been extremely inadequate and irregular. Inmates of every house have been suffering badly. Municipal Corporation needs to look in to the matter and take necessary action at the earliest.)

After reading the above intro of a news, Write a letter to the municipal
 commissioner requesting for urgent action.

                                                                                                                                                               Akshay Sharma,
                                                             Nariman House,
                                                             Adarsh Nagar,

The Commissioner 
of Municipal Corportion,

Sub: - Complaint regarding irregular water supply.

 Respected Sir,

 I the resident of  Adarsh Nagar, Colony, would like to draw your attention towards the irregular water supply in our locality. We are facing this problem, since the time the new building has been constructed in our locality, due to which the water supply has been disrupted.

 Due to the construction of the new building, the water supply has been portioned and now the supply has been interrupted as earlier the regular water supply used to be 3 hours in the morning and the same in the evening, but now the same has been reduced to just an hour as it needs a new water supply unit for individual building.

 I hope for your contribution in solving this problem. Looking forward to your reply.

 Thanking you.

                                                                           Yours                                                                                      sincerely,
                                                                Akshay Sharma

Q.6 Do the following activities. 4 On the occasion of the Annual Day Gathering function a famous actor actress is going to be the chief Guest at your Junior College function. You are assigned the task of interviewing him her for your college magazine. Frame a set of 8 to 10 questions to interview him/her. Prepare one introductory question, some probing. questions and one concluding question.

Today I am going to meet one of the legends of Indian cinema who needs no introduction, his name is Mr. Amitabh Bachhan.

 (i) What was your motivation behind a successful actor?

 (ii) How do you manage your personal and professional life?

 (iii) When you decided to be an actor, did your family support you?

 (iv) A part from your acting career, what other profession would you have like to opt, if you would not be an actor?

 (v) How did you tackle the tough phase of your life?

 (vi) What phase of life do you enjoy the most, being a son, being a father or being a grand father?

 (vii) What is your reaction to the people, who mimic you?

 (viii) What advice you would like to give the youngsters who follow you?

                                 THANK- YOU

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Counter view on Whatsapp is harmful

 Prepare a counter view on the following View- section in about 120 words .

            View Section

  • Whatsapp is harmful.
  • Waste of time and money.
  • Adverse effect on the routine life.
  • Harmful to the studies of students.
  • Creates mental strain and stress.
  • It is addictive.

               Counter- View

   WhatsApp is boon to new                                  generation

 Really WhatsApp is beneficial to the new generation if we use it for good cause . Many people think that it wastes our time and energy but it is not true it is more useful for farmers workers and small businessmen for avoiding time and energy waste .With the help of many WhatsApp group people enrich their lives . Group of teachers businessmans small entrepreneurs and study groups are useful to student teachers and other small entrepreneurs .WhatApp is more useful to the students if they used it for only sharing study material.It is also useful for sharing valuable life moments for people who lives away from their family. If we decide what is good and what is bad then there will be no strain and stress using WhatsApp. Actually WhatsApp releases our stress .Many people think that WhatsApp is addictive but it depends upon us. If we understand  the importance time value we definitely prefer our work than WhatsApp.So if we use WhatsApp for only caring , sharing , education and business it really will be boon for today's generation.

Monday, 22 October 2018

Unseen passage with activity and summary writing

Q.3A), Read the first activity, red the ex&act and do the activities that follow. 12

Al) Read the following statements and Say true and false. 2

i) Parents generally feel that investing in girls is n6t beneficial. True

fii) More girls are not enrolled in primary school than before
 iii) The mortality rate of women is not high.
iv) Women work longer and are given few positions of responsibility.

Many studies in recent years have looked at the allocation of resourcesat the house-hold level. They show that a much greaCer share Of education. health and food expenditures go to boys than girls. In•many cultures, parents think that there are lower benefits from investing in girls. This is where the vicious circle starts, leaving many women in a disadvantaged position for life. The losers are not only the women but the entire society.

There has been progress in the past few decades. More girls in developing countries are enrolled in primary schools. Since 1950's the female labour force has grown twice as that as the male labour force. Some 30 percent of the women in the developing countries are part of the formal work force.
But still there ae too many failures an unsolved problems. The list of inequalities is long and gepressing: Women spend more time on paid and unpaid work than men do and they are less likely to be in positions of responsibility. Their mortality is high
Education is the single most crucial issue for the well being of a woman and her family. Educated women have healthier children and moreover have fever children. they have a profound impact on the status of women in their community and make it easier for future generations girls to get adequate education.

A2) Complete.

2 Complete the following sentences

i) Inequality of work where women and men are concerned.
1)Womens spend more time on paid and unpaid work .
2)Womens are less likely to be in position of responsibility.

ii) A3) Explain.
EXPLAIN - EdÜcated women hélp a nation to make progress.

Educated women help to educate their family
they have propounded impact on the future generation


Find out the words from the extract which meanse

i) Death of rate=mortality

 ii) A period of ten years= decades

 iii) An advantage from something= benefit

 iv) sufficient= adequate

.A5) Personal Response.

What steps would you take to improve the plight of Women ?

Answer- I think for the development of women first thing is that educate them give them equal opportunity equal status in family and Society then only we can improve their condition.

A6) Grammar.

Do as directed.

i) The losers are not only the women but the entire society.

(Rewrite as a Affirmative sentence)

Ans- the losers are the womens as well as the entire society

ii) Education is the single most crucial issue. (Rewrite using 'as
Ans- no other issue is as crucial as education

B) Summary

Write a' brief summary of the aboVe extract with the help of the points given beloW and suggest a suitable title.
Studies ..... allocated=.., investingin girls ...e... girls enrolled more women working ..... Few position of responsiblity .... education can improve.

Womens need education they have spend more time on paid and unpaid work they must have proper education the investment in girls education is most and enrollment is also most women's nowadays working more than men but they have only a few position of responsibility only education can improve the status of women.

Sunday, 21 October 2018


              Yoga Day Speech

Imagine that your college arranged 'Yoga Day' .Prepare a speech to be delivered on that occasion.Telling the importance of yoga for healthy life.

Honorable Principal,respected teachers and my dear friends,
           we all know that today we are celebrating yoga day.Every  year on 21st June we celebrated this day.The celebration of this day is started from 2015.Our great Prime Minister Narendra Modi made great effort to start this day.
               Yoga is the best medicine of the world.Our ancestors developed this unique medicine.Yoga has power to cure any type of disease without any side effect.Everyday one hour yoga makes you physically and mentally strong. 
        Yoga make us strong physically and mentally.This is developed by our ancestors so it is purely Indian exercise.In today's fast and busy life yoga is most essential part of our life.
  So do Yoga everyday and live fit and healthy

Thank you very much
Jai Hind

Saturday, 20 October 2018


1.How did you become involved with the subject or theme of your book?

2.Where did your love of books come from?

3.How long have you been writing?

4.What kind(s) of writing do you do?

5.What cultural value do you see in writing.?

6.Can you share some stories about people you met while researching this book

7.What do you think most characterizes your writing?

8.What was the hardest part of writing this book?  

9.What did you enjoy most about writing this book?

10.hat is the biggest thing that people THINK they know about your subject/genre, that isn't so?

11.What is the most important thing that people DON'T know about your subject/genre, that they need to know?

12.What inspires you?  

13.How did you get to be where you are in your life today?

14.Who are some of your favorite authors that you feel were influential in your work?

15.What did you find most useful in learning to write?  

16.How do you feel about ebooks vs. print books and alternative vs. conventional publishing?

17.What do you think is the future of reading/writing?

18.What process did you go through to get your book published?

19.What makes your book stand out from the crowd?

20.What is your message to writer of new generation?

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Unseen passage with summary writing

Q3. (A) Read the following extract and answer the questions given below: (11)

Dairy farming is a major livelihood followed by many households in rural areas. This includes rearing milk cattle - cows, buffaloes, goats and sheep. There is a shortage of milk in the country as consumption in both urban and rural areas has risen sharply.

Dairying is an important source of subsidiary income to marginal farmers and agricultural labours. They play a very important role in milk production of the country. In 1986 - 87, about 73 percent of rural households owned livestock. According to the National Sample Survey of 1993 - 94, livestock sector produces regular employment to about 9.8 million persons in principal status and 8.6 million in subsidiary status, which constitute about 5 percent of the total work force.

The Manure from animals provides a good source of organic matter for improving soil fertility and crop yields. The gas obtained by processing dung is used as a fuel for domestic purposes and also for running engines to draw water from wells. The surplus fodder and agricultural by - products are gainfully utilized for feeding the animals. Since agriculture is mostly seasonal, there is a possibility of finding employment throughout the year for many persons through dairy farming.

The milk processing industry is a small one. Only 10 percent of all the milk produced is delivered to some 400 dairy plants. A specific Indian phenomenon is the unorganized sector of milkmen and vendors, which handles around 65 - 70 percent of the national milk production. They collect milk from local producers and sell it in both urban and non - urban areas.

B. Summary:

Write a summary of the above extract with the help of the following points and suggest a suitable title: (4)

Dairy forming - major livelihood - income and employment source - uses of dung - uses of surplus fodder - role or unorganised sector.

Dairy farming a best Source of Income.

Dairy farming can become a best source of income and generate employment opportunities to people. The manure from animals provides a good source of organic matter for improving soil fertility and crop yields. The gobar gas obtained by processing dung is used as fuel for domestic purposes and lastly the fuel helps to run engines and to draw water from wells. The surplus fodder and agricultural by products are used to feed animals. In this way dairy farming beneficial for farmers besides getting milk. The National Sample Survey of 1993 - 94 provides the information that, livestock sector produces regular employment to about 9.8 million persons in principal status and 8.6 million in subsidiary status. It constitute about 5 % of the total work force.


(C) Write on any one of the following items.
Read the following tabular data and prepare a short paragraph regarding overcoming fatigue :


Fatigue  are of two types physical fatigue and mental fatigue. Both types of fatigue  are easy to overcoming. For the overcoming of physical fatigue you need proper rest, a hot bath, a well balanced diet and regular exercise and increases endurance is essential. 
For overcoming second type that is mental fatigue you need complete relaxation, listening to music, pursuing a hobby , change in work, have a snack and watch or play games are essential.If you want to overcome fatigue keep in mind all these things.

Application Letter for the post of Salesman

 Section D (Writing Skills)

Q.VI• (A) Letter Writing.
 Write any ONE of the following letters.
1) Read the followingadvertisement and prepare a leter of application in response to it by using the information given in the C.V. (Resume) that follows:

                                                        Suhas mane
                                         Lokhandwala complex                                                                          Andheri(W)
 Brachial cloth shop,
main road

Ref.- your advertisement in The Times of India dated 1st January

Sub- Application for the post of salesman

Dear sir,
                     with reference to the above mentioned subject I wish to apply for the post of Salesman in your clothes shop.
       I completed my SSC from Shivaji Highschool with 60% mark .I have also good knowledge of English hindi and marathi and ready to work 12 hours I have also experience to work in a cloth shop.
   so I request you sir please give me a chance to work for your shop if given me a chance I will try my level best for the betterment of your shop.

Thank you

                                        Yours faithfully
                                               Suhas Mane

Enclosure- Xerox  copy of S.S.C. certificate

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara Std-XII. 2024-25 Preliminary Examination

  Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara Std-XII.                2024-25 Preliminary Examination Marks- 80 English (Activity Sheet) Section-A-Prose ...