Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Activity sheet Unseen passage with summary and model answers

Q.2 Read the first activity read the extract and do the activities that follow .

A1) complete

complete the table choosing the correct information from the extract .

A disciplined society is like a well oiled Machine .It functions effectively and smoothly .The components of society namely its people need to be disciplined.

        Discipline has been defined as "behaviour according to established the rules" by the Oxford Dictionary. It involves control over one's mind and consequently confirm to prevent norms.selfish behaviour is the stumbling block to discipline.
       Discipline behaviour is important in the workplace in the family environment in public places such as roads and while waiting for a bus.A disciplined orderly society facilitates the achievement of an individual's needs in the long run.
       we need stricter law enforcement citizens are behind for spitting in public places for not following traffic Regulation and for not forming clothes they would automatically be more careful in observing rules .
     "Indiscipline" is not just an abstract noun. It is an attitude that is determined to the individual and to the society at large. By being discipline by raising our voices against discipline we can make our country a better place to live in.

  A2) Give reasons
 A disciplined society is like a well Oiled Machine. explain into two sentences

A3) True or false

State if the following statement are true or false

i) selfish behaviour is the tumbling block to discipline.

 II) Indiscipline affects the individual not the society.

iii) disciplined applied behaviour is an important in the workplace.

iv)  self discipline is the best discipline .

A4) write the opposite word from the extract which mean .

I) private

II) careless

III) ineffective

IV) worse

A5 ) Personal response

As a student note down the steps that you will take against indiscipline .

A6) Grammar
 Do as directed

I) Indiscipline is an attitude .(add a question tag )

II)we need stricter law enforcement.

( change The voice)

B) Summary

Write a summary of the above extract with the help of the points given below
and suggest a suitable title.

 A disciplined society -well oiled machine -self behaviour -indiscipline - determinantal to the society.

Model Answers

Q.2 a)

A1 Complete
  • Disciplined behaviour
  1. In work place
  2. In a family environment
  3. In public places -such as roads and while waiting for bus.
A2 Give Reasons

  1. A disciplined society is like a well oiled machine because its functions effectively and smoothly and its people need to be disciplined.
A3  True or False

  1. Selfish behaviour is the stumbling block to discipline.   =True
  2. Indiscipline affects the individual not the society. = False
  3. Disciplined behaviour is important in the workplace.   =True
  4. Self discipline is the best discipline.  = True
A4 Opposite Words

  1. Private   =  public 
  2. careless  =  careful 
  3. Ineffective  =effective 
  4. Worse = Better
A6 Grammar

I) Indiscipline is an attitude, isn't it ?

II ) strict law enforcement is needed         
   to us.
Q.2 B



Discipline society is like oil machine. people must discipline .we  must follow discipline in workplace, in family, and in public places. for discipline society it needs stricter law By raising voice against indiscipline we can make our country greater.self discipline is the best discipline.


Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara Std-XII. 2024-25 Preliminary Examination

  Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara Std-XII.                2024-25 Preliminary Examination Marks- 80 English (Activity Sheet) Section-A-Prose ...