Thursday, 18 January 2018

ORAL TEST English 12th. Class


             ORAL EXAM. 

Std.12th    Sub-English Marks 20

Q1 A Listen to the following sentences and write them down. 5 marks

l) India is a treasure-house of beauties and legends.

2) Colourful advertisements decorate the pages of the newspaper.

3) Success is always possible with sincere efforts.

4) TheManipuri dance derives its name from Manipur.

5) Planned exercise programmers help of a person maintain a healthy body.

6) How high his highness holds his head !

7) We met a man carrying a big box.

8) The beauty ofthe NSS programmes is that it often goes beyond students.

9) The principal ofour college always sticks to her principles.

10) Which book did you choose ? She chose for herself.

(The teacher reads out any five sentences, reading each sentence twice with a short pause in between)

B) listen the following extract and answer the questions. 5 marks

 There is a poem of Tagore. Most of Tagore's poem were in the form of prayers and those is one, which is very often quotes, which begins with 'Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high, "and has its last  line. "Into that heaven offreedom. My mother, let my country awake. 'Now, that is what I would like my country to be. I know that in my lifetime, I cant complete anything. Nobody can, all we can do is to move forward along what we consider is the right direction.

1) Theme of extract.

2) Moral of the story. 

 3) What did the speaker expect to do in her lifetime ?

(The teacher reads the extract or some other extract of about 100 words  slowly twice. Then the teacher puts these questions on the board and the  students write the answers)


           Speaking skill

Q.3 A) Speak for about two minutes on any ONE ofthe following. 5

 l) Introduce your self.

2) MyHobby.

3) My favourite author.

4) My Aim in Life.

5) My native place.

B) Group Topics for group discussion. 5

1) The place of women in Indian Society.

2) Mobile-advantages and disadvantages.

3) Exams - necessary or unnecessary.

4) Accidents; causes and remedies.

 5) Save girl child.

6) Pollution - causes and remedies.


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  Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara Std-XII.                2024-25 Preliminary Examination Marks- 80 English (Activity Sheet) Section-A-Prose ...