Tuesday, 16 January 2018

A List of Suggested Activites for Activity sheet of 11 th class

  A List of Suggested Activites 

l. Complex Factual Comprehension/ Global understanding/,Interpreution/ConcIusion

 1.Identify the intention of the author/   theme of the extract/mood of the characters
 2. True or False
 3. Sequence of sentences

 4. Complete the Web
 5. Find the proofr
 6. Flowchart
7. Complete
8. Putting sentences in correct sequence
9. Choose the appropriate sentence/s summarising the passage
10. Find out the expressions that are against the writer's views
11. Complete the table
12. Filling the gaps of a summary
13. Selection of the right response/s from the multiple statements

 Il. Vocabulary activities

1. Synonyms
 2. Antonyms
3. Contextual meaning
 4. Give one word for
 5. Fill in the blanks by selecting
 6. Find a word from the passage having given the meaning
7. Discourse markers/linkers
8. Word register
 9. Word puzzle
10. Shades of meanings
Il. Matching words with meanings
 12. Using words in meaningful sentences
13. Select a proper word/phrase to complete the sentence
 Ill. Testing Grammar
1. M.C.Q,
2. Begin with
3. Use and rewrite
4. Rewrite using (article, prepositions) missing in a sentence

5, Selecting a preposition by looking at the situation
6. Changing tense forms in sentences (at least 2)
7. Framing a sentence based on the given situation

Personal Response

  Agree or disagree with the Writer's viewsffor or against opinion
2. Reaction to the situation
3. Suggestions or solutions on the problem
4. Seeking opinions with justification
5. Self-experience
6. Parallel experience
7. Commenting or criticising on the writer's point of view / opinions / thoughts etc.
8. Give reason/s
9. List the changes that you would bring in yourself
10. Describe the impact or effect of the message given in the passage on yourmind
V. Creativity in Poetry
1. Framing two continuous lines based on the theme
2. Framing two lines to match the given rhyming words
3. Reframing lines by changing the word order
4. Compose a line on the similar situation
5. Changing the rhyme scheme
6. Framing a slogan based on the poetic concept

VI. Rapid reading:

a) Activity testing global understanding

l. True or False
2. Matching

3. Completing
4. Select the sentence from the given alternatives that describes the passage

5. Select the appropriate title and explain its significance
b) Composition based activity

1. Convert the paragraph into a dialogue / conversation
2. Converting a dialogue into a paragraph
3. Developing an imaginative paragraph in the beginning or at the end as a continution
4. Gist of the extract in his / her own words

1 comment:

  1. Thank you sir.
    People are waiting for Model answer sheet of set B.(23-12-2017)


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