Sunday, 20 September 2020

Speech on 'Duties of an ideal citizen '

B) Write a speech about 100 words on the topic" 'Duties of an ideal citizen '" to be delivered in your classroom.

B) Speech Writing.: 3

'Duties of an ideal citizen'
Respected teachers and my dear friends, at first, a very good  morning to all of you.
 It gives me immense pleasure to express my thoughts  on an important topic 'Duties of an ideal citizen '

What makes a nations pillars high
And its foundation strong?
 Not gold, but only men can make
A people great and strong;
Men who, for truth and honor's sake,
Stand fast and suffer 
-Ralph Waldo Emerson 
A citizen is a person living in a particular country. An ideal citizen is the pride and basis of any society.

An ideal citizen is honest, hard working , well educated and patriotic. He surrenders himself for the sake of the nation. Mahatma Gandhiji, Pandit Nehru ji, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel ji etc were true citizens of India. They fought for the nation and it's because of them that we got Independence.

Ideal citizen willingly follows the rules and regulations of the country. He helps authority's in maintaining the law and order. He never tries to harm others , he performs his duty with full enthusiasm and responsibility. He is well aware of his duties and perform his duties always. Other citizens try to follow him. 

An ideal citizen participates in exercising his vote and electing the representatives. A good citizen lives in harmony . He is patient and tolerant to others faith and religion. He believes in equality and liberty. He is man of principles and ideals.

Thank you very much 

Thus, He is kind, truthful , sincere , Cooperative and he is proud of the Nation's culture and heritage. He always tries to protect it. He never tolerate terrorism , injustice and corruption. Thus , he is a real source of power and strength.


Thursday, 17 September 2020

Expansion of ideas on “Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them”.


“clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them”.

Food ,clothes and shelter are the basic necessities of man. Every person is cautious about clothes and particularly Indian people are more cautious about attire. In India almost in every state different types and colors of clothes are used. 

I stand strong with the Mar Jacobs quote of “clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them”.

However clothes in all their abundance mean nothing until owned or worn by someone.clothes makes people lively and comfortable because clothes are not just about what is on the outside but also about what is on the inside. Clothes are the medium of communication that needs no words. After all it is the person that adds meaning to the clothes and not the other way around.

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Expansion of ideas on "Manners maketh man."


"Manners maketh man"   -William Horman

When I read the lesson 'On Saying please ' I understand the importance of politeness Man is social animal and for good behavior in society manners are most essential. That's why it is said that "Manners maketh man." The proverb ‘manners maketh man’ means that politeness and good manners are essential to humanity.

Good manners distinguish man from animals so manners are essential to every human being. Good manners molds and shapes our personality. It is one type of ornament which enlighten our personality. 

This proverb is centuries old, and it reminds us to pay attention to the way in which we act in society. Many people would argued that good manners are essential if we want to demonstrate our respect for other people and to make a good impression on everyone that we meet. Having good manners is very important if everyone in society is to coexist in peace and harmony.

Sunday, 13 September 2020

Expansion of ideas on " The wise man has long ears and a short tongue".

 The wise man has long ears and a short tongue.

God gave man two ears and one tongue so
that we listen twice as much as we speak.
-- Arab proverb
Wise man has long ears and a short tongue is a Swedish term. It means that the person who is wise listen more , so the concept long ears is related to listening. And Short tongue means speak less. If we take examples from history great men were great listeners. Wise men speaks with their behavior and work , on the contrary common men speak more and work less. So wise people listen more and more to others and increase their knowledge. Listening means acquiring good knowledge and wise men always have a good knowledge.
So Egyptian proverb says that "A man's ruin lies in his tongue."

Saturday, 12 September 2020

Expansion of ideas on "Attitudes are the real figures of speech "


Attitudes are the real figures of speech 

Edwin Friedman said that communication does not depend on syntax, eloquence, rhetoric or articulation, but on the emotional context in which the message is being heard. “Attitudes”, he said, “are the real figures of speech.” 

Attitudes define your confidence. Attitude includes voice modulations, posture and the physical appearance. Speech not only includes words, but the way you deliver it to the audience, that is the audience should be interested in your words. Attracting the audience requires a positive and cheerful attitude.

Thus, attitudes are the real figure of speech.

Friday, 11 September 2020

Expansion of ideas on "Argument is the Worst kind of communication"

Argument is the Worst kind of communication 

One valuable quality God bestowed upon human being which separates humans from other animals is communication. Communication helps two or more people exchange their thoughts, ideas, feelings, emotions in a meaningful way. For good communication use of kind and polite language is essential. Polite communication develops good relationships between people.
But when people don't agree with each other, they often resort to arguments to express their displeasure. In an argument people feel angry, they are ready to take revenge. People use abusive language and it affects relationship.
So communication is the gift of God.Use it for developing good relationship among people, otherwise it becomes worst kind of communication. 

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Expansion of idea on "If speech is silver, then silence is golden "

If speech is silver, then silence is golden

 'If speech is silver, then silence is golden'. This proverb implies that silence is a priceless gift. If you wish your company to be valued by others, sometimes keep quiet, listen and pay attention while others are speaking.

The adage says: 'Deep rivers run quietly.' This adage signifies people who are deep thinkers and have deep knowledge about life, prefer remaining quiet.

‘Empty vessels make most noise.' This maxim means people who are shallow, with little knowledge, talk maximum; their gibberish and chatter cause maximum hurt and anguish. So again in order to not to be the cause of anguish for others, our elders have suggested to us observe silence.

The value of silence is great, especially when it is desirable.  You don’t need to speak every-time to create an impression. Sometimes, people leave better impressions who display the strength of character by remaining quiet and calm during challenging moments. Remember, that “words are like arrows, you can’t take them back after you let them back.” 

     So speak only when it is essential otherwise keep silence. Because silence is the Best medicine of all problems

आंतरराष्ट्रीय खेळाडू पै. भाग्यश्री हनुमंत फंड हिचे कुस्ती क्षेत्रातील उत्तुंग यश / मेडल


नाव- भाग्यश्री हनुमंत फंड.

 मु.पो.- टाकळी लोणार,

 तालुका- श्रीगोंदा,

जिल्हा- अहमदनगर.

राज्य- महाराष्ट्र. 

पिन कोड- 413701.

मोबाईल नं. 9850332310

तालमीचे नाव- इंटरनॅशनल कुस्ती संकुल श्रीगोंदा 

कोच- पै. किरण मोरे(NIS).

वडील-  हनुमंत फंड (मेजर)

क्रीडाशिक्षक - प्रा. संजय डफळ व प्रा. बापू होळकर

आधारस्तंभ - पै. अमोल तोरवे (सरपंच)

आत्तापर्यंतचे कुस्ती क्षेत्रातील सर्व मिडल

🤼‍♂राज्य पातळीवर उपलब्धी🤼‍♂

   🏅16 गोल्ड मेडल.


🤼‍♂राष्‍ट्रीय पातळीवर उपलब्धी🏅

1)स्कूल गेम 2017 सिल्वर मेडल( पुणे )

2)स्कूल गेम 2018 गोल्ड मेडल(धुळे )

3)सब ज्युनियर 2018 ब्राँझ मेडल( पुणे ) 

4)U15 2018 गोल्ड मेडल( मेरठ )

5) सब ज्युनियर (कॅडेट)2019 ब्राँझ मेडल(उडीसा )

6)स्कूल गेम 2020 गोल्ड मेडल(दिल्ली )

7) सब ज्युनियर(कॅडेट)2020 गोल्ड मेडल(पटना)

🤼‍♂खेलो इंडिया उपलब्धी🏅

1)खेलो इंडिया 2018 गोल्ड मेडल(दिल्ली ) 

2)खेलो इंडिया 2019 सिल्वर मेडल(पुणे )

3)खेलो इंडिया 2020 गोल्ड मेडल(आसाम ) 

🤼‍♂आंतरराष्ट्रीय पातळीवर उपलब्धी🏅

1)U15 एशियन चॅम्पियनशिप 2018 सिल्व्हर मेडल(जपान )

2)सब ज्युनियर (कॅडेट) एशियन चॅम्पियनशिप 2019 ब्राँझ मेडल(कझाकिस्तान)

3)वर्ल्ड चॅम्पियनशिप 2019 4th रँक(बल्गेरिया)

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Expansion of ideas on "Face is the index of mind "


Face is the index of mind 
There is an English proverb that says , "The face is the index of the mind". It is absolutely true because our facial expressions are indicate what is going in our mind. If someone is angry his anger which is in his mind immediately reflects on his face also other mental states are reflects on our face.Most of the astrologers guess the forecast of any person with the facial expressions of the people.The Mind and Minds activities are thinking, feeling and Willing and all these activities are clearly seen on the face so with the help of facial expression one can understand the feeling of any person. That is why Jerome Quotes. "The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes without speaking confess the secrets of the heart."

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Expansion of ideas 'Action speaks louder than words '

 Action speaks louder     than words 

Great Marathi saint Tukaram said that,"Bole taisa Chale tyachi vandavi Paole." It means the person who behaves according to his speech is the real person. 

If you say that actions speak louder than words, you mean that people's actions show their real attitudes, rather than what they say. This expression is sometimes used to advise a person to do something positive.

We have many examples of such personalities in India. One of the prominent examples is the example of our great Father of the nation Mahatma Gandhij. He spoke less and worked more. He always used innovative ideas and people followed him. He started wearing Khadi and banned foreign clothes . His every action was message for people at that time. 

 This message also useful for everyone because if we speak less and act like what we speak it is good message to our children.

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara Std-XII. 2024-25 Preliminary Examination

  Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara Std-XII.                2024-25 Preliminary Examination Marks- 80 English (Activity Sheet) Section-A-Prose ...