Friday, 16 February 2018

Unseen passage with Summary writing

Q.3.A) Read the following extract and answer the questions given below. (11)

Organic farming is the form ofagriculture that relies on ecological   processes, biodiversity and cycles adapted to local conditions. Organic  farmers ensure soil fertility with the help Ofcrop rotation, compost and  other biologically induced soil amendments. A healthy soil structure increases its ability to hold waterand theplants become better equipped to  resist diseases and insects and there is no need to depenJd on synthetic fertilizers, synthetic pesticides, plant growth regulators, livestock feed additives and genetically modified organisms, all of which are extremely harmful to the plants as well as human beings who consume them.
According to the International Federation of Organic Agriculture  Movements : 'Organic apiculture combines tradition, ümovaüon and science   to benefit the shared environment and promote fair relationships and a good quality oflife for all involved... ..." In India, the Green Revolution, which  was water intensive and involved a heavy dose ofchemical fertilizers, has not been a boon. Many farmers have seen the effect ofchemical farming soil erosion and loss ofsoil nutrients, loss ofnutrition in food, and human   diseases resulting from the chemicals that seep into the watertable.
But organic farming is often hard for the farmers who have to invest
 considerable time, energy and resources to regenerate the soil and reestablish the delicate balance between soil, water, air, animals and plants. Fulfier, the lack ofsupport inmaintaining such abalance makes the products more expensive, putting the burden on the consumers who choose to eat  healthy.

1) What does the first paragraph focus on? 1

2) Why was the Green Revolution not a boon for Indian farmers? 2

3) How is organic farming advantageous to farmers? 2

 4) What agicultural problems, according to you, do farmers face? 2

 5) Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed .

1) Organic farmers ensure soil fertility with t he help of croprotation.
(Add a question tag.)

i) Ahealthy soil sfructure increases its ability to hold water. 1

(Frame a 'Wh - question' to get the underlined part as answer.)

 iil) Chemical fertilizers are extermely harmful to the plants as well as human beings. 1
(Rewrite the sentence using 'not only.........but also'.)     1

6) Find out the words from the extract which mean: 1 
1) leak slowly.
il) substance added to improve something.

B) Summary : (4 Marks)

Write a sumary of the above extract with the help ofthe following points and suggest a suitable title:
 Organic farming -- depends on -- ensures soil fertility by -- organic  agriculture promotes -- difficulty for farmers because -- burden on consumer.

Q.3A) Answers

l) The benefits oforganic fanning.

2) Because it was water intensive and involved a heavy dose ofchemical fertilizers. It resulted in soil erosion, loss of soil nutrients and nutrition in food. and human diseases arising from the use ofchemicals.

.3) Organic farming ensues soil fertility and healthy soil structure which increases its ability to hold water. It makes plants healthier to resist diseases.

4) According to me, Indian farmers are facing the problems like loadsheding  insufficlent rainfall, lack of modem equipments and seeds. The farmers  don'tget proper market for their products.

i)Organic farmers ensure soil fertility with the help don't they? 1

  ii) What does ahealthy soil structure increase? 1

 iii) Chemical fertilizers are extermely harmful not only to the plants but also to humanbeings. 1

6) i) seep
 ii) additive

 Organic farming : Aboon to farmers

4 B) Organicfarming depends on ecological processes, biodiversity and cycles  adapted to local conditions. Organic farmers ensure soil fertility with the  help ofcrop rotation, compost and other soil amendments. An ability to hold water in soil is increased. Itis beneficial for the plants to resist diseases  and insects.
Organic farming promotes fairrelationships and a good quality of life. But there are some diffculties for the farmers who investtime, energy and resourses and maintain the balance between soil, water, air, animals and plants. The products become more expensive and become burdon for the consumers.

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