Friday, 16 February 2018

Information Transfer- Indian Classical Dances

(C) Information Transfer.  (04 Marks)
(1) Information Transfer:

Indian Classical Dances

A musical dance performed according to the tenets of the Natya  Shastra is called a Classical dance. There are four main schools oflndian Classical Dances- Bharat Natyam, Kathakali, Manipuri and Kathak.
 Bharat Natyam is the oldest and most popular dance-form in India. In this fonn the dancer is directed byNatuvaram, who is a musician as well as a teacher. The dance is performed on the rhythm provided by the musical instruments like the Cymbals and the Mridangam (a drum) played on the both sides with the hands. The home of Bharat Natyam is Tamilnadu. Kathakali, the literal meaning oftheword is 'story-play'. This fonn combines  dance with music, poetry, drama and mime. The artists use elaborate costumes and mask like make-up to perform the dance. The home of  Kathakali is Kerala. The nextform ofthe classical dance is Maniptri wffch has evolved from the folk dances ofthe land. It is religious in nature. Lai  Horoba and Ras Leela are two popular dance-dramas ofthe form. In the   Manipuri style ofthe dance, the accent is on grace and softness. The dance  is performed accompanied by the Khol, the Manjira and the fluet. Manipur  is the home ofManipuri. Kathak the forth mentioned form ofdance which means 'story-teller' is rich in beautiful movements and facial expressions. The accent is on rhythmic footwork. A dancer wears anklets and performs the art with the music provided by the Sarangi and the drum. The North India is the home for the Katthak.

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