Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Activity sheet for the Poem. THE PERSON I AM LOOKING FOR

Read the following extract carefully read the activity and complete it.

If you do not get lowered in your own eyes
While you raise yourself in those of others
If you do not give in to gossips and lies
Rather heed them not, saying, ‘Who bothers?’
You may be the person I am looking for.

If you crave not for praise when you win
And look not for sympathy while you lose
If cheers let not your head toss or spin
And after a set-back you offer no excuse.
You may be the person I am looking for.

If you accept counsel without getting sore
Andre-assess yourself in the light thereof
If you pledge not to be obstinate any more
And meet others without any frown or scoff.
You may be the person I am looking for.

If you have the will to live and courage to die
You are a beacon-light for people far and wide
If you ignore the jeers and, thus, expose the lie
That virtue and success do not go side by side.
You are the person I am looking for.

A1) The poet expect the qualities from the person he is looking for......


A2)Name and explain the figures of speech of following line and find out one more example of this kind from extract.

 " if you have will to live,and courage to die."

A3) The ideal person in your mind must have following qualities

A4) Find from extract 'Dos' and Don'ts about the qualities of good human being.


Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara Std-XII. 2024-25 Preliminary Examination

  Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara Std-XII.                2024-25 Preliminary Examination Marks- 80 English (Activity Sheet) Section-A-Prose ...