Thursday, 5 April 2018

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Satara Second Term EXAMINATION Question paper with model answers

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Satara

                  Section A

(Reading for skills, Grammar, Vocabulary, Note-making and Summary)

Q.IA); Read the first activity, read the extract and then do all the activities. 12 Al)

Complete the flow chart to map the thoughC of the father.
Father with the vision of life for his son 2

Ans-i) realize that life is    precious
ii) watch the Sun rise
iii) fall in love with books
iv)appreciate mothers cooking
V) eat together as a family

Appreciate motherts cooking. Praise it t? heavens.. Make it a habit to eat tor gether as a family ' No, make it a rule; Fall in love with booksjWords will transport you to worlds For away, Itwill also- t keep you informed and prepared.
Follow youv heart The mind can Waverbut the heartwseldom dbes. Respect your conscience, les like a post-it note from God.
When you grow up, séek a job you love. As you enter the world of careers and cocktails, you'll get sucked into a vortex called rat race. Don't be overwhelmed. We're all human. But have the courage*o of it. Nothing Will be lost. Some illusions will shatter. Good riddance,
Money. It{s important. But if has its place. Don't makethe mistake pf putting it right on top.
Find your love. Hold it dearly. Be a good husband, A patient fåtåler. Give your children space to make their mistakes. Buy hold them When they fall.
Speak up when have to. Like
We're living in a democracy. Sure it has its pitfalls. But dbn't•forget the posifives too. The real fight in a deniocracy is between rememberingand forgettinge Go and vote. It's yoÄ.tr chance to give shape to the kind of SOCIETY youa nt to live in.
Be alert. But fry not to live in a state of fear,
If you were to get caught in a situation similar to what happened and should we lose you, then you will have le@us with enough lovely memories for the remaining years. That will only happen if you start living every day like it is the last day ofyour lifé. Though it can never comfensate your loss, at leastwe will find strength in your love for life.
Don't have regrets. They defeat the very purpose of life.

A2) Complete the following table with 'do's and "don'ts advised bythe father to
his sons. 2
i) watch the sun rise
ii)Fall in love with books

I)don't have a regrets
ii)don't be overwhelmed

A3) True or False. 2

State is the following statements are tyue or false

i) If you come out of the rate race everything wiill  be lost
ii) Heart should be followed since it hardly wavers.
iii) As a father never allow your children to make any mistake.
iv) The father s advice for his son is also helping for himself.

Vocabulary. 2

Match'the words under A with the words underB

i) regrets i) agreement
ij) •pitfalls      ii) misperception
iii) -pact iii) hazards
iv) illusion     iv) disappointments


i) regrets = disappointments
ij) •pitfalls    = hazards
iii) -pact = agreement
iv) illusion   =  misperception

A5) Personal Response.

2 Choose the advicé that you like the best and justify your answer.
.Answer- I think Seek job you love this advice by the father I like most because in today's world it is more essential

6 Grammar. 2

Do as directed.

The mind can waiver but the heart seldom does
Ans- though the mind can waver ,the heart seldom does.

ii) It will keep you informed and prepared,
(Rewrite using 'not onlyt.... but also.')

Ans-It will not only keep you informed but also prepared.

B) Do as directed.

1) He decided to take break from mountains and turned to academics. 1

(Rewrite it as a simple sentences)

Ans- Deciding to take break from mountains he turned to acadamics.

 ii) The recipe calls two cups sugar.1
(Rewrite the sentence using appropriateprepositions)

 Ans-  The recipe calls for two cupsof sugar.

 iii) Most people treat the peacocks like their children. 1

(Begin the sentence wi!h "The peacocks

Ans- The peacocks are treated like their children by most people.

Q.2A) Read the first activity, read the extract and do the activities that follow. 12

 Al) Complete the following chart using one word in 'one block from the extract. 2

Gandhiji can mean different things to different people.
a) leader
b)father of nation
C) freedom fighter
d) lone Challenger

Gandhiji can mean different things to different people-father of the naåon, leader, decolonizer, freedom fighter, lone challenger, promoter of non violent re}istance, a pristine idea or even a belief system. To me personally, Gandhiji stands for simplicity, sense of sacrifice service to pepple, perseverance; unconditional love for all, real concern for the underprivileged and minori?
'Aties, truth and absolute truth( single standard Of conduct in public and private life, personal virtues and public values. Each of these qualities appears so easily attainable on the face of it, but go very hard to actually uphold. And yet each one of thefn encompasses relevance that transcends a specific period of history.

(St4.Xly English 4) When youlook at Gandhiji throughtout his mature life you see how well he had internalized the meaning of the four aspects which have the capacity to determine our actions and reactions-maan, apmaan, abhimaan, and swabhimaan. This understanding gave him fundamental clarity of character and strength of action to finally shake the foundations of an empire and capture the hopes and dreams of a nation with måltiple identities. It was this rare ability to balance these four aspects that elevated Gandhiji to level most pubJic figures can only dream of, but at the same time helped him keep his féet on the ground. There is nothing ig these four aspectS that come with an expiry date on their relevance. Over and above this, he was an unparalleled team builder with a steadfastly stfong #elfi a global outlook and orientation, but with a finger on the pulse of the' people at home at well-ag their aspirations and needs.
While assessing Gandhiji's relevance a common mistake that a lot of people mak9 is to focus on some of the more spiritual and even påritänical beliefs of the man.

A2) Complete the sentences.-

i) While assessing Gandhiji's relevance people believe him to be more spiritual and even puritanical belief of the man.

ii) The four aspects of life that Gandhiji has internalize Maan,apmaan,abhiman and swabhimaan

A3) Mention any four qualities of Gandhiji that seem easily  attainable but are hard to uphold in real life :


I) lone Challenger
ii) promoter of non violent
iii)  perseverance
iv) truth
V)personal virtues

Give one word for.

i) Having no equal== unparalleled

 ii) Having very stnct moral attitude=puritanical

 iii) Adjusbnent of oneself or one's ideas to circumstances.= orientation

( iv) Appropriateness=ability

Personal Response. 2

Make list the qualities that you feel essential in today's leaders.


I think todays leader need the following qualities like truth sacrifice love for his work love for society and many other essential qualities.

A6) Grammar :

Do as directed. 2

i) Each one of them was steadfast individual in his or her own right.

(Frame a Wh-question to get the underlined part as a answer)

Ans- what/ Who was each one of them,in his or her own right?

ii) He was an unparalleled team builder. (Add a qUestion - tag)

Ans- He was an unparalleled team builder,wasn't he?

0.2B) Note making. 3

Readthe following extract and complete a tree diagam that•contains the main -pints and important supporting details about the different types of watches.

 In the year 1835hthe key officers of the newly started'USteIIar'T watch company had a meeting to decide thé type of watches te€e produced, The three %main types were agreed upon first. The wriét watches for men and women with different deignsyou!d be their main production. The wall clockS Weye to two types. One for industries, large-and strong another type for homes) small and elegant. The industry clock would be with chiming (bell round) or simplymute (silent); On member suggested that the children's wrist watches could also be produced. The suggestion was accepted and the productiori ofit to start after five years. It was also decided that the common table tep Alarm piece must be produced ih large numbers and the portable alarm pieces for fravelling people in a small
Types of atches
Wall clock
Men Women Mute

Q.3A), Read the first activity, red the ex&act and do the activities that follow. 12

Al) Read the following statements and Say true and false. 2

i) Parents generally feel that investing in girls is n6t beneficial. True

fii) More girls are not enrolled in primary school than before
 iii) The mortality rate of women is not high.
iv) Women work longer and are given few positions of responsibility.

Many studies in recent years have looked at the allocation of resourcesat the house-hold level. They show that a much greaCer share Of education. health and food expenditures go to boys than girls. In•many cultures, parents think that there are lower benefits from investing in girls. This is where the vicious circle starts, leaving many women in a disadvantaged position for life. The losers are not only the women but the entire society.
There has been progress in the past few decades. More girls in developing countries are enrolled in primary schools. Since 1950's the female labour force has grown twice as that as the male labour force. Some 30 percent of the women in the developing countries are part of the formal work force.
But still there ae too many failures an unsolved problems. The list of inequalities is long and gepressing: Women spend more time on paid and unpaid work than men do and they are less likely to be in positions of responsibility. Their mortality is high
Education is the single most crucial issue for the well being of a woman and her family. Educated women have healthier children and moreover have fever children. they have a profound impact on the status of women in their community and make it easier for future generations girls to get adequate education.

A2) Complete.

2 Complete the following sentences

i) Inequality of work where women and men are concerned.
1)Womens spend more time on paid and unpaid work .
2)Womens are less likely to be in position of responsibility.

ii) A3) Explain.
EXPLAIN - EdÜcated women hélp a nation to make progress.

Educated women help to educate their family
they have propounded impact on the future generation


Find out the words from the extract which meanse

i) Death of rate=mortality

 ii) A period of ten years= decades

 iii) An advantage from something= benefit

 iv) sufficient= adequate

.A5) Personal Response.

What steps would you take to improve the plight of Women ?

Answer- I think for the development of women first thing is that educate them give them equal opportunity equal status in family and Society then only we can improve their condition.

A6) Grammar.

Do as directed.

i) The losers are not only the women but the entire society.

(Rewrite as a Affirmative sentence)

Ans- the losers are the womens as well as the entire society

ii) Education is the single most crucial issue. (Rewrite using 'as
Ans- no other issue is as crucial as education

B) Summary

Write a' brief summary of the aboVe extract with the help of the points given beloW and suggest a suitable title.
Studies ..... allocated=.., investingin girls ...e... girls enrolled more women working ..... Few position of responsiblity .... education can improve.

Womens need education they have spend more time on paid and unpaid work they must have proper education the investment in girls education is most and enrollment is also most women's nowadays working more than men but they have only a few position of responsibility only education can improve the status of women.

Section B (Poetry)

Q,IV Read the following extract and do the activities that follow.

O gentlemen,
It is your blood or theirs,
It is the human blood after all.
War may go on in the East or the West,
It will bleed the peace of world, •after all.
Bombs may fall on homes or on Outskirts,

They wounds the spirit of life aftereall.
Our crops may burn or theirs,
The famine will kill humans, after all.
Tanks may move forward or recede
They tear open the earth after all,
Be it the victory of war or the mourning of defeat, Life sheds tears oh death after all.

Draw a tree diagram to show the damage-of war as you findin the stanzas. 2

Damages of war

1,)bleed the peace of world
2)tear the earth
3)humans feminine will kill
4)wound the spirit

A2) Poetic devices

War may go on in the East or the West.

Name the figure of speech in the above line and 'find anOther example Of the same from the extractand write it down.

Answer - this is example of antithesis
Tanks may move forward or recede

A3) Personal' Response. 2

Haveyou ever heard about a damages of war / disaster ? How did you feel ?
Answer- yes I heard about Kargil War I am so disappointed at that time because war gives only destruction.

Poetic Creation. 2

This is a type of poem since the poee

Section - C

(Rapid Reading and Composition)

Read the following extract and do the activities that follow it. 4

At seven o' clock the coffee was made and the frymg:pan was on the back of the stove, hpt and ready to cook the chops,
Jim•was never late. Della doubled the fob chain in hér hand and sat on the corner of the table never the door that he alWays•.entered. Then she heard lus step on the stair away oyercoat and he was without gloves.
Jim stepped inside •the door as immovable as a setter at the cent of quail. His eyes Were fixed upon Dena, and there was an expression in them that she could not read, and it terrffied her. It was not anger nor surprise, not diSap-
proval, nor horror, not any of the sentiments that she had been prepared for, He simply started at her fixedly with theat peculiar expression on his face.
Della wiggled off the tabe and went for him.
'Jim darling" she cried, "Don't look t me that way. I hadymy hair cut off and sold it because I couldn't have lived through Christmas without giving you a present. It'll grow out again you won't mind, will you ? I just had to do it. My hair grows awfullyfast. Say'Merry Christnas Jim, and let's be happy. You don't know what a nice-what a beautiful, nice gift I've got for you", down on the first flight, and she turned whitéfor just a moment. She had a habit of saying little silent prayers about the simplest everyday things, and now she whispered, "Please God, make him think am still pretty."
The door opened and Jim stepped in And closed it. He looked thin and serious. Poor fellowe he was only twenty-two:and Co be burdened with,a fame ily ! He needed new

I) Complete the following.

Della had cut off her hair because :

1)She couldn't have lived through Christmas without giving him a gift

2) she thinks that it will grow out again

Il) Convert the above extract into dialogue between Jim and Délla. 2

Jim : What! You cut off all that beautiful   hair, just to buy me a Christmas gift?
Della : It's Christmas Eve, and I wanted to   get a gift for you, Jim. I love you, Jim.  Jim : Oh, Della, Della! You could have  bought me a gift next Christmas !
Della : My hair will grow again. It grows fast, Jim. But our first Christmas together will never return.
Jim : That's all fine, my dear. What do I do  with my Christmas gift for you ?
Della : My gift? What have you bought me?   Oh, let me see it soon, Jim.
Jim : Here, have a look yourself, and tell me  what I should do with it.
Della: Oh, it is a set of combs! Those  beautiful pure tortoiseshell combs that I
-l liked such a lot ! You remembered, Jim !  You're such a pet.
Jim : Yes, but what will you do with them, now that you have cut your hair ?
Della : I'll keep them. My hair grows fast. In  no time I'll be able to use them. Oh, Jim,

  thanks so much! I'll never forget this Christmas gift.
Jim : Happy Christmas, dear.
Della : Happy Christmas, Jim.

B) Read the following extract and do the activities given below. 4

Then he saw that statue on the tall Column.
"I will put up there," he cried; "'It is a fine position, with plenty of .fresh air." So healighted just between the feet of the Happy Prince.
"I have a golden bedroom," he said softly to himself, as he looked around, and he prepared to go tq sleep;but just asthe Was putting his head under his wing a large drop of water fell oh him. "What a curious thing!"' he cried; "There is not a single cloud in the sky, the stars are quite clearand bright, and yet it is raining. The climate in the north Of Europe is really dreadful. The Reed used to like the rain, but that Was merely her selfishness.'"

English 10) Then another dropfell.
"What is the use of a statue if it cannot keep the rain off ? He said ; 'Il must look for a good chaimney-pot," and he determined to fly away.
But before he had opened his wings, a third drop fell, anat he looked up, and saw-Ah ! What did hé see ?
The eyes of the Happy Prince were filled with tears, and tears Weie running down his golden cheekh His face was so beautiful, in the moonHght that the little Swallow was filled with pity.
"Who are you" he said.
"I am the Happy Prince."
"Why are you weeping then ?" asked$hesvaÄlow; "You have quite drenched me,"
"When I was alive and had a human heart," answered the stacue/l did not kpow what tears were, for I -lived in the Palace fo Sans-Souci, where sorrow is not allowed to enter. In the daytime I played with my companions in the garden, and in the evening I led the dance in the great Halle

I) Choose the most Statements from the following to explain the them
of theéxtract.

i) This passage is about Happy Prince story about himself .

ii) This passage is the meeting of the Svcallow and the Happy Prince.

iii) This passage is about the Swallow finding tears in the eyes of the Happy Prince.
iv) This passage is about the Swallow finding out-a place to spend thenight.


ii) This passage is the meeting of the Svcallow and the Happy Prince
2). Writethe gist of the extract in your ownvords.
This is a very good message from a story The happy Prince and in this passage the meeting in between happy Prince and solo take place and here writer beautifully presented the scene of the meeting of happy Prince and swallow and their feelings.

( friends I will publish the other writing skill part separately)

Section D

(Writing Communication)

 Q.6(Å) Letter writing

Write any one of the following letters :

1) Writea letter of application to the Principal requesting him to issue a duplicate copy of LeavingCertificate, using the information given below.

Applicant : Pratik S Nikam

College  :      Y.C.College, Satara.

ClassXIL (Science) Division A. Roll No. 46

Reason: Selected for the NDA, report at Khadakwasla Training Camp. Furnish Documents can't trace original Leaving Certificate.



Reusing Bottles To Fill New Medicihe
Mumbai ; Yesterday a reputed Pharmaceutical Company in Mumba) was raided by Police as it was reported that they were reusing the bottles for filling up with the new medicine. The Store Manager has been arrested and the owner has been summoned by the Police for requesting.

After reading the above intro, write the Editor, The Mumbai Times, requesting for urgent action.

B) Write on any one of the following items. 4

1) Prepare a short tourist leaflet on any place of tourist interest near your town or village with help of the following pdints

i) How. to get there

 ii) Accommodation

iii) Best time of the year to visit

iv) Attraction of the place

v) Add your own points


2) Write report a>out the Annual Cultural Gathering Celebtration in your college.

C) Write any ONE of the following items. 4

1) Study the following pie-chart carefully and write short paragaph on "The Land use in India."
Land Use
Grazing and cultivable Waste Land Fallow Land
Not Avåilable for Cultivation 46%. Cultivable I-jand 13%
—Area under forest 30/0


2) Prepare a paragaph with an appropriate title to be used for the counter view section on thefollowing topic .in about 120 words.

View Section: Mobile Hand-sets are Essential Today.
UI) Jr. College students are part of a society in which technology has become part and parcel of life.
Mobile hand-sets providing weather forecast-can help students to use their discretion and speed back home if need be.
Working parents Can trace the where about-of theiv childrenvia mobile
Students can use mobile contacts and find out the portion covered during their absence due to unavoidable circumstances.

p.7A) Do the following activities :

A) You intend to know 3bout the farmer who lives in a poverty strickenregione Frame a set of at least 8 qæsions for taking his / her interview. You may include the following points. 4
His / her nature of work, problems, expectation from society and the government. His / her messages

You wish to take part in an elocution contest organized by the Rotary Club of your town-a One of the Topics there in is 'Protecting Our 'Environment' .
Prepare a short Speech for it. Take help of the following pointsa 3
a) Air, water and noise pollution.
b) Technological and industrial advancement.
c) Overpopulation and deforestation,
d) Live m harmoney with nature.


  1. I am student of Parisanaa junior college hupari .which is branch of rayat sanstha. Can you upload same model question papers of 1th semester of 11th science i hope upload it

  2. Thanks for using my blog
    This blog is only for English
    So I publish only English subject's post


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