Friday, 23 February 2018



      SECTION - A

 (Reading Skill, Grammar, Vocabulary, Note-making and Summary)

Q. 1. (A) Read the following extract and answer the questions given   below : (11)

 Prominent among the urges that inspire and drive a  person in life, is the urge to be a somebody. It is quite _human, especially in the early stages of life, to want to do  something to win laurels and admiration of all around. There's a pitfall though the very process of becoming a somebody  may subtly reduce you to a nobody.
American poet Emily Dickinson, who lived in obscurity, has an interesting poem on this theme. "I'm nobody!" she  declares, with apparent pride.
 "Who are you?
Are you nobody, too? "
 Why should anybody be happy about being nobody?  The poem explains :
 "How cltvat:v to be somebody!
How public. like aftvg
To tell your name the livelong day
To an admiring bog! "
The word 'bog' is significant. When you become a somebody, you invite adulation : this then begins tobog you down. The moment you think you have arrived, you  begin to stagnate, or, worse, your downslide begins. An endless list of writers, artists, sportsmen, politicians...... fit this pattern of personal history.
To sustain your development in absolute terms, to become a true somebody, it is important to remain a temporal nobody. Even if destiny makes you a temporal somebody,  you should be able to see yourself as merely an agent of a superior power; no more. This requires an exercise of will. You have to constantly watch out and talk to yourself morning and evening.

(l) What is the main idea ofthe extract? (1)

Answer- The main idea of the extract is Mumbai and its people and their lifestyle.

(2) Why is it important for one to remain a temporal nobody? How? (2)


(3) What does Emily Dickinson declare with pride? Why? (2)

(4) What would you like to be in your life— Somebody or  nobody? Why? (2)

(5) Rewrite the following sentences in the ways insu•ucted :

(i) This requires an exercise of will.

(Rewrite it using the Simple Future tense.) (1)

(ii)you have to constantly watch out and talk to yourself.
(Rewrite it using another modal auxiliary showing
'compulsion'.) (1)

(iii)  You begin to stagnate.
 (Rewrite it using -the noun form of the word  underlined.) (1)

 (6) Find out the words from the extract which mean —

(i) danger

  (ii) praise

(B) Grammar :

  Do as directed : (4)

(i) He wanted to become artist and live in

(Fill in the blanks with the appropriate articles.) (1)

 (ii) She was able to talk the group her   experience.
(Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.) (1)

 (iii) "Why are you crying?" said the woman to a little boy.
'I want a balloon," he said.

(Change it into Indirect Speech.)

Q. 2, (A) Read the following extract and answer the questions given   below : (11)

  But even in a poverty-free world where every man and   woman would earn enough to take care of themselves and

their family, there would still be situations of temporary poverty due to a sudden catastrophe or misfortune, a  bankruptcy or business downturn leading to failure, or some personal disease or disaster.
  A poverty-free world might see a whole group of  families, locations, or even regions devastated by some  shared disasters, such as floods, fires, cyclones, riots, earthquakes or other disasters. But such temporary problems  could be taken care of by the market mechanism through   insurance and other self- paying programmes, assisted of course by social - consciousness-driven enterprises.
There would always remain differences in lifestyle  between people at the bottom of society and those at the  top income levels. Yet that difference would be the difference between the middle-class and luxury class, just as on trains  in Europe today you have only first-class and second-class   carriages, whereas in nineteenth century there were thirdclass and even fourth- class carriages — sometimes with no   windows andjust hay strewn on the floor.
 Can we really create a poverty-freeworld? A world   without third- class or fourth-class citizens, a world without  a hungry, illiterate, barefoot under-class?

(1) What is the extract about? (1)

 (2) How will the poverty-free world take care ofnatural  disasters? (2)

(3) According to the writer, what would 'the world without poverty' be like? (2)

(4) What can we do to help the poor in our society?

 (5) Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed :

(i) Temporary problems could be taken care of by  market mechanism.

(Rewrite the sentence beginning with 'Market  mechanism......') (l)

 ii) In nineteenth centurythere were third-class carriages.
(Form a Wh-question to get the underlined part as an answer.) (l)

(iii) There would still be situations of temporary poverty.

(Rewi•ite it using 'can'.) (l)

(6) What do the following words in the exg•act mean —

 (i) devastated (h)

 (ii) hay (h)

(B) Note-making :

Read the following extract carefully and present the information in the form of notes with the help of the given  clues : (4)

 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was the first Vice President   and second President of India. He was a teacher, a  philosopher and an author. He had introduced the thinking of Western idealist philosophers like Plato, Plontinus Bergson into Indian thought.

He was born on 5th Of September, 1888 in a poor Brahmin family. As his father could not afford his education expenses, Radhakrishnan supported most of his education through scholarships. He COmpleted his B.A. and M.A. with majors in philosophy.. He went on to become a professor of philosophy. He showed that Indian Philosophy, once
translated into standard academic jargon, is worthy ofbeing
called philosophy by Western standards. He thus, placed Indian Philosophyon world map.
 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan had established a strong relationship with the Sovietynion when he was appointed  as the ambassador. to the Soviet Union.
 He has been honoured with many awards for his  achievements nationally and internationally. He was honoured   with the Bharat Ratna in 1.954. He is also acknowledged  with the Templeton Prize, Peace Prize of German Book Trade, Order of Merit and many other honours.

Title .  : Sarvepalli Radhakrishna

Birth.   : 5th September, 1888


Introduced thinking of:.........,..... ....
                                  to Indian thought
Work     :Translated...........
                 In to standard........

Ambassador . : ........

Honours : National.......


       ...............order of merit..

   Honours: NatiOnal
Order of Merit

Title .  : Sarvepalli Radhakrishna

Birth.   : 5th September, 1888


Introduced thinking of:.........,..... ....
                                  to Indian thought
Work     :Translated...........
                 In to standard........

Ambassador . : ........

Honours : National.......


       ...............order of merit..

   Honours: NatiOnal
Order of Merit

Q. 3. (A) Read the following extract and answer the questions given  below (11)

Kalpana Chawla was extremely proud ofher birth-place  and made every effort to bring it into the lime-light. During  space flights she would proudly point it out to her fellow astponauts. Onge, during the second flight she remembered   her closest friend, Daisy Chawla, who died in a road  accident. In fact, despite her celebrity status, she took pains  to track down her former teachers, classmates and friends  in India and showed a keen desire to stay in touch with   them. Her affectionate and humble nature won the hearts of  all who came in contact with her.
Although Kalpana had a strong desire to go to Mars,   fly over its canyons and die in space, she was equally   concerned about the well-being of the earth. She always    urged young people to listen to the sounds of nature and    take care of our fragile planet. During her space trips, she  took many breathtaking photographs ofthe earth for various  terrestrial studies later on the ground. When she was in   spacey always felt a sense of connection with everyone   on the earth.
 It was Kalpana's cherished desire to visit India again.  But that was not to bee A few months after her tragic death,

 Harrison visited India. He went to her school and college,

met her family, teachers and friends and scattered her ashes over the Himalayas.

(1) What is the extract about? (1)

(2) How was Kalpana connected with India and Indians? (2)

(3) How was Kalpana concerned about the well-being of the earth? (2)

(4) What would you like to do for India?                           (2)
  Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed :

  She took many breathtaking photographs of the   earth.
 (Rewrite it using the Present Perfect Continuous tense.) (1)

(ii) He scattered her ashes over the Himalayas.
(Rewrite it beginning with 'Her ashes 1)
  (iii) Kalpana was extremely proud of her birth-place and made every effort to bring it Into limelight.
  (Rewrite it using 'not only but also' (1)

(6) Give the antonyms from the extract for —
    (i) collected 

(ii) forgot      

(B) Summary : 

Write a summary of the above extract with the help of the
following points and suggest a suitable title :
Points : Kalpana's affection towards India and Indians — her humble nature — her love for the earth — Harrison's visit to India.



Q. 4. (A) Read the following extract and answer the questions given below :

By this time, I felt very small
And now my tears began to fall.
I quietly went and knelt by her bed;
"Wake up, little girl, wake up," I said.

 "Are these the flowers you picked for me?"
 She smiled, "I found'em, out by the tree.
I picked'em because they're pretty like you.
I knew you would like' em, especially the blue."
I said, "Daughter, I'm sorry for the way I acted today; I shouldn't have yelled at you that way."

(1) Why did the mother go to her daughter's room? (1)

(2) How can the mother be a friend to her daughter? (1)

 (3) Name and explain the figure ofspeech in the followingivne :
  they're pretty like you" (1)

(4) What is the effect of dialogues in the poem?

(B) Read the following extract and answer the questions given below : (4)

And then they came to its massive trunk
Fifty men with axes chopped and chopped
The great tree revealed its rings of two hundred years
We watched in terror and fascination this slaughter

As a raw mythology revealed to us its age Soon •afterwards we left Baroda for Bombay  Where there are no trees except the one
Which grows and seethes in one's dreams, its aerial roots   Looking for ground to strike.

(l) What did the rings ofthe trunk of the tree reveal about its age? (1)

(2) According to you, how do trees help the mankind? (l)

  (3) Give an example of 'Repetition' from the extract. (l)

  (4) The poem has picturesque expressions. They make  the poem lively. Pick out such expressions from the extract. (l)


(Rapid Reading and Composition)

Q Read the following extract and rewrite it from the point of view ofthe mother : (4)

 [You may begin with : My son never saw the skeleton in the cupboard.....•l

  Yes, there was a skeleton in the cupboard, and although I never saw it, I played a small part in the events that followed  its discovery. I was fifteen that year, and I was back in my  boarding school in Simla after spending the long winter holidays in Dehradun. My mother was still managing the old Green's hotel in Dehra — a hotel that was soon to disappear and become part of Dehra's unrecorded history. It was called Green's not because it purported to the spread

of any greenery (its neglected garden was chocked with lantana); but because it had been started by an Englishman, Mr Green, back in 1920, just after the Great War had ended  in Europe. Mr Green had died at the outset ofthe Second World War. He had just sold the hotel and wason his way   back to England when the ship on which he was travelling   was torpedoed by a German submarine. Mr Green went  dowry with the ship.
 The hotel had already been in decline, and the new owner, a Sikh businessman from Ludhiana, had done his  best to keep it going. But post-War and post-Independence,  Dehra was going through a lean period. My stepfather's   motor workshop was also going through a lean period — a  crisis, in fact and my mother was glad to take the job of running the small hotel while he took ajob in Delhi.
She wrote to me about once a month, giving me news of the hotel, some of its more interesting guests, the pictures that were showing in town.

(B) Read the following eötract and convert it into a dialogue

between Charles and Oliver in about 120 words (4)

[You may begin with : Charles : Hi Orlando! I am a famous  wrestler 1

 Frederick had a very famous wrestler, called Charles,  in his court. He was champion of the country, andhad fought many brave and strong young men. Now, Orlando was a fine wrestler, too, and decided to try his strength against Charles. Charles came to see Oliver about this, asking him to persuade Orlando to give up his idea.

'I am a professional wrestler, sir,' Charles explained  to Oliver, 'and I must always fight, to win, in order to keep  my reputation. Anyone who fights me runs the risk of being

badly hurt. Please warn ycur younger brother, and persuade him•to change his mind. '
 But the wicked Oliver thought this was a good  Opportunity to get rid of Orlando, so he told Charles all kinds of lies about the young man. He pretended that

 Orlando was bad and ungrateful, and deserved any punishment which Charles could give him. 'i would rather  you broke his neck than his finger,' Oliver said, 'and you  have my permission to do what you like with the boy. '
 So Charles promised to do his best to kill Orlando. "1f  he comes to the fight tomorrOw, I'll give him his payment,' Charles said. 'Ifhe can walk away after I have finished with  him, I'llnever wrestle again. '


(B) Read the following extract and extend it by adding an  imaginary Paragraph ofyour own in about 120 words :
 Eventually I made 'my way to England where I was  sponßOred bya Jewish charity, put up in a hostel with other boys who had survived the Holocaust and trained in  electronics„ Then I came to America, where my brother Sam   had already moved. I served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War, and returned to New York City after two years. By August 1957, I'd opened my own electronics repair shop. I was starting to settle in.

One day, my friend Sid who I knew from England called me. "I've got a date. She's gota Polish friend. Let's double date."
A blind date? Nah, that wasn't for me.
But Sid kept pestering me, and a few days later we  headed up to the Bronx to pick up his date and her friend Roma.


(Written Communication)

Q. Letter Writing :
  Write any ONE ofthe following letters : (4)

 (1) Write a letter of application in response to the following advertisement with the help of the given C. V.  (Resume) :


A Purchase Officer
Qualifications :  
Degree   /   Diploma  in Electrical

Engineering, able to do independent correspondence, ecomputer   literate and having an experience   in similer field.

Apply to :    

The Managing Director;
Cosmos Ltd.; 72-E Industrial Area; Andheri Mumbai 400093.

Other qualifications : Successfully completed Computer Diploma from NIIT, Nagpur — 2014.
 Work Experience Worked as the Purchase Officer in   Login Private Ltd., Nagpur.
 Interest/Hobbies : Reading, music, swimming, chess.
 Languages Known English, Marathi, Hindi, Gujarati.


 (2) Write a letter to the Editor of a Newspaper drawing   attention towards noise pollution in your locality. Suggest some solutions.

(B) Write on any ONE ofthe following items (4)

(1) Write a short tourist's leaflet about any Hill Station that you know with the help of the following points

' How to reach there

 • Accommodation facilities

What to see

Shopping attractions

Anything special about the place.


(2) Imagine that your college arranged a Cleanliness Drive in which your Principal, a social activist, a local MLA, doctors, teachers and students participated on a large scale. The event was a grand success as it made people   aware ofcleanliness and social hygiene. Prepare a short report for your college magazine with the help of the  following points :
Venue, chief guest, inauguration, unique participation,  and conclusion.

(C) Write on any ONE ofthe following items: (4)

(1) Read the following tree diagram about 'Morphemes' and write a short paragraph on it,

(2) Prepare a paragraph with an appropriate title to be used for the Counter-View Section on the following topic in about 120 words :

"Facebook is a user-friendly device."
You may take help ofthe following points included in the View Section :

View Section

Facebook is an excellent networking site
Everybody can network successfully througha fcebook
Facebook allows information with people far and wide
Facebook allows users to create a profile page which interrelates with friends and relatives.

Q. 7. Answer the following questions as per instructions :

(A) Framing Questions :

On the occasion of 'Annual Sports Prize Distribution'  programme a well-known sports personality is invited in your college as a chief guest. As a sports secretary you  have got an opportunity to interview him/her. Frame a set of 8-10 questions regarding his/her achievements, inspirations, best moment and prizes he/she has won. (4)

(B) Speech Writing :
Imagine that your college has organised an 'elocution competition' and the topic for competition is 'Save Trees,  Trees Save'. Prepare a short speech with the help of the points given below :
Providers ofhuman needs, ecological balance, rainshowers, etc. (3)


1 comment:

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara Std-XII. 2024-25 Preliminary Examination

  Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara Std-XII.                2024-25 Preliminary Examination Marks- 80 English (Activity Sheet) Section-A-Prose ...