Friday, 26 January 2018

Report Writing- Republic Day Celebrated in Shri.G.R.AUTADE PATIL JR. College

Republic Day Celebrated in Shri.G.R.AUTADE PATIL

Pohegaon,26th January: Republic Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm on the college campus of Shri G.R.AutadePatil junior college pohegaon. All the students in school and college and many people of the pohegaon participated in the celebration.
The program start with hosting the national flag at 7:30 A.M  by the principal Mr Sudhakar Kokate sir the national anthem was sung by the college and schools girls. Everyone was stood at attention. Many girls and boys sang  patriotic song. Then all the children's went towards the gram panchayat for attending Republic day program jointly arranged by Grampanchyat and
 A cultural program was arranged there.Many students performed their best programs.many people gave prizes to students.After that sweet were distributed to students by Grampanchyat .All people participated in all last students gave shouting slogans and ended the program.

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