Monday, 22 January 2018

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara ↓PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION

                               Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,  Satara


                    (Reading skill, Grammar, Vocabulary, Note-making & Summary)

Q.I A) Read the following extract and answer the questions given below. 11

One of the coconut trees near the pond was thunderstiuck. It ws a head less trunk forg long time and there were at least three parrot nests on its top. I   have seen many parrots entering the holes and coming out tQ bring food to their little ones. One day, I saw the tree was being cut. I rushed to the site and begged the tree cutters to spare the trunk as it was the home of many a parrot.  But I was laughed at and the tree fell with a great thud. I ran to the top end to   see two just hatched chicks thrown out of their nest-and smashed to deathN   looked into all the nests and saw smashed eggs in two of them and one little  chick in the other one. Fortunately, the little one survived the fall. I brought it home. The chick can be identified as parrot only by the shape and colour of

 its beak. No feathers had come out. I carefully fed it with milk and within two  weeks it began •to eat bananas; and two months later, it s.tarted to fly and I let   him fly away. But he wouldn't fly long, He used to linger on the coconut trees   in our commpound and when I reached home from school, he would fly down   and land on my head !
  I would show him my finger9nd he would jump on to it from my head   and drink the milk I offered him in a little plate, By putting the sharp end of  the upper beak stationary in the plate, he would go into his cage and sleep putting his head inside his right wing. I would ,close the cage and put i! near   my pillow. At 6 in the morning. he would start to be restless and the moment I opened the cage, he would fly on to my heåd •and from there to my hand and then would drink some milk in haste and flyaway like- an arrow


 l) What is the central idea of the extract ? 1

ANS- Extract is about how writer save the parrots chicks.

2) What happned when the tree fell down ? 2
Ans-  when tree fell down two just hatched chicks thrown out of their nest and smashed to death.

3) Describe the daily routine of the parrot brought by the narrator. 2

Ans- Every day when writer reached home from school, he would fly down   and land on his head !
  Writer would show him his  finger and he would jump on to it from his head   and drink the milk writer offered him in a little plate, he would go into his cage and sleep . Writer would ,close the cage and put it near   pillow. At 6 in the morning. he would start to be restless and the moment he opened the cage, he would fly on to his heåd and then would drink some milk in haste and flyaway like- an arrow
4) Do you like to keep the birds in the cage ? Why ? 2
Ans-No,I don't like keeping bird's in cage because keeping them in cage means closing their liberty.

5) Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed :

 i) The moment I opened the cage, he would fly on to my head. 1    (Use 'No sooner than)
ans-  No sooner did I open the cage than he would fly on to my head.

ii) No feathers had come out.

(Identify the tense)

-Past perfect tense

iii) At 6 sharp in the morning he would start to bé restless.

(Frame a Wh-question to get as underlined part as an answer) 1

Ans-when he would start to be restless?

  6) Write the noun forms of.
i) long = length
ii) sharp= sharpness


B) Do as directed.

i) April is the fourth month of the year. 1
  (Fill in the blanks with articles)

2) I shall phone you at 8 p.m on Sunday. 1
 (Fill• in the blanks with appropriate prepositions)

 3) Maya said," There is electricity and here is telephone. Food is available    in the office canteen for us. Don't håve any anxiety."    (Change into indirect speech.)

Ans Maya told there  was electricity and there was was available  in the office canteen for them.And remarked that didnt had any anxiety.

Q.2 (A) Read the following extract and answer the questions given below. 11

 Once upon a time, the' animals decided they must do something heroic to  meet Che problems of a "New world", so tfiey organized a school. They adopted   an activity curriculum consisting of running climbing, swimming and flying.  To make it easier to Administer the curricuJurn, all the animals took all the  subjects.
 The duck was excellent in swimming. In fact, better than his instructo
 But he made only passinggards in flying and Was •very pool' in running. Since  he was slow in running, he had to stay after school and also drop swnnming in order to practise running. This was kept up until his webbed feet Lwere badly
 worn and he was only average in swimming. But average M.'@S acceptable in school so nobody worried about that, except the duck.

The rabbit staited at the top of the class* ill running but had a nervous breakdown because of so much makeup work in swimming.

The rabbit started at the top of the class in runnir.g but had a nervous  breakdown because of so much mak up work in swimming..
 The squirrel was excellent in climbing until he developed fruqtration in  the flying class where his teacher made him start from the ground up instead  of the treetöp down. He also developed a "Charlie horse" from overexertion  and then got a C in climbing and D in running.
The'eagle was a problem child and was disciplined severely. In the climb ing class, he beat all the others to the top of the tree but insisted on using his   own way to get there.

Questions :-

I) What is the story about ? 1

Ans- The story is about how animal started their own school,school curriculum and problems they faced.

 2)' Why did animals want to start a school ? 2

Ans- Because they want to do something heroic to meet the problem of new world.

3) Why ws the squirrel frustrated ? 2

Ans- the Squirrel was excellent in climbing but he developed the frustration in the flying class when his teacher made him start from the ground up instead of the tree top down.

 4) Would you like to study in such a school ? Why ? 2

No ,I would not study in such a school
Because I want to study in school which provides curriculum according to students physical and mental strength.

   5) Rewrite the following sentefices in the ways instructed :

i) They must do something heroic. 1 (Identify the modal Auxiliary and write what it indicates)
Ans- Must = it indicates obligation

  ii) The rabbit started at the top of the class
in running but had a nervous break- down. as a simple sentence)

Ans- Starting at the top of the class in running
the rabbit had a nervous breakdown.

1 iii) Nobody worried about thåt, except the duck. 1

(Rewrite as an affirmative sentence.)

6) Give opposite of. -1

i) successfu=Unsuccessful
ii) heroic= cowardly,fearful

 ' Note making. 

  Read the following extract carefully and draw a tree diagam on the 'Types of Tomatoes."
 In most greenhouses you will find tomatoes growing on. rt is surprising  that we have an irrepressible urge to grow them. They are classified into two  types : Growth type and Fruit type. There are two varietie$in• growth type.  Cardon and Bush. Cardon is the single stemmed plant which reuires support   using a cane or string. It grows 6 ft or more. Where height is a problem grow a   Bush type. It grows to 1-3 fit high but its growth is rather untidy. The fruit type  varieties are-Hybrid. Beefsteak and Cheery,The Hyb!id variety-has two im portant advantages they are generally heavier yielding and also have a high dé#ée of disease reSistance. The Beefsteak valiety prodUces theÄarge and meaty tornatoes. Which are very popular in the U.S. They ae excellent fer sandwiches  buc not for frying. The Cheery or bite-sized tomato is much smaller but the flavour is Outstanding.
Types of Tomato

11 Q.3A) Read the following extract and answer the questions given below.

When shoes weie first made, they were made flat without a heel. Since normal walking requires that the heel of the foot should strike the ground before the toes, these early shoes used to wear out quickly; at!he heel, prompt ing shoemakers to reinforce the heel, and so creating heeled shoes,
Women have been wearing high-heeled shoes for centuries in the pursuit   of fashion. However, regularly wearing shoes with high heels can be hazard-  ous. The biggest risk, perhaps, is losing your balance and breaking an ankle.  Wearing high heels interferes yvith your normal gait. They throw your weight  forward, making it difficult to Fustain upright balance. They force you to use a lot of ex!ra _muscular effor.tto keep from falling forwÅrd. Much of this extra effortis concentrated in the lower back arch. Which can lead to back pain. Ex  -verts warn that high heels can also result in a variety offoot problems, includ-   ing metatarsalgia; which is painin the bail of the foot. Another, condition called   Morton's neuromg. Which is 10 times more common in Women than men, is    caused by the thickening of tissue around a nerve between the third andfourth   toes. It usually develops iri response to irritation and excessive pressure, such  ag the burden of weight high heels place on the ball of the foot.
HoWever, if one cannot resist wearing heels, the following tips can help to keep your feet healthy.
Always wear the correct fit. Have both feet measured the next time you  buy shoes. You will probably find that one fpöt is larger than the other-always buy shoes to fit the larger foot/ never buy shoes that are too tight. Buy shoes later the day when your feet are a bit swollen. Never Wear a heel higher than
6.5 cm. only buy heels that you are comfortable ili.

I) What prompted shoe makers to create  heeled shoes?

ans- Normally walking requires that the heel of the foot should strike the ground before the toes .these early shoes used to wear  out  quickly at the heel  promoted shoe maker to reinforce the heel.

2) State any two risks involved in wearing high heeled shoes.

Ans - losing you blance and breaking your ankle.
          Interferes  with your normal gait.

'3) How can high heels leaq to a back?

Ans- high heel can lead back pain  by forcing you to  use a lot of extra muscular  effort  tokeep from feeling forward .

  4) Do you think it is fashionable to wear high heel shoes ? Why ? 2 Justify your answer.

Ans- Yes it is fashion to wear high heel shoes because nowadays most of ladies wear high heeled shoes.

 5) Do as directed :

 i) The biggest risk is losing your balance. 1

(Change the deg!ee of comparison)

ans - No other risk is as big as losing your balance.

  ii) Experts Warn that high heels can result in a variety of foot problems. 1 (Rewrite using 'warning')

Ans- High heels can result in a variety of foot problems is warning given by experts.
iii)Only buy heels that you are comfortable in. 1

(Rewrite using a modal auxiliary giving adVice)
Only buy heels that you should comfortable in.

6) Find words in the Passage which mean. 1

  a) hundreds of years- centuries

 b) Dangerous -hazardous

  B) Summary

 Write a summary of the above passage, Give it a suitable title. 4

 Section B (Poetry)

Q.IV Read the following extract and answer the questions given below. 8
By this time , I felt very small,

 And now my tears began to fall.
 I quietly went and knelt by her bed;

"Wake up, little girl, wake up, "1 said.
 "Are these the flowers you picked for me
 She smiled, "1 found'em out by the tree.
 I picked' em because they're pretty like ybu.
I knew you would like'em, especially the blue."
 I said, "Daughter, I'm sorry for the way I acted today;
 I shouldn't have yelled at you that way."
She said, "Oh, Mom, that's okay. Nové you anyway."

I said, "Daughter, love you too,
 and I do like the flowers, especially the blue."

Questions :-

1) What did the mother do after realizing her misbehaviour to words her
 daughter ?

Ans-After realizing her misbehaviour mother she go twords her daughter and sorry for her behaviour.

  2) How would you behave if such an incident happened with you in your 1    family ?

ans-  If such an incident happned in my family I will feel sad but I try to clear my mistake.

3) Name and explain the figure of speech in the following lines. I
 "Wake up, little girl, wake up." I said.

 4) Sketch the character of the mother. 1
Ans- the mother is polite to a stranger but she behave wrongly with her daughter it doesn't mean that she was a bad by mistake it is happen so mother is polite caring and good.

 B) Read the following extract and answer the questions given below. 4

  How do you know
  Peace is a woman ? 
I know, for
 I met her yesterday 
on my winding way to the world's fare,
  She had such a wonderful face
  just like a golden flower faded  before her. prime.
  I asked her why   Shé told me her baby   was killed in Auschwitz,  her daughter in Hiroshima   and her sons in Vietnam,   Ireland, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon,
Bosnia, Rwanda, Kosova and Chechny.

Questions :-

1) How does the poet describe the face of peace ? 1

Ans- the poet says that piece had a wonderful face just like a golden flower that had faded before its Prime.

2) Do you think a mother can be symbol of destruction ? How ?.

Ans- yes when there is a lot of injustice in this world the mother can destroy all that is bad.
1  3) Give an example of simile from the extract.
Ans- she had such a wonderful face just like a golden flower.
 4) How does the poet compare mother to peace ?

Ans-  the poet compare some other two piece he says he said wonderful place just like a mother's a mother is a sad when her children die peace to is a sad with all the senseless was and death and destruction.

(Rapid Reading and Composition)

Q,5(A) Read the following extract and rewrite as if you were telling this story to

 your friend.

  It was the last I ever saw of her.
My brothers and I Were transported in a cattle car to Germany.

We arrived at the Buchenwald conceritration camp one night weeks later and were led into a crowded bari•ack. The next day, we were iSgued Uniforms and  identification numbers.
"Don't call me Herman anymore." I said to my borther. "Call me 94983."  kwas put. to work in the camp's crematorium, loading the dead into a hand cranked elevator. I too felt dead. Hardened, I had become a number.
 Soon my brothers and I were sent to Schlieben, one of Buchenwald's sub-camps  near Berlin. One morning I thought I heard my mothei's voice.

"Son," she said softly but clearly, "I am going to send you angel."
 Thén• I wake up. Just a dream. A dream.
 But ih this place there could be no angels. There was only work. And hunger.
And fear.
 A couple of days later, Fwas walking around the camp, around the barracks, near the barbed-wire fence where the guards could not easily see. I was ålone. On the other side of the fence, I spotted someone. a little girl with light,  almost luminous curls. She ws half hidden behind a birch
I glanced around to make sure no one saw me. I called to her softly in
German. "Do you have something to 9t ?" .1
She didn't understand.

 It was the last I ever saw up her his brother and he were transported in a cattle car to Germany. they arrived at the buchenwald concentration camp. one night weeks later and where lead into a crowded Barack the next day they were issued uniforms and identification number .don't call me Herman anymore he said to his brother call me 94983 .he was put to work in the camp cement Hariom loading the dead into a hand cracked elevator he too felt dead hard and he had become in number son his brother and he wear send to Sicily when one of the Bhushanwald camp near Berlin .1 morning he thought I heard his mother's voice son she said softly but clearly I am going to send you an angel then he wake up just a dream a beautiful dream but in this place there could be no Angels there was only work and hunger and fear a couple of days later he was walking around the camp around the bags near the barbed wire fence hear the Guards could not easily see she was alone on the other side of the fence he spotted someone a little girl with light in your eyes she was half hidden behind a birch tree seaglass around to make sure no one saw him he called to her shortly in German do you something to eat she reply she didn't understand

  Reaé the following extract and convert itin a dialogue form to take place  between the mother and miss kellner. inabout 120 words.
(You may begin with Mother : Good 

Afternoon, Miss Kellner.Howare you ?)

 "Well, 1• went to see Miss Kellner." wrote my mother a few week? later,  "you know. the crippled old lady who used to be your Granny,'s tenani. She is  famous for he! table-rapping and seance. She had me over for tea, and we  talked about the old days, and what a grand place Green's Hotel used to be,   famous for its food and service and flower garden. Mr Green was a great one   for the ladies. Verydapper and handsome. Women couldn't resist his charm,   his polished manner, and he could dance ! A great dancer, like Fred Astaire,    Balllroom dancing, of course. None of your rumbas of sambas or jitterbug ging. " And what of Mrs Green?" I asked. "He wås married, wasn't he ?"
 " Poor Mrs. Green," said Miss Kellner; "She had to put up_with his amours,  and affairs. A quiet person, shegame from a good English family. He had mar  ried her for her-money, of course. Her father owned hotels in Brighton. Green  talked him into financing a couple fo hotels in India. One in Poona. one in 'Dehra. This was promising place then. Europeans wanted to settle here. But once married, Green neglected his wife. He fancied himself a Don Juan," So  did she leave him I sked.

Miss Kenner : What a grand place Green's hotel was! Famous for   its food and service and flower garden. Mr. Green was handsome  and charming and a great dancer. He was also a great one for
Mother : He was married, wasn't he? What of Mrs. Green?

Miss Kenner : Oh, poor Mrs. Green! She was a quiet lady from a good English family. Green married her for her money. Once  married, he neglected her. She had to put up with his affairs.

Mother : What about her family?
Miss Kellner : Her father owned hotels in Brighton. Green talked him into financing a couple of hotels in India.
Mother : Did she leave her husband ?
Miss Kellner : Mrs. Green just disappeared. No one knew what had happened to her, but everyone was certain that she had not gone off with another man.
Mother : What about her father? Didn't he come looking for her?

2) Read the following extract & extend it by adding an imaginary paragraph of  your own in about 120 words :
  What an amazing coincidence that she had helped some other boy. What  did he look like?" I asked. "He was tall, skinny, and hungry. I must have seen   Mm every day for six months."
My heart was racing. I couldn't believe it. This couldn't be '"Did he tell you one day not to cöme back because he ws leaving Schlieben ?"
Roma looked at me in amazement. "Yes!"

 1 was ready to burst with joy and awe, flooded with emotions. f couldn't beheve it ! My angel.

"I'm not letting you go." I said to Roma. {And in the back of the car on that blind  date, I proposed to her, I want to wait.
"You're crazy l" she said. But she invited me to meet her parents for Shabbat dinner the following week.

Section D (Writing Skills)

Q.VI• (A) Letter Writing.
 Write any ONE of the following letters.
1) Read the followingadvertisement and prepare a leter of application in response to it by using the information given in the C.V. (Resume) that follows:

                                 Suhas mane
                         Lokhandwala complex                                     Andheri(W)Mumbai

Brachial cloth shop,
main road

Ref.- your advertisement in The Times of India dated 1st January

Sub- application for the post of salesman

Dear sir,
                     with reference to the above mentioned subject I wish to apply for the post of Salesman in your clothes shop
       I completed my SSC from Shivaji Highschool with 60% mark I have also good knowledge of English hindi and marathi and ready to work 12 hours I have also experience to work in a cloth shop.
   so I request you sir please give me a chance to work for your shop if given me a chance I will try my level best for the betterment of your shop.

Thank you

                                        Yours faithfully
                                               Suhas Mane

Enclosure- Xerox  copy of S.S.C. Mark list

2). Your college is situated a few kilometers away from the town No sufficient transport facilities for students to attend the college. Write .

a letter to the Edi tor, Indian Express.

Write on any one of the following items. 4

 1)   Your town / village is having a. compaign of cleanliness. Prepare an appeal in. the form of an advertisement write-up with the help of the following points.
i) Use
- ii) Meke use of logo.
iii) Many prizes and trophies for the cleanest villages / townse  iv) Make a persÜasive appeal for active participation in it.
v) Add your own points.


2) You are a stranger in a city. You want to go to the post office.Use the
 information given below. and develop a dialogue between your and a  passer by. (about 8 sentences.)   You may begin .
 I : Excuse me, sir.
 Passer by Yes, my boy, what is it ?
1 :
(C) Write on any one of the following items.
Read the following tabular data and prepare a short paragraph regarding overcoming fatigue :

fatigue  are of two types physical fatigue mental fatigue. both types of fatigue you are easy to overcoming. for the overcoming of physical fatigue you proper rest a hot bath a well balanced diet regular exercise and increases endurance is essential. for overcoming mental fatigue you complete relaxation listening to music pursuing a hobby change in work have a snack and watch or play games are essential.


 2) Prepare a paragraph with an appropriate title be used for the counter- view   section on the following topic in about 120 words :

  Modern man lives a very fast life. This kind of life has some merits and demer -its. The following points show, its merits. Write a paragraph as counterview .3 showilåg its demerits.
 View Section Fast Life is the Destiny of modern Man   Need of modern times.
* Fulfills people's desire to earn more money.
* * Helps to fulfill ambitions.
 Gives more luxuries •andmore comforts.

Leads to success.

Q.7 Answer the followign questions a's per instructions. 7

  A) Prepare a set of questions in order to conduct an interview of your mother.   Make her speak about her teenage years, her family, school, schoolmates,    dreams etc. 4

  1.  how did you spend your teenage years?
  2.  did you have arguments with your parents ?
  3. tell us something about your friends and classmates ?
  4. how was your family orthodox or progressive ?
  5. how did you spend your school days ?
  6. what wear your dreams and ambitions ?
  7. how was your relationship with your cousins and uncles?
  8.  how good where you at studies?

B) You are the newly elected class-representative of your class. Your college has    arranged a camp of 'Tree plantation.' Write a speech persuading the students

tö participate•in the camp of tree plantation for the noble cause.

Dear friends,
      at first I am very thankful to all of you to choose me as a class representative. Now we all together are working for the betterment of our class. and so our first work for class is the tree plantation friends you know that trees are the most important now a days because if you want to live better life trees are essential  so I request all of you to participate in the tree plantation programme and help our planet.

1 comment:

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara Std-XII. 2024-25 Preliminary Examination

  Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara Std-XII.                2024-25 Preliminary Examination Marks- 80 English (Activity Sheet) Section-A-Prose ...