Monday, 1 January 2018

BOARD QUESTION PAPER : March 2017 with Solutions


Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 80


(Reading Skill, Grammar, Vocabulary, Note-making and SUmmary

 (A) Read the following extract and answer the questions given
 below :
 Now, as I stood on the shore ofthat desolate Highland loch I raised my voice in a surge of self-justification : "By Heavens! This is my opportunity. Gastric ulcer or no gastric ulcer, I will   write a novel." Before I could change my mind I walked straight to the village and bought myselftwo dozen penny exercise books.
Upstairs in my cold, clean bedroom was a scrubbed deal   table and a very hard chair. Next morning, I found myselfin this chair, facing a new exercise book open upon the table, slowly   becoming aware that, short ofdog—Latin prescriptions, I had never pomposed a significant phrase in all my life. It was a discouraging thought as I picked up my pen and gazed out ofthe window. Never mind, I would begin. Three hours later Mrs. Angus, th9 farmer's  wife, called me to dinner. The page was still blank.
 As Iwent down to my milk andjunket — they call this "curds"   in Tarbert — I felt a dreadful fool. I felt like the wretched poet in  Daudet's Jack whose immortal masterpiece never progressed  beyond its stillborn opening phrase : "In a remote valley of Pyrenees ". I recollected, rather grimly, the sharp advice with which my old schoolmaster had goaded me to action. "Get it

hadsaid. "Ifit stops in your head it will always be nothing.  Get it down." And so, after lunch, I went upstairs and began to get it down.
(l) What is the main idea ofthe extract?
(2) Why did the narrator buy two dozen penny exercise books?
(3) How was the narrator unprepared for writing his novel?
 (4) Write in brief about what you will do in your forthcoming vacation.
(5) Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed :  (i) I stood on the shore of that desolate Highland loch.
(Rewrite it using f used to'.)
  (ii) I went down to my milk and junket.
  (Rewrite it in the Past Perfect Tense.)
(iii) I walked straight to the village and bought myself two dozen penny exercise books,
(Make it simple). (1)
 (6) Find out the words from the extract which mean :
(i) chance (h) (ii) lake

Answers Q.1 A

1)main ides of the extract is the author’s idea of writing a novel and his initial problem in starting to write. [1 Marks]

 (2) The narrator bought two dozen penny exercise books so that he would have ready everything necessary to write a novel, and also so that he would not change his decision to write. [2 Marks]

 (3) The narrator was unprepared for writing a novel. He had only written dag - Latin prescriptions before and had never composed a significant phrase in all his life.  [ 2 Marks]

 (4) In my forthcoming vacation, I will play happily with all my friends. I will join a musical class and learn various new things. I will also join computer class to learn computer basics and MS Office. I will also join a library and read valuable books. 

 (5) (i) I used to  stand on the shore of that desolate Highland loch. 
(ii) I had gone down to my milk and junket. 
(iii) Walking straight to the village, I bought myself two dozen penny exercise books. 

 (6) (i) Change - Opportunity
(ii) Lake - Loch.

(B) Grammar :
  Do as directed : (4)
(i) J.R.D. Tatawas amazing personality, He always helped   poor in the country.
(Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles.) (1)
(ii) They stood silence as a mark honour to her.
(Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositiöns.)
(iii) "Where are you going?" he asked. "Pune, Sir, my husband is  tatting a company called Infosys and I'm shifting to Pune." ange it into Indirect speech.)

Answers Q.1 B

 1. (B) (i) J.R.D. Tata was an amazing personality. He always helped the poor in the country.

 (ii) They stood in silence as a mark of honour to her. 

 (iii) He asked me where I was going. I respectfully told him that I was going to Pune. I further told him that my husband was starting a company called infosys and I was shifting to Pune. . 

Q. 2. (A) Read the following extract and answer the questions,given IIS) below : (11)
We commemorate so many special days such as Republic Day, Independence Day, Mother's Day and so on. Well, here is one day that deserves not only a commemoration, but our total dedication -- Earth Day, 22 April. At Sanctuary, we live our lives like everyday is Earth Day, but we all believe that it would be fantastic to remind our relatives, friends, neighbours, teachers and elders on this day that protecting Mother Earth can end up making us both happy and safe.
Will you do something this Earth Day? Here's a handy list  ofthings you can do
(l) Cut Consumption : Consume as little as possible on Earth
Day. This is a day when you can Refuse (to buy new things),  Repair and Reuse (old stuff), Recycle (what you cannot  reuse), Reject (stuff that is toxic or dangerous to the environment) and Renew (your purpose and resolve to protect the planet).
(2) Cut Energy : (a) Ditch the old incandescent bulbs and shift   to CFLs or LEDs (Google both to find out more). (b) Walk or use public transport, try not to use private cars to save  fuel. Carpool. Cut down on trips. Use Skype instead of

travelling for meetings. (c) Switch off unnecessary gadgets (don'tjust use the remote... walk to the mains!).

(3) Cut Waste : Start a waste segregation system in your building, school or neighbourhood. Compost organic waste,  sell what you can to the raddi-wallah and give him a small token of appreciation also for he is protecting your world. Collect unused papers from old notebooks and make new

 ones from them.
(4) Cut out plastic : Speak to at least five shopkeepers in your area and tell them you and your friends will only use their shops if they move away from wasteful plastic packaging, particularly thin plastic bags.

1 What do you understand from this extract?

(2) What steps can we take to keep our environment clean?

(3) Why should we commemorate Earth Day?

(4) WhaMs your opinion regarding shifting to CF,Ls or LEDs? (2)

(5) Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed :

  (i) Earth Day deserves a commemoration and our total dedication.

(Use 'not only — but also'.)

(ii) Start a Waste Segregation System in your building.
(Rewrite it beginning with 'Let' .)

(iii) You can sell waste to the raddi-wallah and give him a   small token of appreciation.
(Repiace the modal auxiliary by another showing 'obligation'.)

(6) What do the following words in the extract mean?
 (i) resolve (ii) toxic

Answers Q.2A

 (1) The extract is about Earth conservation and saving it by not using man made resources which can harm the environment and sacrificing the same on the Earth Day. [1 Mark]

 (2) Our environment can be made celan by the following activities: [2 Marks]

 (i) Consume as little as possible and try to Repair, Reuse and Refuse to new things.

 (ii) Replacing old bulbs with CFL’s or LED’s as well as using public transport to reduce pollution.

 (iii) We can start a waster segregation system which can help to sell off the compost organic waste in form of money.

 (iv) Avoid using thin plastic bags or any other wasteful plastic packaging which can harm the environment.

 (3) We live our lives like everyday is Earth Day, but we all should believe the same because of the harmful effects that we as humans are contributing everyday in the form of air pollution, water pollution as well as effecting flora and funa. By commemorating Earth Day and following the environmental saving techniques of cutting consumption, saving energy, reducing waste and avoiding man made materials of plastic.

 (4) Regular bulbs release a lot of toxic chemicals in the air which make them polluted as if such chemicals are inhealed by humans can contribute to severe mental disorders such as brain hambrage. Using CFL’s and LED’s firstly would help in less consumption of electricity and as it doesn’t have health
hazard chemicals it does not release any posionous gaseous chemicals.

 (5) (i) Not only Earth Day deserves a commemoration but also our total dedication.

 (ii) Let us start a Waste Segregation System in our building.
(iii) You must sell waste to the raddi-wallah and give him a small token of appreciation.
(6) (i) resolve - to find a solution

(ii) toxic - dangerous / posiononus

(B) Note-making :
 Read the following extract and complete the note with the help ofthe clues provided :
 Vitamins are either fat-soluble (A, D, E, K) or water-soluble   (B vitamins, including niacin, folic acid and riboflavin, and vitamin C). They consist mainly ofthe elements nitrogen, oxygen, carbon and hydrogen. Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in body fat, while water-soluble vitamins are used or quickly excreted in the urine.
 Vitamin A is essential for the eyes, skin, hair and bones; the B vitamins help enzymes to function; C is essential for the formation of collagen; D helps the body absorb calcium; E prevents cell damage, and K helps blood clotting. Most vitamins annotbe roduced by the body and so must be obtained directly


(A) Read the following extract and answer the questions given 1151
below : (11)

  Oil is one ofthe world's major sources ofenergy. We depend on it as fuel for heating, transport and generation ofpower.
 For centuries, animal and vegetable oils have been used for

cooking and as a source of artificial light. But it is mineral oil which meets most ofthe world's needs today.
 Crude mineral oil comes out of the earth as a thick brown or black liquid with a strong smell. It is a complex mixture of many different substances, each with its own individual qualities. Most ofthem are combinations ofhydrögen and carbon in varying proportions. Such hydro-carbons are also found in other forms such as bitumen, asphalt and natural gasq Mineral oil originates from the carcasses oftiny animals and from plants that livé in the sea. Over millions ofyears these dead creatures fonn large deposits

 under the sea bed and ocean currents cover them with a blanket of   sand and silt. As this material hardens, it becomes sedimentary

rock and effectively shuts out the oxygen so preventing the complete decomposition ofthe marine deposits underneath. The

layers of sedimentary rock become thicker and heavier. Their pressure produces heat, which transforms the tiny carcasses into crude oil in a process that is still going on today.
The earth's crust is split into a few huge continental plates  which move continuously rather like rafts on a sluggish tide. Geologists call this movement as 'continental drift'.
(1) What does the extract tell us about? (1)
(2) In which fonn does crude mineral oil come out of the earth and from what does it originate? (2) (3) How is 'continental drift' formed? (2)
(4) According to you, how can we stop the excess use of  energy? (2)
(5) Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed :
  (i) Oil is one of the world's major sources of energy.  (Rewrite it as a negative sentence without changing its meaning.)
 (ii) As this material hardens, it becomes sedimentary
(Make it a compound sentence.)
 (iii) Geologists call this movement as 'continental drift'. (Frame a 'Wh-question' to get the underlined part as  an answer.)
(6) Give the antonyms from the extract for :
(i) artificial
 (ii) lighter

Answers Q.3A

(1) The extract tell us about the different types of Oils, its uses and the process of Oil formation. [1 Mark]

 (2) Crude mineral oil comes out of the earth as a thick brown or balck liquid with a strong smell. It is a complex mixture of many different substances, each with its own individual qualities and it originates from the carcasses of tiny animals and from plants that live in the sea. [2 Marks]

 (3) Continental drift is formed when the earth’s crust is split into a few huge continental plates which move continuously rather like rafts on a sluggish tide and this movement is called as ‘continental drift’ by the Geologists. [2 Marks]

 (4) We can stop the excess use of energy by the following methods:
(i) Energy conservation - Petro chemicals form one of the major part of energy which is used in a day to day life in the form of mode of transportation which can be save by optimum utilization of fuels and turning of the engines when not needed.

 (ii) Saving energy - A lot of energy is used in rural and urban areas in the form of coal which actually componsates to major part of air pollution as it releases a lot poisonous gases and not used to the

 (5) (i) No other source of energy is as major as oil.
(ii) This material hardens and it becomes sedimentary rock.
(iii) What do Geologists call this movement?

 (6) (i) Artificial - Mineral

(ii) Lighter - Thicker

(B) Write a brief summary of the above extract with the help ofthe  points given below and suggest a suitable title.
Oil as a source of energy — our dependence — types of oil  mineral oil — origin of crude oil — formation of crude oil  forming of sedimentary rocks -— continental drift.

Section - B

(A) Read the following extract and answer the questions given below : (4)
And we with our small vanities, our controlled hunger for climbing and getting as far as everybody else has gotten because it seems that is the way ofthe world :  an endless track ofchampions and in a corner we, forgotten may be because of everybody else, since they seemed to much like us  until they were robbed of their laurels, their medals, their titles, their names.
(1) What is the way ofthe world? (1)

(2) Do you think the middle class people are satisfied with their lives? Explain. (1)
3) Name and explain the figure ofspeech in the following lines :
"Since they seemed so much like us." (1)

 (4) Pick out the expressions from the extract showing the
failure ofman. (1)

 1. Getting as far as everybody else has gotten is the way of the world. [1 Mark]

 2. Not everyone but some of the  middle class people are not satisfied with their lives. They look at those who are wealthier than they are and try to compete with them. They are always trying to earn more and live better lives. [1 Mark]

 3. Alliteration- The sound of the consonant ‘s’ is repeated pleasingly.  [1 Mark]

 4. The expressions fromt he extract showing the failuter of man are Robbed of their lourels, their medals, their titles, their names.   [1 Mark]

(B) Read the following extract and answer the questions given
below :
Not gold but only men can make
  A people great and strong;
Men who for truth and honor's sake
 Stand fast and suffer long.
Brave menwho work while others sleep,
Who dare while others fly...
They build a nation's pillars deep And lift them to the sky.

(1) What do you think is the underlying message ofthe extract? (I)
(2) Which qualities of great men would you like to imbibe in you? (1)
(3) Give the rhyming pairs ofwords ofthe first stanza. (1)

(4) Pick out the expressions from the extract which show the hard work ofbrave men,

 1. The underlying message of the extract is that brave men work hard, are stadfast and suffer. These are the men who build the pillars of the nation and lift the nation to great heights. 

 2. I would like to be brave, honest and hardworking. I would also like to have the qualities of pride in my country and patriotism. 

 3. Rhyming pairs of words: make - sake, strong - long. 

 4. The expressions from the extract showing the hard work of great men are :
They work while others sleep; who dare while others fly.


  (Rapid Reading and Composition)

(A) Read the following extract and rewrite it from the point ofview   of Orlando :

  [You may begin with : When Duke senior and his followers were taking meal I rushed...... ]

The Duke senior and his followers were stting down to a meal one day when Orlando rushed out from among the trees, his sword in his hand. ' Stop, and eat no more!' he cried. The Duke and his friends asked him what he wanted. 'Food,' said Orlando. 'I am  almost dying ofhunger.'
They asked him to sit down and eat, but he would not do so. He told them that his old servant was in the wood, dying ofhunger.   'I will not eat a bite until he has been fed' , Orlando said.
So the good Duke and his followers helped him to bring  Adam to their hiding place, and Orlando and the old man were fed  and taken care of. When the Duke learned that Orlando was a son ofhis old friend Sir Rowland de Boys, he welcomed him gladly to his forest court.
Orlando lived happily with the Duke and his friends, but he  had not forgotten the lovely Rosalind. She was always in his thoughts and every day he wrote poetry about her, pinning it on the trees in the forest. g These trees shall be my books,' he said,   ' so that everyone who looks in the forest will be able to read how sweet and good Rosalind is. '
Rosalind and Celia found some of these poems pinned on the trees. At first they were puzzled, wondering who could have

written them; but one day Celia came in from a walk with the news that she had seen Orlando sleeping under a tree, and she and  Rosalind guessed that he must be poet.


  I rushed out from the trees, sword in hand, just as the Duke senior and his followers were sitting doen to a meal. I stopped them from eating and told them that I wanted food as I was almost dying of hunger. The courteously asked me to sit down and eat, but I remembered Adam, and replied that I would not eat until he had been fed. He was in the wood, and the Duke and his servants helped me to bring Adam to their hiding place. They then took care of both of us. The Duke welcomed me when he knew that I was the son of his old friend, Sir Rowland de Boys. 

  Though I continued to live happily with Duke and his friends. I had not forgotten Rosalind. She was always in my thoughts, and I wrote poetry about her and pinned it on the trees in the forest. They served as books and told everyone one looked in the forest how sweet and good Rosalind was. I later came to know Celia and Rosalind saw some of these poems and were puzzled. Then Celia saw me one day, and she and Rosalind guessed that I was the poet.

(4) [You may begin with : Herman : Roma, let's come here.....l
We piled back into Sid's car, Roma and I sharing the backseat. As European Jews who had survived the war, we were aware  that much had been left unsaid between us.- She broached the subject, "Where were you during the war?" She aked softly.
'The camps,' I said, the terrible memories still vivid, the irreparable loss I had tried to forget. But you can never forget.
  She nodded. "My family was hiding on a farm in Germany, not far from Berlin," she told me. "My father knew a priest, and he got us Aryan papers."
I imagined how she must have suffered too, fear, a constant companion. And yet here we were both survivors, in a new world.

  "There was a carmp next to the farm," Roma continued. "I saw a boy there and I would throw him apples every day."
What an amazing coincidence that she had helped some
 other boy."What did he look like?" I asked. "He was tall, skinny,  and hungry. I must have seen him every day for six months"
My heart was racing. I couldn't believe it. This couldn't be.  "Did he tell you one day not to come back because he was leaving Schlieben?"
Roma looked at me in amazement. "Yes!"

I was ready to burst withjoy and awe, flooded with emotions. I couldn't believe it! My angel!
"I'm not letting you go." I said to Roma. And in the back of the car on that blind date, I proposed to her. I didn't want to wait.

Heman : Roma, come let’s sit here. 
Roma: Herman, what were you doing during the war?
Herman: I was in the camps, Roma. It was terrible. I will never forget that experienece. 
Roma: Yes, I can understand. My family was hiding on a farm in Germany, not far from Berlin. My father knew a priest and he got us Aryan papers. 
Herman: You must have suffered, too, with fear as a constant companion! And yet we both survived, in a new world!
Roma: There was a camp next to our farm. I saw a boy there. I used to throw him apples every day. 
Herman: What did he look like?
Roma: He was tall, skinny and hungry. I must have seen him every day for six months. 
Herman: I can’t believ this! Did he tell you one day not to come back because he was leaving Schlieben?
Roma: Yes! How did you know?
Heman: That was me! I’m so hsppy to meet you again! My angel! I’m not letting you go. Marry me!


(B.) Read the following extract and extend it by adding an imaginary paragraph ofyour own in about 120 words .
The evening came, and nobody appeared to bring the poor  bird a drop of water; it opened its beautiful wings, and fluttered about in its anguish; a faint and mournful "Tweet, tweet," was all it could utter, then it bent its little head towards the flower, and its heart broke for want and longing. The flower could not, as on the  previous evening, fold up its petals and sleep; it dropped  sorrowfully. The boys only came the next morning; when they saw the dead bird, they began to cry bitterly, dug a nice grave for it, and adorned it with flowers. The bird's body was placed in a   pretty red box; they wished to bury it with royal honours. While it was alive and sang they forgot it, and let it suffer want in the cage•g  now, they cried over it and covered it with flowers. The piece of turf, with the little daisy in it, was thrown out on the dusty highway.

All the answers of section D are given at the end
(Written Communication)

6. (A) Letter Writing : 1121
Write any ONE of the following letters : (4)
(1) Read the following advertisement and prepare a letter of application in response to it by using the information given in the C.V. (Resume) that follows :


(2) Your locality is facing the problem ofirregular water supply.
Write a letter to the concerned authority about it.
(B) Write on any ONE of the following items : (4)
(1) Read the following Intros ofnews items. Choose any ONE  of them and write the headline, the date line and a short continuing paragraph for it.

 (i) A shortage ofonions in Maharashtra has surged prices   by 30 percent. It forced the authorities to import  onions from abroad.
 (ii) The birth anniversary of the late President Dr. S.   Radhakrishnan was celebrated yesterday in Saraswati   Kanya PathShala as Teacher's Day.
 (2) Your college is going to arrange a rally to raise funds to   help drought affected farmers. Prepare a short appeal for  people tojoin the rally with the help ofthe following points :
 (i) Use slogans.
(ii) Make a Persuasive appeal for  (iii) Time and place ofthe rally.
 (iv) Famous personality to lead the rally.   (v) Add your own points.
(C) Write on any ONE of the following items : (4)
(1) Study carefully the following pie-chart about the
Sources of a City Budget and write a short continuin; paragraph based on it in about 120 words '.


  (2) Prepare a paragraph with an appropriate title to be used for the Counter-View Section on the following topic in about
 120 words ;
  "Can the use oflnternet enhance students' learning?"
 You can take help of the following points from the View  

Answer the following questions as per instruétions :
(A) Imagine that you are ajournalist and you have been assigned the  task of interviewing a film actor I actress. Frame a set of 8 to 10  questions to interview him / her. (4)

(B) Prepare a speech on 'Father's Day' with the help ofthe following    points :
(1) Man ofpractical attitude.
(2) Thinker of future.
(3) Pillar of family.
(4) Greatest family support. (3)



(Written Communication)
Q6. Letter Writing

 Ajinkya J. Sharma,
East Shri Nagar Colony,
Solapur Road,
Date: 28th Feb, 2017.

The Manager,
Kumar Construction Company,
Andheri (E),

 Sub: - Application for the post of Civil Engineer in your company.

 Ref: - As per the advertisement printed in Times of India.

 Respected Sir/Madam,
With the reference to your advertisement in the Times of India, Mumbai Edition for the post of Civil Engineer, I apply for the same for your kind perusal.

 I graduated in B.E. (1st Class) from Pune University in the year 2014, I have been working as a Civil Enginner since last 2 years with Tata Group of Companies. The NOC, enclosed with this covering letter will prove my integrity with the current organisation.

 I have rich experience not only engineering but also in photography through which I have captured important pictures relating to many of the industrial heavy machinery and tools which has given exposure to current and next generation equipments in our industry.

 I hope to be granted an interview call from your office. Looking forward to your reply.

 Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,
Ajinkya J. Sharma
(1) NOC
(2) Resume
(3) Photocopiedmarksheetsofmyqualificationsandachievements.

 East Shri Nagar Colony,
Solapur Road,
Date: 28th Feb, 2017.

The Commissioner of Municipal Corportion,

Sub: - Complaint regarding irregular water supply.

 Respected Sir/Madam,

 I the resident of East Shri Nagar Colony, would like to draw your attention towards the irregular water supply in our locality. We are facing this problem, since the time the new building has been constructed in our locality, due to which the water supply has been disrupted.

 Due to the construction of the new building, the water supply has been partioned and now the supply has been interrupted as earlier the regular water supply used to be 3 hours in the morning and the same in the evening, but now the same has been reduced to just an hour as it needs a new water supply unit for individual building.

 I hope for your contribution in solving this problem. Looking forward to your reply.

 Thanking you.

 Yours sincerely,


Headline writing:

 Shortage of Onions in Maharashtra

 Press Trust of India

 Mumbai, 28/02/2017 at IST : 12:45 pm

 Shortage of onions in Maharashtra has surged prices by 30 percent and it has forced the authorities to import onions from abroad and this has created a difficult situation in the state as onions contribute to majority of our diet and shortage of the same will effect to all walks of life. This shortage striked due to few wholesellers who actually already stock the onions from the farmers and instead of forwarding them to customers they over stock them. They did this activity in order to get more profit for the over stock goods but due to improper handling and incorrect ways of stocking it resulted in corrosion of the onions which in turn impacted the wholeseller and customer and this resulted in price hike from 25 Rs. to 75 Rs. per kg. By looking at this activitiy the food and the drug minister have communicated with other states, so that the high demand of the people of Maharashtra can be met. As per the meeting yesterday the minister will be making the goods available by the end of this week and as per the promise this can also help in reducing the price back to what it was.

(2) Appeal Writing [4 Marks]
Drought affected farmers
Jai Jawaan Jai Kisaan
Water forms an important part of life
No Rain No Gain !
Let’s fight together, help each other and donate the best possibile We’ll gather on 3rd March, 2017 at 10 am at Azad Maidaan, Mumbai.
Anna Hazare will be joining us and leading the rally.
This is the time to understand, support and help each other If not do it now, then is there a use of being called Indian ? It’s time to live, it’s time to breathe, it’s time of togetherness.

 - Students Council
- General body Council

(C) Information Transfer

 Screen Shot 2017-10-21 at 7.45.23 AM.png

 The above pie chart is about the city budget through the income sources of 100% which is divided firstly  with  the local body tax [LBT] of 30% which follows with an equal contribution of citydevelopment charges as well as Property Tax at 18% . Other income contribute to 15% of the total followed by waterchargesat7% Whilethesmartcityfundsremainat6%withtheleastpercentagecontributionof the Govt. Aid and Loan services which remains at 4% and 2% respectivetly.

 (2) View-CounterView


 Internet helps students to find out all the possible information easily at one go such as finding similar or opposite words in the form of Synnonms or Antonynms. Internet helps creative learning where a student tries to learn and understand the information independently which helps in boosting self confidence and interesting learning. Internet helps in quicker accessing of information which helps in solving problems much quicker without waiting for someone to actually teach you. With internet there’s something that has started which is known as virtual learning where a teacher doesn’t need to be physically available and still a detailed explanation about various subjects and topics can be found in the form of video lectures, saved videos and interactive sessions. Internet is such a mode of technology which gets updated every day, every hour, every minute and this helps the world to be connected together and transfer knowledge without relying on a few.

Though Internet helps in finding out the words easily but it makes the students a bit lazy to even find same by using Dictionary. Internet though makes learning interesting but there’re certain precautions that need to be taken before handing over the charges to students as some of the content won’t be acceptable as viewable. As much of the material is available on the Internet students don’t feel like reading the basic details by reading textbooks which make them jump to the marks without reading the exact content. Though internet helps in explanations but without the proper guidance of a teacher it’ll be really difficult for a student to figure out what is true and what isn’t. Yes the internet helps to update the latest knowledge but it isn’t true always so the person reviewing the same should take proper care.

Q. 7. Interview Questions: [4 Marks]

 Introduction: - Today I am going to meet one of the legends of Indian cinema who needs no introduction, his name is Mr. Amitabh Bachhan.

 (i) What was your motivation behind a successful actor?

 (ii) How do you manage your personal and professional life?

 (iii) When you decided to be an actor, did your family support you?

 (iv) A part from your acting career, what other profession would you have like to opt, if you would not be an actor?

 (v) How did you tackle the tough phase of your life?

 (vi) What phase of life do you enjoy the most, being a son, being a father or being a grand father?

 (vii) What is your reaction to the people, who mimic you?

 (viii) What advice you would like to give the youngsters who follow you?

(B) Speech Writing: [3 Marks]
Good morning to all present here, I would like to take an oppurnity to share my views and feelings towards my beloved father who has always been a strong moral and physical support of my life. Because of his practicality, I have always been able to take wise decisions during confusing situations.

 Due to my father’s future thinking and focused attitude, I was able to select the correct path of life and develope my career. My father has always stood by me as a guide, philosopher and pillar during my tough times as he always believes that strong support leads to achievements and enhances positivityin life.Ialwaysbelievedthewordfamily,createsanatmosphereofunity,support andequalitybutmy father made me understand the most important part which is love which comes from within and he always kept my expectations ahead without thinking about himself which is a sacrifice not all can go ahead with and I consider him as the greatest family support, due to his never ending love and passion for making me who I am.
Thank you.


  1. Good job sirji. Post Std. XI Activity sheet also.

  2. Ok I will post XI activity activity sheet soon

  3. Very nice sir. I really usefull this activity sheet


Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara Std-XII. 2024-25 Preliminary Examination

  Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara Std-XII.                2024-25 Preliminary Examination Marks- 80 English (Activity Sheet) Section-A-Prose ...